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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2010-2024 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# This script is used to harvest data from the various standards and use that
# data to automatically generate the Locale::Codes module containing that data.
require 5.000000;
use strict;
use Encode;
use lib "./internal";
# Some required executables
my @exe = qw( wget xls2csv );
# We need to create the following variables:
# %ID2Names{COUNTRY_ID} => [ COUNTRY, COUNTRY, ... ]
# A list of all valid country names that
# correspond to a given COUNTRY_ID.
# The names are all real (i.e. correct
# spelling and capitalization).
# %Alias{ALIAS} => [ COUNTRY_ID, I ]
# A hash of all aliases for a country.
# Aliases are all lowercase. It is
# the I'th entry in the list of countries.
# In a given CODESET, CODE corresponds to
# the I'th entry in the list of countries.
# In the given CODESET, the COUNTRY_ID
# corresponds to the given CODE.
# %Data is a complete description of changes that need to be made to the
# raw data to turn it into the form used by the module.
# TYPE is the type of codeset (i.e. country, language)
# SOURCE is the source of data (i.e. iso, iana)
# SOURCE_DESCRIPTION is a hash as described below.
# KEY is either the name of one of the codesets (i.e. alpha2) or 'name'.
# ORIG_VALUE is the value exactly as it is read in from the original source.
# NEW_VALUE is the value expressed the way it should be in this module.
# $Data{TYPE}{SOURCE}{'ignore'}{KEY}{VALUE} => 1
# VALUE is one possible value for that KEY. If an element is read in
# with KEY having this VALUE, the element is ignored.
# $Data{TYPE}{SOURCE}{'new'}{NAME} => 1
# This permits the source to add a new element named NAME.
# The first source is automatically permitted to add all elements
# contained in it... all others must be explicitly permitted.
# $Data{TYPE}{'link'} => [ [ NAME1a, NAME1b, ... ] [ NAME2a, NAME2b, ... ] ... ]
# Links all of NAMEi together (i.e. they are different names for the
# same element).
# $Data{TYPE}{'alias'}{ALIAS} => NAME
# Generated from 'link'.
$ModDir = "lib/Locale/Codes";
# IANA publishes a list of codes. The country names must be looked up in an
# extended list of ISO 3166 codes.
our $country_iana_url = "";
#our $country_genc_url = "";
require "";
require "";
require "";
#our $script_iso_zip = qr/^iso15924/;
our $script_iana_url = $language_iana_url;
require "";
our $langext_iana_url = $language_iana_url;
require "";
our $langvar_iana_url = $language_iana_url;
require "";
require "";
# ########################################
# #
# # IANA language registration
# #
# # Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# # 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# # UTF-8.
# #
# our($region_iana_url,%region_iana_orig,%region_iana_ignore);
# $region_iana_url = $language_iana_url;
# require "";
my $COM = $0;
$COM =~ s/^.*\///;
"usage: $COM OPTIONS
-h/--help : Print help.
-a/--all : Do all steps
-c/--country : Get the country codes
-l/--language : Get the language codes
-r/--currency : Get the currency codes
-s/--script : Get the script codes
-L/--langext : Get the language extension codes
-V/--langvar : Get the language variation codes
-F/--langfam : Get the language family codes
my $do_all = 0;
my $do_country = 0;
my $do_language = 0;
my $do_currency = 0;
my $do_script = 0;
my $do_langext = 0;
my $do_langvar = 0;
my $do_langfam = 0;
while ($_ = shift) {
(print $usage), exit if ($_ eq "-h" || $_ eq "--help");
$do_all = 1, next if ($_ eq "-a" || $_ eq "--all");
$do_country = 1, next if ($_ eq "-c" || $_ eq "--country");
$do_language = 1, next if ($_ eq "-l" || $_ eq "--language");
$do_currency = 1, next if ($_ eq "-r" || $_ eq "--currency");
$do_script = 1, next if ($_ eq "-s" || $_ eq "--script");
$do_langext = 1, next if ($_ eq "-L" || $_ eq "--langext");
$do_langvar = 1, next if ($_ eq "-V" || $_ eq "--langvar");
$do_langfam = 1, next if ($_ eq "-F" || $_ eq "--langfam");
foreach my $exe (@exe) {
if (system("which $exe > /dev/null") != 0) {
die "ERROR: required executable not found: $exe\n";
$ID = "0001";
%ID2Names = ();
%Alias = ();
%Code2ID = ();
%ID2Code = ();
%Std = ();
do_country() if ($do_all || $do_country);
do_language() if ($do_all || $do_language);
do_currency() if ($do_all || $do_currency);
do_script() if ($do_all || $do_script);
do_langext() if ($do_all || $do_langext);
do_langvar() if ($do_all || $do_langvar);
do_langfam() if ($do_all || $do_langfam);
sub do_country {
print "Country codes...\n";
$Module = "Country";
_do_codeset('country','iso', ['alpha-2','alpha-3','numeric'],
_do_codeset('country','iana', ['dom'],
_do_codeset('country','un', ['un-numeric','un-alpha-3'],
_do_codeset('country','genc', ['genc-alpha-2','genc-alpha-3','genc-numeric'],
# Ignore entries that have no 2-char code.
my $in;
sub _init_country_genc {
my $inst = qq{
*NOTE* The GENC codes are tricky to download for some reason. Currently, they
are GENC 3.0 Update 11. This is available in internal/genc-3.0.11
(Please download the data manually for GENC country codes. This can be done
using the Chrome browser with the Table Capture (georgemike) extension enabled.
Go to the following URL:
Click on:
'Show 100 entries'
Select any part of the table (it is not necessary to select the entire table).
Then right click and launch the table caputure workshop. Click on the
'Edit table data before exporting' icon. Click on the 'Delete header row'
button. Then click on the 'Copy table to clipboard' icon and paste it into
the file.
Select any part of the table (it is not necessary to select the entire
table). Then right click and launch the table caputure workshop.
