use 5.010;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.13';
'""' => \&stringify,
'0+' => \&numify,
bool => \&boolify,
'+' => \&add,
'*' => \&mul,
'==' => \&eq,
'!=' => \&ne,
'~' => \&conj,
'&' => \&and,
'|' => \&or,
'^' => \&xor,
'>>' => \&rsft,
'<<' => \&lsft,
'>' => sub { $_[2] ? (goto &lt) : (goto &gt) },
'>=' => sub { $_[2] ? (goto &le) : (goto &ge) },
'<' => sub { $_[2] ? (goto &gt) : (goto &lt) },
'<=' => sub { $_[2] ? (goto &ge) : (goto &le) },
'<=>' => sub { $_[2] ? -(&cmp($_[0], $_[1]) // return undef) : &cmp($_[0], $_[1]) },
'/' => sub { @_ = ($_[1], $_[0]) if $_[2]; goto &div },
'-' => sub { @_ = ($_[1], $_[0]) if $_[2]; goto &sub },
'**' => sub { @_ = $_[2] ? @_[1, 0] : @_[0, 1]; goto &pow },
'%' => sub { @_ = $_[2] ? @_[1, 0] : @_[0, 1]; goto &mod },
atan2 => sub { @_ = $_[2] ? @_[1, 0] : @_[0, 1]; goto &atan2 },
eq => sub { "$_[0]" eq "$_[1]" },
ne => sub { "$_[0]" ne "$_[1]" },
cmp => sub { $_[2] ? ("$_[1]" cmp $_[0]->stringify) : ($_[0]->stringify cmp "$_[1]") },
neg => \&neg,
sin => \&sin,
cos => \&cos,
exp => \&exp,
log => \&log,
int => \&int,
abs => \&abs,
sqrt => \&sqrt;
my %const = ( # prototypes are assigned in import()
i => \&i,
my %trig = (
sin => sub (_) { goto &sin }, # built-in function
sinh => \&sinh,
asin => \&asin,
asinh => \&asinh,
cos => sub (_) { goto &cos }, # built-in function
cosh => \&cosh,
acos => \&acos,
acosh => \&acosh,
tan => \&tan,
tanh => \&tanh,
atan => \&atan,
atanh => \&atanh,
cot => \&cot,
coth => \&coth,
acot => \&acot,
acoth => \&acoth,
sec => \&sec,
sech => \&sech,
asec => \&asec,
asech => \&asech,
csc => \&csc,
csch => \&csch,
acsc => \&acsc,
acsch => \&acsch,
atan2 => sub ($$) { goto &atan2 }, # built-in function
deg2rad => \&deg2rad,
rad2deg => \&rad2deg,
my %special = (
exp => sub (_) { goto &exp }, # built-in function
log => sub (_) { goto &log }, # built-in function
sqrt => sub (_) { goto &sqrt }, # built-in function
cbrt => \&cbrt,
logn => \&logn,
root => \&root,
pow => \&pow,
pown => \&pown,
gcd => \&gcd,
invmod => \&invmod,
powmod => \&powmod,
my %misc = (
acmp => \&acmp,
cplx => \&cplx,
polar => \&polar,
abs => sub (_) { goto &abs }, # built-in function
inv => \&inv,
sgn => \&sgn,
conj => \&conj,
norm => \&norm,
real => \&real,
imag => \&imag,
floor => \&floor,
ceil => \&ceil,
round => \&round,
reals => \&reals,
sub import {
my $caller = caller(0);
while (@_) {
my $name = shift(@_);
if ($name eq ':overload') {
integer => sub { __PACKAGE__->new($_[0], 0) },
float => sub { __PACKAGE__->new($_[0], 0) };
# Export the 'i' constant
foreach my $pair (['i', i()]) {
my $sub = $caller . '::' . $pair->[0];
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
my $value = $pair->[1];
*$sub = sub () { $value };
elsif (exists $const{$name}) {
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
my $caller_sub = $caller . '::' . $name;
my $sub = $const{$name};
my $value = $sub->();
*$caller_sub = sub() { $value }
elsif ( exists($trig{$name})
or exists($special{$name})
or exists($misc{$name})) {
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
my $caller_sub = $caller . '::' . $name;
*$caller_sub = $trig{$name} // $misc{$name} // $special{$name};
elsif ($name eq ':trig') {
push @_, keys(%trig);
elsif ($name eq ':misc') {
push @_, keys(%misc);
elsif ($name eq ':special') {
push @_, keys(%special);
elsif ($name eq ':all') {
push @_, keys(%const), keys(%trig), keys(%special), keys(%misc);
else {
die "unknown import: <<$name>>";
sub unimport {
overload::remove_constant(float => '',
integer => '',);
## Be somewhat compatible with Math::Complex
sub _cartesian {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{cartesian} //= [$self->{a}, $self->{b}];
