* tixDItem.c --
* This file implements the "Display Items" in the Tix library.
* Since many Tix widgets use the same type of display items, for
* example, text items, image items, or text-image items (used in
* HList, TList and Table), it makes sense to provide a set of
* common routines to support these display items. Code re-use is
* the major issue: we don't want to re-define almost the same
* configSpecs again and again in different widgets. Therefore,
* all display items provide common methods to configure,
* display, calculate geometry, etc.
* Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
* Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
* of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
* $Id: tixDItem.c,v 1.3 2004/03/28 02:44:56 hobbs Exp $
#include <tixPort.h>
#include <tixInt.h>
static int DItemParseProc _ANSI_ARGS_((ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST84 char *value,
char *widRec, int offset));
static char *DItemPrintProc _ANSI_ARGS_((
ClientData clientData, Tk_Window tkwin, char *widRec,
int offset, Tcl_FreeProc **freeProcPtr));
* The following functions are called by widget implementors
/* Tix_AddDItemType, Tix_GetDItemType --
* Maintain a list of item types, each identifies by a unique string
* name;
static Tix_DItemInfo * diTypes = NULL;
void Tix_AddDItemType(diTypePtr)
Tix_DItemInfo * diTypePtr;
diTypePtr->next = diTypes;
diTypes = diTypePtr;
Tix_DItemInfo * Tix_GetDItemType(interp, type)
Tcl_Interp * interp;
CONST84 char * type;
Tix_DItemInfo * diTypePtr;
for (diTypePtr = diTypes; diTypePtr; diTypePtr = diTypePtr->next) {
if (strcmp(type, diTypePtr->name)==0) {
return diTypePtr;
if (interp) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown display type \"", type, "\"", NULL);
return NULL;
* Tix_DItemCreate --
* Create a display item according to the "type" string.
Tix_DItem * Tix_DItemCreate(ddPtr, type)
Tix_DispData * ddPtr;
CONST84 char * type;
Tix_DItemInfo * diTypePtr;
if ((diTypePtr = Tix_GetDItemType(ddPtr->interp, type)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
return diTypePtr->createProc(ddPtr, diTypePtr);
* Tix_DItemConfigure --
* Configures a display item.
int Tix_DItemConfigure(iPtr, argc, argv, flags)
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
int argc;
CONST84 char ** argv;
int flags;
return iPtr->base.diTypePtr->configureProc(iPtr, argc, argv, flags);
* Tix_DItemDisplay --
* Display a DItem. {x, y, width, height} specifies a region
* for to display this item in. {xOffset, yOffset} gives the
* offset of the top-left corner of the item relative to
* the top-left corder of the region.
* Background and foreground of the item are displayed according
* to the flags parameter.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
Tix_DItemDisplay(drawable, iPtr, x, y, width, height, xOffset, yOffset,flags)
Drawable drawable;
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
int xOffset;
int yOffset;
int flags;
iPtr->base.diTypePtr->displayProc(drawable, iPtr, x, y,
width, height, xOffset, yOffset, flags);
void Tix_DItemFree(iPtr)
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
* When it comes to here, iPtr is no longer a valid pointer!
void Tix_DItemCalculateSize(iPtr)
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
char * Tix_DItemComponent(iPtr, x, y)
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
int x;
int y;
return (iPtr->base.diTypePtr->componentProc(iPtr, x, y));
* Tix_FreeArgumentList --
* Free the argument lists allocated by Tix_SplitConfig;
Tix_ArgumentList *argListPtr;
int i;
for (i=0; i<argListPtr->numLists; i++) {
if (argListPtr->arg != argListPtr->preAlloc) {
* Tix_SplitConfig --
* Split the command line arguments according for several configurable
* objects.