Click on the 'Copy table to clipboard' icon and paste it into the
file. Remove the headers (which contain '2-Char Code'), one per set of
rows copied.
*NOTE* This currently is required:
If there are more entries than will fit on a single table, repeat this
process but make sure you remove extra header lines (but do not remove the
initial header line).
$in = _read_file('type' => 'csv',
'manual' => 1,
'inst' => $inst,
'sep_char' => "\t",
'as_list' => 1,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
sub _read_country_genc {
while (@$in) {
my $ele = shift(@$in);
my $alpha2 = $$ele{'2-Char Code'};
next if (! $alpha2);
next if ($alpha2 eq '[None]');
my $alpha3 = $$ele{'3-Char Code'};
my $num = $$ele{'Numeric Code'};
my $country = $$ele{'Name'};
next if ($country =~ /^entity/i);
if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{lc($alpha2)}) {
($id,$i) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{lc($alpha2)} };
if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha3)}) {
if (! defined($id)) {
print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (alpha-3 defined, alpha-2 not): $country\n";
my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha3)} };
if ($id ne $id2) {
print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (alpha-3 != alpha-2): $country\n";
if (exists $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num}) {
if (! defined($id)) {
print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (numeric defined, alpha-2 not): $country\n";
my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num} };
if ($id ne $id2) {
print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (numeric != alpha-2): $country\n";
# Country is all uppercase, so we'll convert it to a set of ucfirst
# words (unless it is explicitly set in %Data)
if (exists $Data{'country'}{'genc'}{'orig'}{'name'}{$country}) {
$country = $Data{'country'}{'genc'}{'orig'}{'name'}{$country};
} else {
my @tmp = split(/\s+/,$country);
my @tmp2 = map { ucfirst(lc($_)) } @tmp;
$country = join(' ',@tmp2);
my @country;
if (exists $Alias{lc($country)}) {
my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Alias{lc($country)} };
if (! defined($id)) {
($id,$i) = ($id2,$i2);
} elsif ($id ne $id2) {
print "WARNING [genc]: Code mismatch (alias incorrect): $country\n";
my @name = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
@country = ($name[$i]);
} elsif (defined($id)) {
my @name = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
@country = (_country_name($country),
} else {
@country = _country_name($country);
return ($alpha2,$alpha3,$num,@country);
return ();
# UN
# The United Nations web page contains a set of country codes which is very
# similar to the ISO Alpha-3 codes, but contains some differences. As a result,
# this is a separate list.
# File format is:
# <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
# <tbody>
# <tr>
# <td align=left valign=top class="theader" width="66"><div align="left"><strong>Numerical<br>
# code</strong></div></td>
# <td valign=top class="theader" width="312"><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Country
# or area name</strong></td>
# <td valign=top class="theader" width="121"><strong>ISO ALPHA-3</strong><strong>
# code</strong></td>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <td width="66" align=middle valign=top class="lcont">
# <p align=left>004 </p> </td>
# <td width="312" valign=top class="lcont">
# <p>Afghanistan </p> </td>
# <td width="121" valign=top class="lcont">
# <p>AFG </p> </td>
# </tr>
my $in;
sub _init_country_un {
$in = _read_file('url' => $country_un_url,
'type' => 'html',
'as_list' => 0,
'html_strip' => [ qw(p div strong br) ],
'html_repl' => [ qw(&nbsp;) ],
# Look for a table who's first row has the header:
# Country or area name
my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"Country or Area");
if (! $found) {
die "ERROR [un]: country code file format changed!\n";
sub _read_country_un {
while (1) {
my @row = get_row("un",\$in);
return () if (! @row);
my($country,$num,$alpha) = @row;
if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha)}) {
my($id1,$i1) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-3'}{lc($alpha)} };
if (exists $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num}) {
my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num} };
if ($id1 ne $id2) {
print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code alpha/numeric mismatch: $country\n";
($id,$i) = ($id1,$i1);
} else {
print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code mismatch (alpha defined): $country\n";
} elsif (exists $Code2ID{'numeric'}{$num}) {
print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code mismatch (numeric defined): $country\n";
my @country;
if (exists $Alias{lc($country)}) {
my($id2,$i2) = @{ $Alias{lc($country)} };
if (! defined($id)) {
($id,$i) = ($id2,$i2);
} elsif ($id ne $id2) {
print "WARNING [un]: UN/ISO code mismatch: $country\n";
my @name = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
@country = ($name[$i]);
} elsif (defined($id)) {
my @name = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
@country = (_country_name($country),
} else {
@country = _country_name($country);
return ($num,$alpha,@country);
# ISO 3166-1
# The standard contains the alpha-2, alpha-3, and numeric codes. This
# is the official source of these codes.
# File format:
# =================
# Country name
# Country french name
# alpha-2
# alpha-3
# numeric
# =================
my $in;
sub _init_country_iso {
my $inst = qq{
(Please download the data manually for ISO 3166 country codes.
Currently, this works in chrome with the Table Capture (georgemike)
extension enabled.
Go to the following URL:
Click on:
'Online Browsing Platform'
'Officially assigned codes'
300 results per page
Select any part of the table (it is not necessary to select the entire
table). Then right click and launch the table caputure workshop.
Click on the 'Copy table to clipboard' icon and paste it into the
If there are more entries than will fit on a single table, repeat this
process but make sure you remove extra header lines.