sub _polar {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{polar} //= [CORE::sqrt($self->{a} * $self->{a} + $self->{b} * $self->{b}), CORE::atan2($self->{b}, $self->{a})];
## Return the polar form
sub polar {
my ($self) = @_;
## Create a new Math::GComplex object
sub new {
my ($class, $x, $y) = @_;
bless {
a => $x // 0,
b => $y // 0,
}, $class;
*make = \&new;
## cplx(a, b) = a + b*i
sub cplx {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
bless {
a => $x // 0,
b => $y // 0,
sub emake {
my ($class, $r, $theta) = @_;
bless {
a => ($r // 0) * CORE::cos($theta // 0),
b => ($r // 0) * CORE::sin($theta // 0),
}, $class;
## cplxe(r, theta) = r*cos(theta) + r*sin(theta)*i
sub cplxe {
my ($r, $theta) = @_;
bless {
a => ($r // 0) * CORE::cos($theta // 0),
b => ($r // 0) * CORE::sin($theta // 0),
## i = sqrt(-1)
sub i {
__PACKAGE__->new(0, 1);
## (a + b*i) + (x + y*i) = (a + x) + (b + y)*i
sub add {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} + $y->{a}, $x->{b} + $y->{b});
## (a + b*i) - (x + y*i) = (a - x) + (b - y)*i
sub sub {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} - $y->{a}, $x->{b} - $y->{b});
## (a + b*i) * (x + y*i) = i*(a*y + b*x) + a*x - b*y
sub mul {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * $y->{a} - $x->{b} * $y->{b}, $x->{a} * $y->{b} + $x->{b} * $y->{a});
## (a + b*i) / (x + y*i) = (a*x + b*y)/(x*x + y*y) + (b*x - a*y)/(x*x + y*y) * i
sub div {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $d = $y->{a} * $y->{a} + $y->{b} * $y->{b};
if ($d == 0) {
return $x->log->sub($y->log)->exp;
__PACKAGE__->new(($x->{a} * $y->{a} + $x->{b} * $y->{b}) / $d, ($x->{b} * $y->{a} - $x->{a} * $y->{b}) / $d);
## mod(x, y) = x - y*floor(x/y)
sub mod {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
## inv(x) = 1/x
sub inv ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
state $one = __PACKAGE__->new(1, 0);
## abs(a + b*i) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
sub abs {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
CORE::sqrt($x->{a} * $x->{a} + $x->{b} * $x->{b});
## sgn(a + b*i) = (a + b*i) / abs(a + b*i)
sub sgn ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
if ($x->{a} == 0 and $x->{b} == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new(0, 0);
## neg(a + b*i) = -a - b*i
sub neg {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new(-$x->{a}, -$x->{b});
## conj(a + b*i) = a - b*i
sub conj ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a}, -$x->{b});
## norm(a + b*i) = a**2 + b**2
sub norm ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$x->{a} * $x->{a} + $x->{b} * $x->{b};
## (a+b*i) AND (x+y*i) = (a AND x) + (b AND y)*i
sub and {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} & $y->{a}, $x->{b} & $y->{b});
## (a+b*i) OR (x+y*i) = (a OR x) + (b OR y)*i
sub or {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} | $y->{a}, $x->{b} | $y->{b});
## (a+b*i) XOR (x+y*i) = (a XOR x) + (b XOR y)*i
sub xor {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} ^ $y->{a}, $x->{b} ^ $y->{b});
## (a+b*i) << n = (a << n) + (b << n)*i
## (a+b*i) << (x+y*i) = int((a+b*i) * 2^(x+y*i))
sub lsft {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
if ($y->{b} == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} << $y->{a}, $x->{b} << $y->{a});
state $two = __PACKAGE__->new(2, 0);
## (a+b*i) >> n = (a >> n) + (b >> n)*i
## (a+b*i) >> (x+y*i) = int((a+b*i) / 2^(x+y*i))
sub rsft {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
if ($y->{b} == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} >> $y->{a}, $x->{b} >> $y->{a});
state $two = __PACKAGE__->new(2, 0);
