<TITLE> Other Scrolled Widgets<A NAME=232> </A></TITLE>
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<B> Next:</B> <A NAME=tex2html730 HREF=section3_5.html> Tabular Listbox and </A>
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<A NAME=Contents> </A><H3><A NAME=SECTION00043200000000000000> Other Scrolled Widgets<A NAME=232> </A></A></H3>
The <b>TixScrolledText</b> widget is very similar to the
TixScrolledListBox widget, except it scrolls a text subwidget, which
is called <tt>text</tt>. One problem with the TixScrolledText widget,
though, is its <tt>-scrollbar</tt> option doesn't work in the <b>auto</b> mode. This is due to a bug in Tk which doesn't report the
width of the <b>text</b> subwidget correctly. Until this bug is fixed
in TK, the <b>auto</b> mode will behave the same way as the both mode
for the TixScrolledText widget.
Another scrolled-widget is <b>TixScrolledWindow</b>. Sometimes you have a
large number of widgets that can't possibly be shown in the screen all at
once and your application doesn't allow you to divide the widgets into
several pages of a TixNoteBook. In this case you can use
TixScrolledWindow. It contains a frame subwidget called <tt>window</tt>. You
can just create as many widgets as you need as children of the <tt>window</tt> subwidget. An example is shown in program 2-9, which uses the
TixScrolledWindow widget to implement a ``cheap'' spreadsheet
application. The boxes of the spreadsheet are just entry widgets and they
are packed inside the <tt>window</tt> subwidget. The user will be able to
scroll to different parts of the spreadsheet if it is too large to fit in
one screen.
<blockquote> <P><tt> tixScrolledWindow .sw -scrollbar auto<BR>
set f [.sw subwidget window]<BR>
for {set x 0} {$x $<$ 10} {incr x} {<BR>
frame $f.f$x<BR>
pack $f.f$x -side top -expand yes -fill both<BR>
for {set y 0} {$y $<$ 10} {incr y} {<BR>
entry $f.f$x.e$y -width 10<BR>
pack $f.f$x.e$y -side left -fill x<BR>
pack .sw -side left -expand yes -fill both
<P><CENTER>(Figure 2-9) Cheap Spreadsheet Application with TixScrolledWindow<A NAME=29> </A>
There are two more scrolled-widgets in the Tix library: <b>TixScrolledTList</b> scrolls a TixTList widget and <b>TixScrolledHList</b>
scrolls a TixHList widget. The subwidgets that they scroll are called
<tt>tlist</tt> and <tt>hlist</tt>, respectively. The use of the TList and HList
widgets will be described in the next chapters.