$in = _read_file('type' => 'csv',
'manual' => 1,
'inst' => $inst,
'sep_char' => "\t",
'decode_utf8' => 0,
'as_list' => 1,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
sub _read_country_iso {
while (@$in) {
my $ele = shift(@$in);
my $name = $$ele{'English short name'};
my $alpha2 = lc($$ele{'Alpha-2 code'});
my $alpha3 = lc($$ele{'Alpha-3 code'});
my $num = $$ele{'Numeric'};
$name =~ s/\(the/\(The/;
return ();
# This takes some common country name formats and produces common aliases.
sub _country_name {
my($name) = @_;
my @ret;
if ($name =~ /^(.+), The (.+?) of$/ ||
$name =~ /^(.+) \(The (.+?) of\)$/) {
# NAME1, The NAME2 of
# NAME1 (The NAME2 of) =>
# The NAME2 of NAME1
# NAME2 of NAME1
my($n1,$n2) = ($1,$2);
push(@ret,"$n1, The $n2 of",
"$n1 (The $n2 of)",
"$n1, $n2 of",
"$n1 ($n2 of)",
"The $n2 of $n1",
"$n2 of $n1");
} elsif ($name =~ /^(.+), (.+?) of$/ |\
$name =~ /^(.+), \((.+?) of\)$/) {
# NAME1, NAME2 of
# NAME1, (NAME2 of) =>
# NAME2 of NAME1
my($n1,$n2) = ($1,$2);
push(@ret,"$n1, $n2 of",
"$n1 ($n2 of)",
"$n2 of $n1");
} elsif ($name =~ /^(.+), The$/ ||
$name =~ /^(.+) \(The\)$/) {
# NAME, The
# NAME (The) =>
# The NAME
my($n1) = ($1);
"The $n1",
"$n1, The",
"$n1 (The)");
# } elsif ($name =~ /^The (.+?) of (.+)$/) {
# # The NAME2 of NAME1
# my($n2,$n1) = ($1,$2);
# push(@ret,"$n1, The $n2 of",
# "$n1 (The $n2 of)",
# "$n1, $n2 of",
# "$n1 ($n2 of)",
# "The $n2 of $n1",
# "$n2 of $n1");
# } elsif ($name =~ /^(.+?) of (.+)$/) {
# # NAME2 of NAME1
# my($n2,$n1) = ($1,$2);
# push(@ret,"$n1, $n2 of",
# "$n1 ($n2 of)",
# "$n2 of $n1");
# } elsif ($name =~ /^The (.+)$/) {
# # The NAME
# my($n1) = ($1);
# push(@ret,$n1,
# "The $n1",
# "$n1, The",
# "$n1 (The)");
} else {
return @ret;
# IANA Domain Registry
# The IANA domain registry is the official source of domain management.
# The codes are stored in the IANA URL, but the country names must be
# read from the extended ISO list.
# File format for the IANA URL:
# ============
# <tr ...>
# <th>Domain</th>
# <th>Type</th>
# <th>TLD Manager</th>
# </tr>
# <tr ...>
# <td><span ...><a ...>.AD</a></span></td>
# <td>country-code</td>
# ...
# </tr>
# ============
# The extended ISO list is of the format:
# ============
# <tr ...>
# <th ...>Code</th>
# <th ...>Name</th>
# <th ...>Remark</th>
# <th ...>Status</th>
# </tr>
# <tr ...>
# <td ...><a ...></a>AD</td>
# <td ...>NAME</td>
# <td ...>...</td>
# <td ...>...</td>
# </tr>
# ============
my $in;
my %codes;
sub _init_country_iana {
# Get the extended ISO list first as a hash:
# $codes{CODE} = NAME
foreach my $code (keys %{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'} }) {
my($id,$idx) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{$code} };
my $name = $ID2Names{$id}[$idx];
$codes{$code} = $name;
# The actual IANA list
$in = _read_file('url' => $country_iana_url,
'type' => 'html',
'as_list' => 0,
'html_strip' => [ qw(a span) ],
# Look for a table who's first row has the header:
# TLD Manager
my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"TLD Manager");
if (! $found) {
die "ERROR [iana]: country code file format changed!\n";
sub _read_country_iana {
while (1) {
my @row = get_row("iana",\$in);
return () if (! @row);
my($dom,$type,$tmp) = @row;
next unless ($type eq "country-code" &&
$dom =~ /^\.[a-z][a-z]/);
$dom =~ s/^\.//;
my @country;
if (exists $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{$dom}) {
my ($id,$i) = @{ $Code2ID{'alpha-2'}{$dom} };
my @name = @{ $ID2Names{$id} };
@country = ($name[$i]);
} elsif (exists $codes{$dom}) {
@country = _country_name($codes{$dom});
} else {
return ($dom,@country);
sub do_language {
print "Language codes...\n";
$Module = "Language";
_do_codeset('language','iso2', ['alpha-3','term','alpha-2'],
_do_codeset('language','iso5', ['alpha-3'],
_do_codeset('language','iana', ['alpha-2','alpha-3'],
# The official ISO 639.
# Data available consists of the language names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Language names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
my $in;
sub _init_language_iso2 {
$in = _read_file('url' => $language_iso2_url,
'as_list' => 1,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
sub _read_language_iso2 {
# File is a set of lines of fields delimited by "|". Fields are:
# alpha3
# term
# alpha2
# English names (semicolon separated list)
# French name
while (@$in) {
my $line = shift(@$in);
next if (! $line);
my($alpha3,$term,$alpha2,$language,$french) = split(/\|/,$line);
# The first line has some binary characters at the start.
if (length($alpha3)>3) {
$alpha3 = substr($alpha3,length($alpha3)-3);
my @language = split(/\s*;\s*/,$language);
$term = $alpha3 if (! $term);
return ($alpha3,$term,$alpha2,@language);
return ();
my $in;
sub _init_language_iso5 {
$in = _read_file('url' => $language_iso5_url,
'as_list' => 0,
# Look for a table who's first row has the header:
# Identifier
my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,'Identifier');
if (! $found) {
die "ERROR [iso5]: language code file format changed!\n";
sub _read_language_iso5 {
while (1) {
my @row = get_row("iso5",\$in);
return () if (! @row);
my($alpha3,$language) = @row;
next if (! $language);
if ($alpha3 && $alpha3 !~ /^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$/) {
print "WARNING [iso5]: Invalid alpha-3 code: $language => $alpha3\n";
return ($alpha3,$language);
### The IANA language registration data is used to check:
### alpha-2, alpha-3
# Each entry is of the form:
# %%
# Type: language
# Subtag: aa
# Description: Afar
# Description: Afar 2
# Added: 2005-10-16
# Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated. We're only doing type 'language' here.