## log(a + b*i) = log(a^2 + b^2)/2 + atan2(b, a)*i -- where a,b are real
sub log {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t = $x->{a} * $x->{a} + $x->{b} * $x->{b};
if (!ref($t) and $t == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new(0 + '-Inf', 0);
__PACKAGE__->new(CORE::log($t) / 2, CORE::atan2($x->{b}, $x->{a}));
## logn(x, n) = log(x) / log(n)
sub logn ($$) {
my ($x, $n) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$n = __PACKAGE__->new($n) if ref($n) ne __PACKAGE__;
## exp(a + b*i) = exp(a)*cos(b) + exp(a)*sin(b)*i
sub exp {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $exp = CORE::exp($x->{a});
__PACKAGE__->new($exp * CORE::cos($x->{b}), $exp * CORE::sin($x->{b}));
## x^y = exp(log(x) * y)
sub pow ($$) {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
if ($x->{a} == 0 and $x->{b} == 0) {
if ($y->{a} < 0) {
return $x->inv;
if ($y->{a} == 0 and $y->{b} == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} + 1, $x->{b});
return $x;
## x^n using the exponentiation by squaring method
sub pown ($$) {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = CORE::int($y);
my $neg = $y < 0;
$y = CORE::int(CORE::abs($y));
if ($x->{a} == 0 and $x->{b} == 0) {
if ($neg) {
return $x->inv;
if ($y == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} + 1, $x->{b});
return $x;
my ($rx, $ry) = (1, 0);
my ($ax, $bx) = (@{$x}{qw(a b)});
while (1) {
($rx, $ry) = ($rx * $ax - $ry * $bx, $rx * $bx + $ry * $ax) if ($y & 1);
($y >>= 1) or last;
($ax, $bx) = ($ax * $ax - $bx * $bx, $ax * $bx + $bx * $ax);
$neg ? __PACKAGE__->new($rx, $ry)->inv : __PACKAGE__->new($rx, $ry);
## Greatest common divisor
sub gcd ($$) {
my ($n, $k) = @_;
$n = __PACKAGE__->new($n) if ref($n) ne __PACKAGE__;
$k = __PACKAGE__->new($k) if ref($k) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $norm_n = $n->{a} * $n->{a} + $n->{b} * $n->{b};
my $norm_k = $k->{a} * $k->{a} + $k->{b} * $k->{b};
if ($norm_n > $norm_k) {
($n, $k) = ($k, $n);
while (!($k->{a} == 0 and $k->{b} == 0)) {
my $q = $n->div($k)->round;
my $r = $n->sub($q->mul($k));
($n, $k) = ($k, $r);
## Modular multiplicative inverse: 1/x (mod m)
sub invmod ($$) {
my ($x, $m) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$m = __PACKAGE__->new($m) if ref($m) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $g = $x->gcd($m);
$g->abs == 1 or return undef;
state $zero = __PACKAGE__->new(0, 0);
my $inverse = sub {
my ($x, $m, $k) = @_;
my ($u, $w) = ($k, $zero);
my ($q, $r);
my $c = $m;
while (!($c->{a} == 0 and $c->{b} == 0)) {
$q = $x->div($c)->round;
$r = $x->sub($q->mul($c));
($x, $c) = ($c, $r);
($u, $w) = ($w, $u->sub($q->mul($w)));
return $u;
state $one = __PACKAGE__->new(1, 0);
state $mone = __PACKAGE__->new(-1, 0);
state $i = __PACKAGE__->new(0, 1);
state $mi = __PACKAGE__->new(0, -1);
foreach my $k ($g->conj, $one, $mone, $i, $mi) {
my $inv = $inverse->($x, $m, $k);
my $t = $x->mul($inv)->mod($m);
if ($t->{a} == 1 and $t->{b} == 0) {
return $inv->mod($m);
return undef;
## x^n mod m using the exponentiation by squaring method
sub powmod ($$$) {
my ($x, $y, $m) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$m = __PACKAGE__->new($m) if ref($m) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = CORE::int($y);
my $neg = $y < 0;
$y = CORE::int(CORE::abs($y));
if ($x->{a} == 0 and $x->{b} == 0) {
if ($neg) {
return $x->invmod($m);
if ($y == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} + 1, $x->{b})->mod($m);
return $x->mod($m);
$x = $x->invmod($m) if $neg;
$x // return undef;
my $r = __PACKAGE__->new(1, 0);
while (1) {
$r = $r->mul($x)->mod($m) if ($y & 1);
($y >>= 1) or last;
