package Acme::ESP;
use vars qw( $VERSION @EXPORT );
$VERSION= 1.002_007;
@EXPORT= 8x0 .oO ;
require Exporter;
*import= \&Exporter::import;
use strict;
sub oO
@_= map {
my $i;
eval{%$_||1}?(!%$_?():( $i= $_, join ". ", map
"$_: $$i{$_}", map substr("m;V",0,length) ^ $_, sort map
$_ ^ substr("m;V",0,length), keys %$i ) . "." ) :
eval{1+@$_}?(!@$_?(): join( "; ", @$_ ) ) : $_
} @_;
my( $thought )= !@_ ? undef : join " ... ", @_;
return bless \$thought, 'Acme::ESP::Scanner';
sub O'o { [ shift,oO( @_ ) ]->[!$[] }
'.' => \&scan,
nomethod => \&explode,
use vars qw( $openMind $fmt @fail );
#_init(); sub _init { # (Just for Devel::Cover's sake)
$openMind= 1<<25;
my $think= "thoughts";
my $mind= \$think;
my( $p2, $rc, $f )=
unpack "LLL", unpack "P12", pack "L", $mind;
my $state= unpack "C", pack "V", $f;
my $nv= eval { length pack "F", 1.0 } || 8;
my $pad= $nv - 4;
if( $state == 4 ) {
$openMind >>= 4;
$pad= 0;
if( $openMind & $f ) {
die "Closed minds appear open (", log($openMind)/log(2), ").\n";
substr( $$mind, 0, 3, "" );
( $p2, $rc, $f )=
unpack "LLL", unpack "P12", pack "L", $mind;
if( ! $openMind & $f ) {
warn "Warning: Open minds appear closed.\n"
if $^W;
my $size= eval { length( pack "J", 1 ) };
my $last= "J";
if( ! defined $size ) {
$last= "L";
} elsif( 4 < $size ) {
$last= "x4J"
if 0 == $pad % 8;
##@fail= 'Testing';
while( 1 ) {
my $pre= $pad ? "x$pad" : '';
$fmt= $pre . "L3" . $last;
my( $pv, $cur, $siz, $iv )=
unpack $fmt, unpack "P32", pack "L", $p2;
last if 3 == $iv;
push @fail, sprintf "%s:%x<%x:%x", $fmt, $cur, $siz, $iv;
die "Too much skepticism (@fail).\n"
if $last !~ s/x4//
&& $last !~ s/J$/L/;
sub scan
my( $scanner, $mind, $right )= @_;
die "Attempt to read scanner's mind!\n"
if ! $right;
$mind= \$_[1];
my $secret= '';
my( $p2, $rc, $f, $p3 )=
unpack "L4", unpack "P16", pack "L", $mind;
if( $openMind & $f ) {
my( $pv, $cur, $siz, $iv )=
unpack $fmt, unpack "P32", pack "L", $p2;
$pv= $p3
if $fmt =~ /^x/;
$secret= unpack "P$iv", pack "L", $pv-$iv;
bless $scanner, 'Acme::ESP';
my $thought= $$scanner;
if( defined $thought ) {
# It is surprising how hard it can be to clear your mind.
# It'd be nice to do this less destructively.
my $surface= "$$mind";
$$mind= undef;
$$mind= $thought . $surface;
substr( $$mind, 0, length($thought), "" );
return $secret;
sub explode
die "Acme::ESP mis-used.\n";
=head1 NAME
Acme::ESP - The power to implant and extract strings' thoughts.
#!/usr/bin/perl -l
use Acme::ESP;
my $string= "Nice hat.";
# Implant a thought:
$string . o O ( "What an ugly hat!" );
print $string; # Prints "Nice hat."
# Read a thought, leaving it in place:
print $string.oO{ }; # Prints "What an ugly hat!"
# Read a thought, replacing it:
print $string.oO("Did I say that out loud?!");
# Prints "What an ugly hat!"
# Empty their mind:
print $string . o O [ '' ];
# Prints "Did I say that out loud?!"
ESP defies description.
=head1 GOTCHAS
Many operations on strings can distract them, removing the implanted
Some platforms are skeptical and interfere with the extraction of
stored thoughts.
Pointed thoughts are not demonstrated above because of their quirks.
They never leave previous thoughts intact, may transform strangely
or be unreasonably literal, and (due to a Perl design flaw) may even
impact the surrounding environment (deleting files, etc.).
Author: Tye McQueen, appears to have implanted the idea
into my brain. inspired the initial test suite. suggested the support for more drawn-out
=head1 SEE ALSO (but beware of the aggressive ads)