my $in;
sub _init_language_iana {
$in = _read_file('url' => $language_iana_url,
'as_list' => 1,
shift(@$in) until ($$in[0] eq '%%');
sub _read_language_iana {
while (1) {
my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'language');
last if (! %entry);
$code = $entry{'Subtag'};
foreach my $language (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {
if (length($code) == 2) {
$alpha2 = lc($code);
} else {
$alpha3 = lc($code);
return ($alpha2,$alpha3,@language);
return ();
# Read the next entry from the IANA file
sub _iana_entry {
my ($in,@type) = @_;
my %type = map { $_,1 } @type;
my %entry;
while (1) {
%entry = ();
return %entry if (! @$in);
# Read an entire entry (starting with '%%' and ending
# just before the next '%%'.
# Long lines may be split (and all lines but the first
# are indented)
my $oldkey;
while (@$in && $$in[0] ne '%%') {
my $line = shift(@$in);
while (@$in &&
$$in[0] =~ /^\s+/) {
$$in[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$line .= " $$in[0]";
$line =~ /^(.*?):\s*(.*)$/;
my($key,$val) = ($1,$2);
if ($key eq 'Description') {
if (exists $entry{$key}) {
push( @{ $entry{$key} },$val );
} else {
$entry{$key} = [ $val ];
} else {
$entry{$key} = $val;
# If the entry is deprecated, or the wrong type,
# read the next one.
next if (! %entry ||
exists $entry{'Deprecated'} ||
! exists $entry{'Type'} ||
! exists $type{ $entry{'Type'} });
return %entry;
sub do_currency {
print "Currency codes...\n";
$Module = "Currency";
_do_codeset('currency','iso', ['alpha','num'], ['alpha','num']);
### The first set we'll do is the ISO 4217 codes.
my $in;
sub _init_currency_iso {
$in = _read_file('url' => $currency_iso_url,
'head' => 'ENTITY',
'as_list' => 1,
'type' => 'xls',
'join' => 1,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
sub _read_currency_iso {
while (@$in) {
my $ele = shift(@$in);
next if (! $ele);
my $currency = $$ele{'Currency'};
my $alpha = $$ele{'Alphabetic Code'};
my $num = $$ele{'Numeric Code'};
$num = "" if (! defined($num));
$currency = "" if (! defined($currency));
$alpha = "" if (! defined($alpha));
$currency =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($num) {
$num = "0$num" while (length($num) < 3);
if ($num !~ /^\d\d\d+$/) {
print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid numeric code: $currency => $num\n";
$alpha = uc($alpha);
if ($alpha && $alpha !~ /^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$/) {
print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid alpha code: $currency => $alpha\n";
next if (! $alpha && ! $num);
return ($alpha,$num,$currency);
return ();
sub do_script {
print "Script codes...\n";
$Module = "Script";
_do_codeset('script','iso', ['alpha','num'], ['alpha','num']);
_do_codeset('script','iana', ['alpha'], ['alpha'], 'allow');
# We'll first read data from the official ISO 15924.
# Data available consists of the script names and 4-letter and
# 3-digit codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
# The text file contains a series of lines in the form:
# alpha;numeric;english;...
# The data is in UTF-8.
my $in;
sub _init_script_iso {
$in = _read_file('url' => $script_iso_url,
'as_list' => 1,
'type' => 'text',
#'file' => $script_iso_zip,
'chop' => 1,
sub _read_script_iso {
while (@$in) {
my $line = shift(@$in);
next if (! $line || $line =~ /^\043/);
my($alpha,$num,$script) = split(/;/,$line);
return ($alpha,$num,$script);
return ();
### The IANA script registration data is used to check:
### alpha
# Each entry is of the form:
# %%
# Type: script
# Subtag: Elba
# Description: Elbasan
# Added: 2005-10-16
# Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated. We're only doing type 'script' here.
my $in;
sub _init_script_iana {
$in = _read_file('url' => $script_iana_url,
'as_list' => 1,
shift(@$in) until ($$in[0] eq '%%');
sub _read_script_iana {
while (1) {
my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'script');
last if (! %entry);
$alpha = $entry{'Subtag'};
foreach my $script (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {
return ($alpha,@script);
return ();
sub do_langext {
print "LangExt codes...\n";
$Module = "LangExt";
_do_codeset('langext','iana', ['alpha'], ['alpha']);
# IANA language registration
# Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
### The IANA langext registration data is used to check:
### alpha
# Each entry is of the form:
# %%
# Type: extlang
# Subtag: aao
# Description: Algerian Saharan Arabic
# Prefix: ar
# Added: 2005-10-16
# Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated. We're only doing type 'extlang' here.
my $in;
sub _init_langext_iana {
$in = _read_file('url' => $langext_iana_url,
'as_list' => 1,
shift(@$in) until ($$in[0] eq '%%');
sub _read_langext_iana {
while (1) {
my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'extlang');
last if (! %entry);
$alpha = $entry{'Subtag'};
foreach my $langext (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {
return ($alpha,@langext);
return ();
sub do_langvar {
print "LangVar codes...\n";
$Module = "LangVar";
_do_codeset('langvar','iana', ['alpha'], ['alpha']);
