<TITLE> Adding Pages to a TixNoteBook<A NAME=211>&nbsp;</A></TITLE>
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<A NAME=Contents>&nbsp;</A><H3><A NAME=SECTION00041100000000000000> Adding Pages to a TixNoteBook<A NAME=211>&nbsp;</A></A></H3>
The example program in figure 2-2 creates the
TixNoteBook widget shown in figure 2-1. In the first
three lines, we create the notebook widget and two pages inside
it. While we create the pages, we also set the labels on the tabs
associated with each page and use the <tt>-underline</tt> option to
indicate the keyboard accelerator for each page.
Each time we create a page in the notebook using the <tt>add</tt> method, a
frame subwidget is created for us automatically. This frame subwidget has
the same name as the page (the first parameter passed to the <tt>add</tt>
method). We can use the <tt>subwidget</tt> method to find out the pathname
of this frame subwidget and pack everything we want to display on the
page into this frame widget. Lines 4-10 of program 2-2 shows
how to create the widgets inside the ``Hard Disk'' page. Creating the
widgets inside the ``Network'' page will be similar.
<blockquote> <P><tt> tixNoteBook .n<BR>
.n add hd -label &quot;Hard Disk&quot; -underline 0<BR>
.n add net -label &quot;Network&quot; -underline 0<BR>
set frame [.n subwidget hd]<BR>
tixControl $frame.access -label &quot;Access Time:&quot;<BR>
tixControl $frame.write -label &quot;Write Throughput:&quot;<BR>
tixControl $frame.read -label &quot;Read Througput:&quot;<BR>
tixControl $frame.capacity -label &quot;Capacity:&quot;<BR>
pack $frame.access $frame.write $frame.read $frame.capacity <BR> -side top -fill x
<P><CENTER>(Figure 2-2) Using The TixNoteBook Widget<A NAME=22>&nbsp;</A>