Tix_SplitConfig(interp, tkwin, specsList, numLists, argc, argv, argListPtr)
Tcl_Interp * interp;
Tk_Window tkwin;
Tk_ConfigSpec ** specsList; /* a list of two or more config spec
* arrays */
int numLists;
int argc;
CONST84 char ** argv;
Tix_ArgumentList * argListPtr;
Tix_Argument *arg;
int i, n, code = TCL_OK;
Tk_ConfigSpec *specPtr;
size_t len;
int found;
if (argc % 2) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "value for \"", argv[argc-1],
"\" missing", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (numLists > FIXED_SIZE) {
arg = (Tix_Argument*)ckalloc(numLists * sizeof(Tix_Argument));
} else {
arg = argListPtr->preAlloc;
argListPtr->arg = arg;
argListPtr->numLists = numLists;
for (i=0; i<numLists; i++) {
arg[i].argc = 0;
arg[i].argv = (CONST84 char**)ckalloc(argc * sizeof(char*));
/* Split the arguments for the appropriate objects */
for (n=0; n<argc; n+=2) {
len = strlen(argv[n]);
found = 0;
for (i=0; i<numLists; i++) {
for (specPtr=specsList[i];
specPtr->type != TK_CONFIG_END;
specPtr++) {
if (specPtr->argvName == NULL) {
if (strncmp(argv[n], specPtr->argvName, len) == 0) {
arg[i].argv[arg[i].argc++] = argv[n ];
arg[i].argv[arg[i].argc++] = argv[n+1];
found = 1;
if (found == 0) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown option \"", argv[n],
"\"", (char *) NULL);
code = TCL_ERROR;
goto done;
if (code == TCL_ERROR) {
return code;
Tix_MultiConfigureInfo(interp, tkwin, specsList, numLists, widgRecList,
argvName, flags, request)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window corresponding to widgRec. */
Tk_ConfigSpec **specsList; /* Describes legal options. */
int numLists;
CONST84 char **widgRecList; /* Record whose fields contain current
* values for options. */
CONST84 char *argvName; /* If non-NULL, indicates a single option
* whose info is to be returned. Otherwise
* info is returned for all options. */
int flags; /* Used to specify additional flags
* that must be present in config specs
* for them to be considered. */
int request;
int i, found;
Tk_ConfigSpec *specPtr;
Tcl_DString dString;
size_t len;
CONST84 char *result;
if (argvName != NULL) {
len = strlen(argvName);
for (found=0,i=0; i<numLists; i++) {
for (specPtr=specsList[i];
specPtr->type != TK_CONFIG_END;
specPtr++) {
if (specPtr->argvName == NULL) {
if (strncmp(argvName, specPtr->argvName, len) == 0) {
found = 1;
goto done;
if (!found) {
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown option \"", argvName,
"\"", (char *) NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
if (request == TIX_CONFIG_INFO) {
if (widgRecList[i] != NULL) {
return Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, tkwin, specsList[i],
(char *) widgRecList[i], argvName, flags);
} else {
return TCL_OK;
} else {
if (widgRecList[i] != NULL) {
return Tk_ConfigureValue(interp, tkwin, specsList[i],
(char *) widgRecList[i], argvName, flags);
} else {
return TCL_OK;
for (i=0; i<numLists; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, " ", 1);
if (widgRecList[i] != NULL) {
Tk_ConfigureInfo(interp, tkwin, specsList[i],
(char *) widgRecList[i], NULL, flags);
result = Tcl_GetStringResult(interp);
Tcl_DStringAppend(&dString, result, (int) strlen(result));
Tcl_DStringResult(interp, &dString);
return TCL_OK;
* Tix_ConfigureValue2 --
* Returns the config information of a entry element (of an HList,
* for example) and its display item.