# IANA language registration
# Data available consists of the script names and 2-letter and
# 3-letter codes. Script names include non-ASCII characters encoded in
# UTF-8. And (amazingly enough) it's available in a field delimited file!!!
### The IANA langvar registration data is used to check:
### alpha
# Each entry is of the form:
# %%
# Type: variant
# Subtag: 1901
# Description: Traditional German orthography
# Added: 2005-10-16
# Prefix: de
# Deprecated: 2009-01-01
# Ignore them if they're deprecated. We're only doing type 'variant' here.
my $in;
sub _init_langvar_iana {
$in = _read_file('url' => $langvar_iana_url,
'as_list' => 1,
shift(@$in) until ($$in[0] eq '%%');
sub _read_langvar_iana {
while (1) {
my %entry = _iana_entry($in,'variant');
last if (! %entry);
$alpha = $entry{'Subtag'};
foreach my $langvar (@{ $entry{'Description'} }) {
return ($alpha,@langvar);
return ();
sub do_langfam {
print "LangFam codes...\n";
$Module = "LangFam";
_do_codeset('langfam','iso', ['alpha'], ['alpha']);
# ISO 639-5
# <table class="Dynamic639-5OutputTables" ... >
# <tr valign="top">
# <th scope="col">Identifier<br />Indicatif</th>
# <th scope="col">English name<br />Nom anglais</th>
# <th scope="col">French name<br />Nom français</th>
# <th scope="col">639-2</th>
# <th scope="col">Hierarchy<br />Hiérarchie</th>
# <th scope="col">Notes<br />Notes</th>
# </tr>
# <tr>
# <td scope="row">aav</td>
# <td>Austro-Asiatic languages</td>
# <td>austro-asiatiques, langues</td>
# <td>
# <br />
# </td>
# <td>aav</td>
# <td>
# <br />
# </td>
# </tr>
# ...
# <tr valign="top">
# <td colspan="6">
# <ol class="loweralpha">
my $in;
sub _init_langfam_iso {
$in = _read_file('url' => $langfam_iso_url,
'type' => 'html',
'as_list' => 0,
'html_strip' => [ qw(br p strong div) ],
'html_repl' => [ qw(&nbsp;) ],
# Look for a table who's first row has the header:
# Identifier
my $found = jump_to_row(\$in,"Identifier");
if (! $found) {
die "ERROR [iso]: language family code file format changed!\n";
sub _read_langfam_iso {
while (1) {
my @row = get_row("iso",\$in);
return () if (! @row);
my($alpha,$langfam) = @row;
return () if ($alpha =~ /class="loweralpha"/);
if (! $alpha || ! $langfam) {
$alpha = '' if (! $alpha);
$langfam = '' if (! $langfam);
print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid langfam code: $langfam => $alpha\n";
$alpha = lc($alpha);
if ($alpha !~ /^[a-z][a-z][a-z]$/) {
print "WARNING [iso]: Invalid alpha code: $langfam => $alpha\n";
sub _type_hashes {
my($caller) = @_;
sub check_code {
my($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID,$noprint) = @_;
# Check to make sure that the code is defined.
if (exists $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}) {
return _check_code_exists($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID);
} else {
return _check_code_new($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID,$noprint);
sub _check_code_exists {
my($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$currID) = @_;
# Check the currID for the code. It must be the same as the one
# passed in.
my $oldID = $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}[0];
if ($currID != $oldID) {
print "ERROR [$type]: ID mismatch in code: [$codeset, $name, $code, $currID != $oldID ]\n";
return 1;
# If the name is defined, it must be the same ID. If it is not,
# create a new alias.
if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
my $altID = $Alias{lc($name)}[0];
if ($currID != $altID) {
print "ERROR [$type]: ID mismatch: [$codeset, $name, $code, $currID != $altID ]\n";
return 1;
} else {
push @{ $ID2Names{$currID} },$name;
my $i = $#{ $ID2Names{$currID} };
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $currID, $i ];
return 0;
# This is a new code.
sub _check_code_new {
my($type,$codeset,$code,$name,$newID,$noprint) = @_;
print "INFO [$type]: New code: $codeset [$code] => $name\n" unless ($noprint);
# If this code's name isn't defined, create it.
my $i;
if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
$i = $Alias{lc($name)}[1];
} else {
push @{ $ID2Names{$newID} },$name;
$i = $#{ $ID2Names{$newID} };
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $newID, $i ];
# This name is the canonical name for the code.
$ID2Code{$codeset}{$newID} = $code;
$Code2ID{$codeset}{$code} = [ $newID, $i ];
return 0;
sub _get_ID {
my($op,$type,$name,$no_create) = @_;
my $type_alias = _type_hashes($op);
if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
# The element is the same name as one previously defined
($currID,$i) = @{ $Alias{lc($name)} };
$t = "same";
} elsif (exists $$type_alias{$name}) {
# It's a new alias for an existing element
my $c = $$type_alias{$name};
if (! exists $Alias{lc($c)}) {
print "WARNING [$op,$type]: alias referenced before it is defined: $name => $c\n";
return (1);
$currID = $Alias{lc($c)}[0];
push @{ $ID2Names{$currID} },$name;
$i = $#{ $ID2Names{$currID} };
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $currID, $i ];
$t = "alias";
} else {
# It's a new element.
if ($no_create) {
$currID = $ID++;
$i = 0;
$ID2Names{$currID} = [ $name ];
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $currID, $i ];
$t = "new";
# This takes a list of codes and names and checks to see if we've got
# an ID for this element, or if it is a new element.
# If $second is non-zero, then this is the second (or more) codeset of
# a given type and we are expected to always have an element to match
# with, or that it is flagged in the data files as a known new value.
# This can be overridden if $allow is non-zero.
sub _get_ID_new {
my($type,$src,$second,$allow,$codes,$names) = @_;
my($id,$subid) = ('','');
# Check each of the names to see if it's been previously defined.
foreach my $name (@$names) {
# If we've already used this name before, it'll be defined in
# %Alias. Make sure that the ID is the same for all names assigned
# to this element.
if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
my $i = $Alias{lc($name)}[0];
if ($id && $i ne $id) {
print "WARNING [$type,$src]: " .
"name refers to multiple elements: $name => $id,$i\n";
return (1);
$id = $i;
next NAME;
# If we've already got an ID, or if this is the first standard
# read in, then this is just a new alias.
next NAME if ($id || ! $second || $allow);
# If this is a totally new name, then we need to have explicitly
# allow it.
if (! exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'new'}{$name} &&
! exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{'name'}) {
print "WARNING [$type,$src]: " .