$x = $x->mul($x)->mod($m);
## root(x, y) = exp(log(x) / y)
sub root ($$) {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
## sqrt(a + b*i) = exp(log(a + b*i) / 2)
sub sqrt {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $r = $x->log;
$r->{a} /= 2;
$r->{b} /= 2;
## cbrt(a + b*i) = exp(log(a + b*i) / 3)
sub cbrt ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
if ($x->{a} == 0 and $x->{b} == 0) {
return __PACKAGE__->new(0, 0);
my $r = $x->log;
$r->{a} /= 3;
$r->{b} /= 3;
## int(a + b*i) = int(a) + int(b)*i
sub int {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = CORE::int($x->{a});
my $t2 = CORE::int($x->{b});
__PACKAGE__->new($t1, $t2);
## round to the nearest Gaussian integer
sub _round ($) {
my ($n) = @_;
CORE::int(($n + $n + (($n < 0) ? -1 : 1)) / 2);
sub round ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->new(_round($x->{a}), _round($x->{b}));
## floor(a + b*i) = floor(a) + floor(b)*i
sub floor ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = CORE::int($x->{a});
$t1 -= 1 if ($x->{a} != $t1 and $x->{a} < 0);
my $t2 = CORE::int($x->{b});
$t2 -= 1 if ($x->{b} != $t2 and $x->{b} < 0);
__PACKAGE__->new($t1, $t2);
## ceil(a + b*i) = -floor(-(a + b*i))
sub ceil ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t = $x->neg->floor;
$t->{a} = -$t->{a};
$t->{b} = -$t->{b};
## sin(a + b*i) = i*(exp(b - i*a) - exp(-b + i*a))/2
sub sin {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new(+$x->{b}, -$x->{a})->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new(-$x->{b}, +$x->{a})->exp;
$t1->{a} -= $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} -= $t2->{b};
$t1->{a} /= 2;
$t1->{b} /= 2;
@{$t1}{qw(a b)} = (-$t1->{b}, $t1->{a});
## sinh(a + b*i) = (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) - 1) / (2*exp(a + b*i))
sub sinh ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 2, $x->{b} * 2)->exp;
$t1->{a} -= 1;
my $t2 = $x->exp;
$t2->{a} *= 2;
$t2->{b} *= 2;
## asin(a + b*i) = -i*log(sqrt(1 - (a + b*i)^2) + i*a - b)
sub asin ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $r = __PACKAGE__->new(1 - ($x->{a} * $x->{a} - $x->{b} * $x->{b}), -($x->{a} * $x->{b} + $x->{b} * $x->{a}))->sqrt;
$r->{a} -= $x->{b};
$r->{b} += $x->{a};
$r = $r->log;
@{$r}{qw(a b)} = ($r->{b}, -$r->{a});
## asinh(a + b*i) = log(sqrt((a + b*i)^2 + 1) + (a + b*i))
sub asinh ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $r = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * $x->{a} - $x->{b} * $x->{b} + 1, $x->{a} * $x->{b} + $x->{b} * $x->{a})->sqrt;
$r->{a} += $x->{a};
$r->{b} += $x->{b};
## cos(a + b*i) = (exp(-b + i*a) + exp(b - i*a))/2
sub cos {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new(-$x->{b}, +$x->{a})->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new(+$x->{b}, -$x->{a})->exp;
$t1->{a} += $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} += $t2->{b};
$t1->{a} /= 2;
$t1->{b} /= 2;
## cosh(a + b*i) = (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) + 1) / (2*exp(a + b*i))
sub cosh ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 2, $x->{b} * 2)->exp;
$t1->{a} += 1;
my $t2 = $x->exp;
$t2->{a} *= 2;
$t2->{b} *= 2;
## acos(a + b*i) = -2*i*log(i*sqrt((1 - (a + b*i))/2) + sqrt((1 + (a + b*i))/2))
sub acos ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new((1 - $x->{a}) / 2, $x->{b} / -2)->sqrt;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new((1 + $x->{a}) / 2, $x->{b} / +2)->sqrt;
@{$t1}{qw(a b)} = (-$t1->{b}, $t1->{a});
$t1->{a} += $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} += $t2->{b};
my $r = $t1->log;
$r->{a} *= -2;
$r->{b} *= -2;
@{$r}{qw(a b)} = (-$r->{b}, $r->{a});