Tix_ConfigureValue2(interp, tkwin, entRec, entConfigSpecs, iPtr,
argvName, flags)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window corresponding to widgRec. */
CONST84 char * entRec;
Tk_ConfigSpec *entConfigSpecs; /* Describes legal options of the entry */
Tix_DItem * iPtr; /* points to the entry's data record */
CONST84 char *argvName; /* If non-NULL, indicates a single option
* whose info is to be returned. Otherwise
* info is returned for all options. */
int flags; /* Used to specify additional flags
* that must be present in config specs
* for them to be considered. */
Tk_ConfigSpec *specsList[2];
CONST84 char *widgRecList[2];
specsList[0] = entConfigSpecs;
specsList[1] = Tix_DItemConfigSpecs(iPtr);
widgRecList[1] = (CONST84 char*)iPtr;
widgRecList[0] = entRec;
return Tix_MultiConfigureInfo(interp, tkwin, specsList, 2, widgRecList,
argvName, flags, TIX_CONFIG_VALUE);
* Tix_ConfigureInfo2 --
* Returns the config information of a entry element (of an HList,
* for example) and its display item.
Tix_ConfigureInfo2(interp, tkwin, entRec, entConfigSpecs, iPtr,
argvName, flags)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window corresponding to widgRec. */
CONST84 char * entRec;
Tk_ConfigSpec *entConfigSpecs; /* Describes legal options of the entry */
Tix_DItem * iPtr; /* points to the entry's data record */
CONST84 char *argvName; /* If non-NULL, indicates a single option
* whose info is to be returned. Otherwise
* info is returned for all options. */
int flags; /* Used to specify additional flags
* that must be present in config specs
* for them to be considered. */
Tk_ConfigSpec *specsList[2];
CONST84 char *widgRecList[2];
specsList[0] = entConfigSpecs;
specsList[1] = Tix_DItemConfigSpecs(iPtr);
widgRecList[1] = (CONST84 char*)iPtr;
widgRecList[0] = (CONST84 char*)entRec;
return Tix_MultiConfigureInfo(interp, tkwin, specsList, 2, widgRecList,
argvName, flags, TIX_CONFIG_INFO);
Tix_WidgetConfigure2(interp, tkwin, entRec, entConfigSpecs, iPtr,
argc, argv, flags, forced, sizeChanged_ret)
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Interpreter for error reporting. */
Tk_Window tkwin; /* Window corresponding to widgRec. */
CONST84 char * entRec;
Tk_ConfigSpec *entConfigSpecs; /* Describes legal options of the entry */
Tix_DItem * iPtr; /* points to the entry's data record */
int argc;
CONST84 char ** argv;
int flags;
int forced; /* forced configure of DItem? */
int * sizeChanged_ret;
Tix_ArgumentList argList;
Tk_ConfigSpec *specsList[2];
CONST84 char *widgRecList[2];
int code = TCL_OK;
int dummy;
if (sizeChanged_ret == NULL) {
sizeChanged_ret = &dummy;
specsList[0] = entConfigSpecs;
specsList[1] = Tix_DItemConfigSpecs(iPtr);
widgRecList[0] = (CONST84 char*)entRec;
widgRecList[1] = (CONST84 char*)iPtr;
if (Tix_SplitConfig(interp, tkwin, specsList,
2, argc, argv, &argList) != TCL_OK) {
return TCL_ERROR;
/* Handle the info specific to the entry */
if (argList.arg[0].argc > 0) {
if (Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin,
entConfigSpecs, argList.arg[0].argc, argList.arg[0].argv,
(char*)entRec, flags) != TCL_OK) {
code = TCL_ERROR;
goto done;
if (iPtr == NULL) {
goto done;
if (argList.arg[1].argc > 0 || forced) {
int oldSize[2];
oldSize[0] = iPtr->base.size[0];
oldSize[1] = iPtr->base.size[1];
if (Tix_DItemConfigure(iPtr, argList.arg[1].argc,
argList.arg[1].argv, flags) != TCL_OK) {
code = TCL_ERROR;
goto done;
if (oldSize[0] != iPtr->base.size[0] ||
oldSize[1] != iPtr->base.size[1]) {
* sizeChanged_ret = 1;
} else {
* sizeChanged_ret = 0;
return code;
* The Tix Customed Config Options
* The global data structures to use in widget configSpecs arrays
* These are declared in <tixConfig.h>
Tk_CustomOption tixConfigItemType = {
DItemParseProc, DItemPrintProc, 0,
* DItemParseProc --
* Parse the text string and store the Tix_DItemType information
* inside the widget record.