"new name not allowed: $name\n";
return (1);
# If any of the codes entered here are already defined in another
# data source, make sure they are consistent. In general, if a
# codeset only comes from a single source, this should not be a
# problem.
foreach my $codeset (keys %$codes) {
my $code = $$codes{$codeset};
if (exists $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}) {
my($i,$s) = @{ $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code} };
if ($id && $i ne $id) {
print "WARNING [$type,$src,$codeset]: " .
"code refers to multiple elements: $code => $id,$i\n";
return (1);
($id,$subid) = ($i,$s);
# If it's a new name for an existing element, add each of the names
# to %Alias.
if ($id) {
my $name = $$names[0];
if (exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
$subid = $Alias{lc($name)}[1];
} else {
push @{ $ID2Names{$id} },$name;
$subid = $#{ $ID2Names{$id} };
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $subid ];
foreach $name (@$names) {
if (! exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
push @{ $ID2Names{$id} },$name;
my $s = $#{ $ID2Names{$id} };
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $s ];
# If it's a new element, create it and all aliases.
if (! $id) {
$id = $ID++;
$subid = 0;
$ID2Names{$id} = [ @$names ];
my $sid = $subid;
foreach my $name (@$names) {
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $sid++ ];
sub do_aliases {
my($caller) = @_;
my ($type_alias) = _type_hashes($caller);
# Add remaining aliases.
foreach my $alias (keys %$type_alias) {
my $type = $$type_alias{$alias};
next if (exists $Alias{lc($type)} &&
exists $Alias{lc($alias)});
if (! exists $Alias{lc($type)} &&
! exists $Alias{lc($alias)}) {
print "WARNING: unused type in alias list: $type\n";
print "WARNING: unused type in alias list: $alias\n";
my ($typeID);
if (exists $Alias{lc($type)}) {
$typeID = $Alias{lc($type)}[0];
$type = $alias;
} else {
$typeID = $Alias{lc($alias)}[0];
push @{ $ID2Names{$typeID} },$type;
my $i = $#{ $ID2Names{$typeID} };
$Alias{lc($type)} = [ $typeID, $i ];
sub write_module {
my($type) = @_;
my(%hashes) = ("id2names" => "ID2Names",
"alias2id" => "Alias",
"code2id" => "Code2ID",
"id2code" => "ID2Code");
my $file = "$ModDir/${Module}";
my $out = new IO::File;
binmode $out, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
my $timestamp = `date`;
print $out "package #
# This file was automatically generated. Any changes to this file will
# be lost the next time 'harvest_data' is run.
# Generated on: $timestamp
use strict;
require 5.006;
use utf8;
\$Locale::Codes::Data{'$type'}{'id'} = '$ID';
foreach my $h (qw(id2names alias2id code2id id2code)) {
my $hash = $hashes{$h};
print $out "\$Locale::Codes::Data{'$type'}{'$h'} = {\n";
print $out "};\n\n";
print $out "1;\n";
sub _write_hash {
my($out,$hashname) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
my %hash = %$hashname;
use strict 'refs';
sub _write_subhash {
my($out,$indent,$hashref) = @_;
my %hash = %$hashref;
my $ind = " "x$indent;
foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
my $val = $hash{$key};
if (ref($val) eq "HASH") {
print $out "${ind}q($key) => {\n";
print $out "${ind} },\n";
} elsif (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") {
print $out "${ind}q($key) => [\n";
print $out "${ind} ],\n";
} else {
print $out "${ind}q($key) => q($val),\n";
sub _write_sublist {
my($out,$indent,$listref) = @_;
my @list = @$listref;
my $ind = " "x$indent;
foreach my $val (@list) {
if (ref($val) eq "HASH") {
print $out "${ind}{\n";
print $out "${ind}},\n";
} elsif (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") {
print $out "${ind}[\n";
print $out "${ind}],\n";
} else {
print $out "${ind}q($val),\n";
sub _read_file {
my(%opts) = @_;
# Get the URL
# The temporary file
my $file; # _init_country_iso
if (exists $opts{'local'}) {
$file = $opts{'local'};
} else {
$file = (caller(1))[3];
$file =~ s/main:://;
# The type of file
my $type = $opts{'type'};
$type = 'text' if (! $type);
my $file2 = '';
if ($type eq 'html') {
$file .= ".htm";
} elsif ($type eq 'xls') {
$file .= ".xls";
} elsif ($type eq 'xlsx') {
$file .= ".xlsx";
} elsif ($type eq 'zip') {
$file2 = "$file.txt";
$file .= ".zip";
} elsif ($type eq 'csv') {
$file .= ".csv";
} else {
$file .= ".txt";
# Get the file
if ($opts{'manual'}) {
while (! -f $file) {
my $inst = $opts{'inst'};
print $inst,"\n";
print "Put the data into the file:\n";
print " $file\n";
print "Strip out any leading/trailing blank lines.\n\n";
print "Press any key to continue...\n";
my $c = getone();
} else {
my $url = $opts{'url'};
system("wget -N -q --no-check-certificate -O $file '$url'");
# Read the local file
if ($type eq 'xls') {
# Read an XLS file
my $csv = $file;
$csv =~ s/.xls/.csv/;
#my $cmd = " $file > $csv; dos2unix $csv";
my $cmd = "xls2csv -x $file -c $csv";
@in = _read_file_lines($csv,%opts);
if ($opts{'head'}) {
my $head = $opts{'head'};
while ($in[0] !~ /$head/) {
# The first line (headers) must have the correct number of fields.
my $n = _csv_count_columns($in[0]);