## acosh(a + b*i) = log((a + b*i) + sqrt((a + b*i) - 1) * sqrt((a + b*i) + 1))
sub acosh ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} - 1, $x->{b})->sqrt;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} + 1, $x->{b})->sqrt;
my $t3 = $t1->mul($t2);
$t3->{a} += $x->{a};
$t3->{b} += $x->{b};
## tan(a + b*i) = (2*i)/(exp(2*i*(a + b*i)) + 1) - i
sub tan ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $r = __PACKAGE__->new(-2 * $x->{b}, 2 * $x->{a})->exp;
$r->{a} += 1;
my $den = $r->{a} * $r->{a} + $r->{b} * $r->{b};
$r->{a} *= 2;
$r->{b} *= 2;
if (!ref($den) and $den == 0) {
$r = $r->div($den);
else {
$r->{a} /= $den;
$r->{b} /= $den;
$r->{a} -= 1;
@{$r}{qw(a b)} = ($r->{b}, $r->{a});
## tanh(a + b*i) = (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) - 1) / (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) + 1)
sub tanh ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 2, $x->{b} * 2)->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new($t1->{a} - 1, $t1->{b});
my $t3 = __PACKAGE__->new($t1->{a} + 1, $t1->{b});
## atan(a + b*i) = i * (log(1 - i*(a + b*i)) - log(1 + i*(a + b*i))) / 2
sub atan ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new(+$x->{b} + 1, -$x->{a})->log;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new(-$x->{b} + 1, +$x->{a})->log;
$t1->{a} -= $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} -= $t2->{b};
$t1->{a} /= 2;
$t1->{b} /= 2;
@{$t1}{qw(a b)} = (-$t1->{b}, $t1->{a});
## atan2(a, b) = -i * log((b + a*i) / sqrt(a^2 + b^2))
sub atan2 {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t = __PACKAGE__->new($y->{a} - $x->{b}, $x->{a} + $y->{b});
$t = $t->div($x->mul($x)->add($y->mul($y))->sqrt)->log;
@{$t}{qw(a b)} = ($t->{b}, -$t->{a});
## atanh(a + b*i) = (log(1 + (a + b*i)) - log(1 - (a + b*i))) / 2
sub atanh ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new(1 + $x->{a}, +$x->{b})->log;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new(1 - $x->{a}, -$x->{b})->log;
$t1->{a} -= $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} -= $t2->{b};
$t1->{a} /= 2;
$t1->{b} /= 2;
## cot(a + b*i) = (2*i)/(exp(2*i*(a + b*i)) - 1) + i
sub cot ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $r = __PACKAGE__->new(-2 * $x->{b}, 2 * $x->{a})->exp;
$r->{a} -= 1;
my $den = $r->{a} * $r->{a} + $r->{b} * $r->{b};
$r->{a} *= 2;
$r->{b} *= 2;
if (!ref($den) and $den == 0) {
$r = $r->div($den);
else {
$r->{a} /= $den;
$r->{b} /= $den;
$r->{a} += 1;
@{$r}{qw(a b)} = ($r->{b}, $r->{a});
## coth(a + b*i) = (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) + 1) / (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) - 1)
sub coth ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 2, $x->{b} * 2)->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new($t1->{a} + 1, $t1->{b});
my $t3 = __PACKAGE__->new($t1->{a} - 1, $t1->{b});
## acot(a + b*i) = atan(1/(a + b*i))
sub acot ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## acoth(a + b*i) = atanh(1 / (a + b*i))
sub acoth ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## sec(a + b*i) = 2/(exp(-i*(a + b*i)) + exp(i*(a + b*i)))
sub sec ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new(+$x->{b}, -$x->{a})->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new(-$x->{b}, +$x->{a})->exp;
$t1->{a} += $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} += $t2->{b};
my $den = $t1->{a} * $t1->{a} + $t1->{b} * $t1->{b};
$t1->{a} *= +2;
$t1->{b} *= -2;
if (!ref($den) and $den == 0) {
$t1 = $t1->div($den);
else {
$t1->{a} /= $den;
$t1->{b} /= $den;