static int DItemParseProc(clientData, interp, tkwin, value, widRec,offset)
ClientData clientData;
Tcl_Interp *interp;
Tk_Window tkwin;
CONST84 char *value;
char *widRec;
int offset;
Tix_DItemInfo *newPtr;
Tix_DItemInfo **ptr = (Tix_DItemInfo **)(widRec + offset);
if (value == NULL) {
newPtr = NULL;
} else {
newPtr = Tix_GetDItemType(interp, value);
if (newPtr == NULL) {
return TCL_ERROR;
*ptr = newPtr;
return TCL_OK;
static char *DItemPrintProc(clientData, tkwin, widRec,offset, freeProcPtr)
ClientData clientData;
Tk_Window tkwin;
char *widRec;
int offset;
Tcl_FreeProc **freeProcPtr;
Tix_DItemInfo *diTypePtr = *((Tix_DItemInfo**)(widRec+offset));
if (diTypePtr != NULL) {
return diTypePtr->name;
} else {
return 0;
* The following functions are called by display type implementors
/* The priority is selected > disabled > active > normal */
TixGetColorDItemGC(iPtr, backGC_ret, foreGC_ret, anchorGC_ret, flags)
Tix_DItem * iPtr;
GC * backGC_ret;
GC * foreGC_ret;
GC * anchorGC_ret;
int flags;
TixColorStyle * stylePtr = (TixColorStyle *) iPtr->base.stylePtr;
GC dummy;
int bg = 0;
if (backGC_ret == NULL) {
backGC_ret = &dummy;
if (foreGC_ret == NULL) {
foreGC_ret = &dummy;
if (anchorGC_ret == NULL) {
anchorGC_ret = &dummy;
if (flags & TIX_DITEM_SELECTED_FG) {
*foreGC_ret = stylePtr->colors[TIX_DITEM_SELECTED].foreGC;
else if (flags & TIX_DITEM_DISABLED_FG) {
*foreGC_ret = stylePtr->colors[TIX_DITEM_DISABLED].foreGC;
else if (flags & TIX_DITEM_ACTIVE_FG) {
*foreGC_ret = stylePtr->colors[TIX_DITEM_ACTIVE].foreGC;
else if (flags & TIX_DITEM_NORMAL_FG) {
*foreGC_ret = stylePtr->colors[TIX_DITEM_NORMAL].foreGC;
else {
*foreGC_ret = None;
if (flags & TIX_DITEM_SELECTED_BG) {
} else if (flags & TIX_DITEM_DISABLED_BG) {
} else if (flags & TIX_DITEM_ACTIVE_BG) {
} else if (flags & TIX_DITEM_NORMAL_BG) {
} else {
bg = -1;
if (bg != -1) {
*backGC_ret = stylePtr->colors[bg].backGC;
} else {
*backGC_ret = None;
if ((flags & TIX_DITEM_ANCHOR) && (bg != -1)) {
*anchorGC_ret = stylePtr->colors[bg].anchorGC;
} else {
*anchorGC_ret = None;
* TixDItemGetAnchor --
* Calculate the position of the element according to its anchor
TixDItemGetAnchor(anchor, x, y, cav_w, cav_h, width, height, x_ret, y_ret)
Tk_Anchor anchor;
int x;
int y;
int cav_w;
int cav_h;
int width;
int height;
int * x_ret;
int * y_ret;
if (width > cav_w) {
* x_ret = x;
} else {
int rem = cav_w - width;
switch (anchor) {
* x_ret = x;
* x_ret = x + rem/2;
* x_ret = x + rem;
if (height > cav_h) {
* y_ret = y;
else {
int rem = cav_h - height;
switch (anchor) {
* y_ret = y;
* y_ret = y + rem/2;
if ((rem % 2) == 1) {
/* Usually it looks better if we shift down one pixel
* if the hight of the region is an odd number of pixels
* y_ret += 1;
* y_ret = y + rem;
Tix_DItemFillNormalBG(drawable, subRegPtr, iPtr, x, y, width, height,
xOffset, yOffset, flags)
Drawable drawable; /* Where to display this item */
TixpSubRegion *subRegPtr;
Tix_DItem * iPtr; /* Item to display */
int x; /* x pos of top-left corner of region
* to display item in */
int y; /* y pos of top-left corner of region */
int width; /* width of region */
int height; /* height of region */
int xOffset; /* X offset of item within region */
int yOffset; /* Y offset of item within region */
int flags; /* Controls how fg/bg/anchor lines are
* drawn */
GC gc;
if ((flags & TIX_DITEM_NORMAL_BG) == 0) {
return 0;
if (width == iPtr->base.size[0] && height == iPtr->base.size[1] &&
xOffset == 0 && yOffset == 0 &&
(flags & TIX_DITEM_OTHER_BG) != 0) {
* The background area will be filled by another bg color, so
* there's no need to fill it with NORMAL_BG here.