if ($opts{'join'}) {
# Some CSV files have newlines in the value. This looks
# for lines without the correct number of fields. When found,
# the following line is joined to it.
my @tmp;
while (@in) {
my $line = shift(@in);
while (1) {
my $nn = _csv_count_columns($line);
if ($nn == $n) {
next LINE;
} elsif ($nn > $n) {
print "ERROR: Invalid line skipped:\n$line\n";
next LINE;
} else {
$line .= " " . shift(@in);
@in = @tmp;
my $in = Text::CSV::Slurp->load(string => join("\n",@in));
@in = @$in;
$opts{'as_list'} = 1; # required
} elsif ($type eq 'xlsx') {
# Read an XLSX file
my $excel = Spreadsheet::XLSX->new($file);
foreach my $sheet (@{$excel->{Worksheet}}) {
my $name = $sheet->{Name};
next if ($opts{'sheet'} && $opts{'sheet'} ne $name);
$sheet->{MaxRow} ||= $sheet->{MinRow};
foreach my $row ($sheet->{MinRow} .. $sheet->{MaxRow}) {
$sheet->{MaxCol} ||= $sheet->{MinCol};
my @row = ();
foreach my $col ($sheet->{MinCol} .. $sheet->{MaxCol}) {
my $cell = $sheet->{Cells}[$row][$col];
my $val = $cell->{Val} if ($cell);
$val = '' if (! defined $val);
push(@in,join(',',@row) . "\n");
} elsif ($type eq 'csv') {
my %o;
foreach my $opt (qw(sep_char decode_utf8)) {
if (exists $opts{$opt}) {
$o{$opt} = $opts{$opt};
$o{'decode_utf8'} = 0;
@in = _read_file_lines($file,%opts);
my $in = Text::CSV::Slurp->load(string => join("\n",@in),%o);
@in = @$in;
$opts{'as_list'} = 1; # required
} elsif ($type eq 'zip') {
# Read one file in a zip file
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new($file);
my @file = grep /$opts{'file'}/,$zip->memberNames();
my $flag = $zip->extractMember($file[0],$file2);
if (! defined($flag)) {
die "ERROR [iso]: zip file changed format\n";
@in = _read_file_lines($file2,%opts);
} else {
# Read an ASCII text file
@in = _read_file_lines($file,%opts);
# Return the contents of the file as a list or a string.
if ($opts{'as_list'}) {
return \@in;
} else {
return join(" ",@in);
# This reads in a file to a list of lines. It handles all of the
# encoding issues as well.
sub _read_file_lines {
my($file,%opts) = @_;
# Read in the file in the correct encoding
my @in;
@in = `cat $file`;
# my @in;
# if ($opts{'encoding'}) {
# open(my $in,"<:encoding($opts{encoding})",$file);
# @in = <$in>;
# } else {
# @in = `cat $file`;
# }
# # Convert to UTF-8 if another encoding was used
# if ($opts{'encoding'} && $opts{'encoding'} ne 'UTF-8') {
# my $in = join("",@in);
# $in = encode('UTF-8',$in);
# @in = split("\n",$in);
# }
# Get rid of newlines
chop(@in) if ($opts{'chop'});
# Strip out some problem strings.
if ($opts{'html_strip'} || $opts{'html_repl'}) {
my $in = join("\n",@in);
strip_tags(\$in,@{ $opts{'html_strip'} }) if ($opts{'html_strip'});
if ($opts{'html_repl'}) {
foreach my $repl (@{ $opts{'html_repl'} }) {
if (ref($repl)) {
$in =~ s/$repl/ /sg;
} else {
$in =~ s/\Q$repl\E/ /sg;
$in =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
@in = split("\n",$in);
return @in;
sub _csv_count_columns {
my($line) = @_;
my $c = 0; # Number of commas found
while ($line) {
# "Value"
# "Value\n continued"
if ($line =~ /^"/) {
$line =~ s/^".*?($|")//;
} else {
$line =~ s/^[^,]*//;
$c++ if ($line =~ s/^,//);
return $c+1;
my $second; # This will be set to 1 once the first set is read in.
# This reads a source of data containing one or more code sets of
# a given type.
# $type The type of codesets being input (country, language, etc.)
# $src The label for this source of data
# $codesets A listref of code sets that are included in this data
# source. The order is important. It tells what order the
# data is stored in the data source. A data source may
# include data sets for which it is not the standard, and
# these will be used simply to match with existing elements.
# Element names (and links) will be determined using all
# sources, but codes will only be added from codesets for
# which a source is listed as a standard.
# $stdcodesets A listref of code sets. This is the subset of $codesets
# for which this source is the standard. The first time a
# codeset it read in, it must be from a standard. Multiple
# standards can be used (and the data from them will be
# merged) but all standards should be read before other
# sources are read.
# $allow This source is allowed to add new codes without explicit
# allows. This only applies to the second or higher source.
sub _do_codeset {
my($type,$src,$codesets,$stdcodesets,$allow) = @_;
$allow = 0 if (! $allow);
if (! defined $second) {
$second = 0;
} else {
$second = 1;
my %std = map { $_,1 } @$stdcodesets;
# The _init_TYPE_CAT function gets all of the data from
# this source and puts it in some sort of list.
# The _read_TYPE_CAT function reads one element from that list.
no strict 'refs';
my $func = "_init_${type}_${src}";
$func = "_read_${type}_${src}";
while (1) {
# Read the next element.
# Output is (CODE1, CODE2, ... CODEN, NAME1, NAME2, ... NAMEM)
# The order of the codes is specified by $codesets.
my @ele = &$func();
last if (! @ele);