## sech(a + b*i) = (2 * exp(a + b*i)) / (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) + 1)
sub sech ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = $x->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 2, $x->{b} * 2)->exp;
$t1->{a} *= 2;
$t1->{b} *= 2;
$t2->{a} += 1;
## asec(a + b*i) = acos(1/(a + b*i))
sub asec ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## asech(a + b*i) = acosh(1/(a + b*i))
sub asech ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## csc(a + b*i) = -(2*i)/(exp(-i * (a + b*i)) - exp(i * (a + b*i)))
sub csc ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = __PACKAGE__->new(+$x->{b}, -$x->{a})->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new(-$x->{b}, +$x->{a})->exp;
$t1->{a} -= $t2->{a};
$t1->{b} -= $t2->{b};
my $den = $t1->{a} * $t1->{a} + $t1->{b} * $t1->{b};
$t1->{a} *= -2;
$t1->{b} *= -2;
if (!ref($den) and $den == 0) {
$t1 = $t1->div($den);
else {
$t1->{a} /= $den;
$t1->{b} /= $den;
@{$t1}{qw(a b)} = ($t1->{b}, $t1->{a});
## csch(a + b*i) = (2*exp(a + b*i)) / (exp(2 * (a + b*i)) - 1)
sub csch ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t1 = $x->exp;
my $t2 = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 2, $x->{b} * 2)->exp;
$t1->{a} *= 2;
$t1->{b} *= 2;
$t2->{a} -= 1;
## acsc(a + b*i) = asin(1/(a + b*i))
sub acsc ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## acsch(a + b*i) = asinh(1/(a + b*i))
sub acsch ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## deg2rad(x) = x / 180 * atan2(0, -abs(x))
sub deg2rad ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $t = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} / 180, $x->{b} / 180);
my $pi = CORE::atan2(0, -($x->{a} * $x->{a} + $x->{b} * $x->{b}));
if (!ref($pi)) {
$t->{a} *= $pi;
$t->{b} *= $pi;
return $t;
## rad2deg(x) = x * 180 / atan2(0, -abs(x))
sub rad2deg ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
my $r = __PACKAGE__->new($x->{a} * 180, $x->{b} * 180);
my $t = $x->{a} * $x->{a} + $x->{b} * $x->{b};
if ($t == 0) {
return $r;
my $pi = CORE::atan2(0, -$t);
if (!ref($pi) and $pi != 0) {
$r->{a} /= $pi;
$r->{b} /= $pi;
return $r;
########################### MISC FUNCTIONS ###########################
## real(a + b*i) = a
sub real ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## imag(a + b*i) = b
sub imag ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
## reals(a + b*i) = (a, b)
sub reals ($) {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
($x->{a}, $x->{b});
## Equality
sub eq {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
$x->{a} == $y->{a}
and $x->{b} == $y->{b};
## Inequality
sub ne {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
$x->{a} != $y->{a}
or $x->{b} != $y->{b};
## Comparisons
sub cmp {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
(($x->{a} <=> $y->{a}) // return undef)
or (($x->{b} <=> $y->{b}) // return undef);
sub acmp ($$) {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
$x->abs <=> $y->abs;
sub lt {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
($x->cmp($y) // return undef) < 0;
sub le {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
($x->cmp($y) // return undef) <= 0;
sub gt {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
($x->cmp($y) // return undef) > 0;
sub ge {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
$y = __PACKAGE__->new($y) if ref($y) ne __PACKAGE__;
($x->cmp($y) // return undef) >= 0;
sub stringify {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
"($x->{a} $x->{b})";
sub boolify {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
!!$x->{a} or !!$x->{b};
sub numify {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = __PACKAGE__->new($x) if ref($x) ne __PACKAGE__;
1; # End of Math::GComplex