return 0;
gc = iPtr->base.stylePtr->colors[TIX_DITEM_NORMAL].backGC;
if (gc != None) {
TixpSubRegFillRectangle(iPtr->base.ddPtr->display, drawable,
gc, subRegPtr, x, y, width, height);
return 1;
return 0;
* Tix_DItemDrawBackground --
* Display the background color of the item. The background and
* foreground of the item are displayed according to the flags
* parameter:
* If TIX_DITEM_NORMAL_BG is specified in flags, the entire {x, y,
* width, height} region is filled with the NORMAL_BG.
* If one of the following is specified, a filled highlight rect
* is drawn around the selectable area of the item.
* In addition, if TIX_DITEM_ANCHOR is specified in flags, an
* anchor rectangle is drawn around the selectable area of the
* item.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
Tix_DItemDrawBackground(drawable, subRegPtr, iPtr, x, y, width, height,
xOffset, yOffset, flags)
Drawable drawable; /* Where to display this item */
TixpSubRegion *subRegPtr;
Tix_DItem * iPtr; /* Item to display */
int x; /* x pos of top-left corner of region
* to display item in */
int y; /* y pos of top-left corner of region */
int width; /* width of region */
int height; /* height of region */
int xOffset; /* X offset of item within region */
int yOffset; /* Y offset of item within region */
int flags; /* Controls how fg/bg/anchor lines are
* drawn */
Display * display = iPtr->base.ddPtr->display;
GC backGC, anchorGC;
int bodyX, bodyY, bodyW, bodyH;
TixGetColorDItemGC(iPtr, &backGC, NULL, &anchorGC, flags);
* Fill the entire region with the normal background color first
* (if necessary).
Tix_DItemFillNormalBG(drawable, subRegPtr, iPtr, x, y, width, height,
xOffset, yOffset, flags);
* Calculate the location of the item body.
TixDItemGetAnchor(iPtr->base.stylePtr->anchor, x, y, width, height,
iPtr->base.size[0], iPtr->base.size[1], &x, &y);
x += xOffset;
y += yOffset;
bodyX = x + iPtr->base.selX;
bodyY = y + iPtr->base.selY;
bodyW = iPtr->base.selW;
bodyH = iPtr->base.selH;
* Fill the selected background and draw anchor lines only around
* the item body itself
if ((flags & TIX_DITEM_OTHER_BG) && (backGC != None)) {
TixpSubRegSetClip(display, subRegPtr, backGC);
TixpSubRegFillRectangle(display, drawable, backGC,
subRegPtr, bodyX, bodyY, bodyW, bodyH);
TixpSubRegUnsetClip(display, subRegPtr, backGC);
if (anchorGC != None) {
TixpSubRegSetClip(display, subRegPtr, anchorGC);
TixpSubRegDrawAnchorLines(display, drawable,
anchorGC, subRegPtr, bodyX, bodyY, bodyW, bodyH);
TixpSubRegUnsetClip(display, subRegPtr, anchorGC);