# Store the codes in %codes
# %codes = ( CODESET => CODE )
# If CODE is blank, it is quietly ignored.
# A code is also ignored if it is in the 'ignore' list. If a name
# is ignored, the entire element is skipped.
my (%codes,@names);
foreach my $codeset (@$codesets) {
my $code = shift(@ele);
next if (! defined($code) ||
$code eq '' ||
exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'ignore'}{$codeset}{$code});
$codes{$codeset} = $code;
foreach my $name (@ele) {
if ($name) {
next ELE if (exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'ignore'}{'name'}{$name});
next if (! @names && ! %codes);
if (! @names) {
my @codes = sort values(%codes);
print "WARNING [$type,$src]: Codes with no name: @codes\n";
if (! %codes) {
print "WARNING [$type,$src]: Element with no codes: @names\n";
# Some codes and/or element names must be rewritten (probably
# to remove non-ASCII characters, but other reasons also
# occur). If a name appears as both ASCII and non-ASCII,
# make sure it isn't duplicated)
foreach my $codeset (sort keys %codes) {
my $code = $codes{$codeset};
if (exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{$codeset}{$code}) {
$codes{$codeset} = $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{$codeset}{$code};
foreach my $name (@names) {
if (exists $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{'name'}{$name}) {
$name = $Data{$type}{$src}{'orig'}{'name'}{$name};
next if (exists $tmp{$name});
$tmp{$name} = 1;
@names = @tmp;
# Check that everything is ASCII
foreach my $codeset (sort keys %codes) {
my $code = $codes{$codeset};
foreach my $name (@names) {
# Get the ID for the current element
my($err,$id,$subid) = _get_ID_new($type,$src,$second,$allow,
next if ($err);
# Store the codes (but only if we're reading a standard). If we're
# not reading from a standard, we'll check to see if this would have
# been a new code, and warn if it was.
foreach my $codeset (keys %codes) {
my $code = $codes{$codeset};
if ($std{$codeset}) {
$Code2ID{$codeset}{$code} = [ $id, $subid ];
$ID2Code{$codeset}{$id} = $code;
} elsif (! exists $Code2ID{$codeset}{$code}) {
print "WARNING [$type,$src,$codeset]: " .
"new code not added from a non-standard source: $code\n";
# Update %Alias with the values in $Data{TYPE}{'link'}.
my @tmp;
foreach my $links (@{ $Data{$type}{'link'} }) {
# Check to see if any of the names in a link group are defined
# in %Alias. If any are, they must have the same ID.
my $id;
foreach my $link (@$links) {
if (exists $Alias{lc($link)}) {
my $i = $Alias{lc($link)}[0];
if ($id && $i != $id) {
print "WARNING [$type,$src]: " .
"alias refers to multiple elements: $link\n";
next LINKS;
$id = $i;
# If any are defined, add all the rest to %Alias with the same
# ID. Otherwise, save this link group for later.
if ($id) {
foreach my $name (@$links) {
if (! exists $Alias{lc($name)}) {
push @{ $ID2Names{$id} },$name;
my $subid = $#{ $ID2Names{$id} };
$Alias{lc($name)} = [ $id, $subid ];
} else {
$Data{$type}{'link'} = \@tmp;
sub _ascii_new {
my($type,$src,$key,$val) = @_;
if ($val !~ /^[[:ascii:]]*$/) {
my $tmp = $val;
$tmp =~ s/[[:ascii:]]//g;
print "NON-ASCII [$type,$src,$key]: '$val' [$tmp]\n";
sub get_row {
my($type,$inref) = @_;
return () if ($$inref !~ m,^\s*<tr,);
if ($$inref !~ s,^(.*?)</tr[^>]*>,,) {
die "ERROR [$type]: malformed HTML\n";
my $row = $1;
if ($row =~ m,<table,) {
die "ERROR [$type]: embedded table\n";
my @row;
while ($row =~ s,(?:.*?)<(td|th)[^>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*</\1[^>]*>,,) {
my $val = $2;
return @row;
# If nested is non-zero, then the header row has a table nested in each column
# and we're looking for $header somewhere in that nested table.
sub jump_to_row {
my($inref,$header,$nested) = @_;
if ($nested) {
my $err;
return 0
if ($$inref !~ s,^(.*?)\Q$header\E(.*?)</table[^>]*>\s*</td[^>]*>\s*,,);
while ($$inref =~ m,^<td,) {
$err = strip_entry($inref);
return 0 if ($err);
return 0 if ($$inref !~ s,^\s*</tr[^>]*>,,);
return 1;
if ($$inref =~ s,^(.*?)\Q$header\E(.*?)</tr[^>]*>\s*(?=<tr),,) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub jump_to_entry {
my($inref,$value) = @_;
if ($$inref =~ s,(.*?)(?=<(?:td|th)[^>]*>\s*\Q$value\E\s*),,) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub jump_to_table {
my($inref) = @_;
if ($$inref =~ s,(.*?)(?=<table),,) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub get_entry {
my($inref) = @_;
if ($$inref =~ s,.*?<td[^>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*</td[^>]*>,,) {
return $1;
return "";
sub strip_tags {
my($inref,@tags) = @_;
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
$$inref =~ s,</?$tag[^>]*>, ,g;
sub strip_token {
my($inref) = @_;
$$inref =~ s,^\s*,,;
if ($$inref =~ s,^</([^>]*)>,,) {
my $tag = $1;
$tag =~ s,\s.*$,,;
return ('close',$tag);
} elsif ($$inref =~ s,^<([^>]*)>,,) {
my $tag = $1;
$tag =~ s,\s.*$,,;
return ('open',$tag);
} else {
$$inref =~ s,^([^<]*),,;
my $val = $1;
$val =~ s,\s*$,,;
return ('val',$val);
# Strip an entire portion of HTML. If the HTML starts with
# <TAG>
# it will strip everything up to the matching
# </TAG>
# correctly handling nested elements.
sub strip_entry {
my($inref) = @_;
while (1) {
my($op,$val) = strip_token($inref);
if ($op eq 'open') {
} elsif ($op eq 'close') {
my $old = pop(@tag);
if ($old ne $val) {
return 1;
last if (! @tag);
} else {
last if (! @tag);
return 0;
use POSIX qw(:termios_h);
my $fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN);
my $term = POSIX::Termios->new();
my $oterm = $term->getlflag();
my $echo = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON;
my $noecho = $oterm & ~$echo;
sub cbreak {
$term->setcc(VTIME, 1);
$term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW);
sub cooked {
$term->setcc(VTIME, 0);
$term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW);
sub getone {
my $key = '';
sysread(STDIN, $key, 1);
return $key;
END { cooked() }
# Local Variables:
# mode: cperl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 3
# cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
# cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-offset: 0
# cperl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
# cperl-label-offset: 0
# End: