# Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Tim Baker
namespace eval DemoTextvariable {}
proc DemoTextvariable::Init {T} {
variable Priv
# Configure the treectrl widget
$T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no \
-selectmode extended -xscrollincrement 20 \
-yscrollincrement 10 -showheader yes
if {!$::clip} {
# Hide the borders because child windows appear on top of them
$T configure -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
# Create columns
$T column create -text "Resize Me!" -justify center -tags C0
$T configure -treecolumn C0
# Create elements
$T element create eWindow window
$T element create eRect rect -rx 7
$T element create eText1 text -width 300
$T element create eText2 text -wrap none
# Create styles using the elements
set S [$T style create s1 -orient horizontal]
$T style elements $S eText1
$T style layout $S eText1 -padx 10 -pady 6 -squeeze x
set S [$T style create s2 -orient vertical]
$T style elements $S {eRect eText2 eWindow}
$T style layout $S eRect -union {eText2 eWindow} -ipadx 8 -ipady 8 -padx 4 -pady {0 4}
$T style layout $S eText2 -pady {0 6} -squeeze x
$T style layout $S eWindow -iexpand x -squeeze x
# Create items and assign styles
set I [$T item create]
$T item style set $I C0 s1
$T item element configure $I C0 eText1 -text "Each text element and entry widget share the same -textvariable. Editing the text in the entry automatically updates the text element."
$T item lastchild root $I
foreach i {0 1} color {gray75 "light blue"} {
set I [$T item create]
$T item style set $I C0 s2
set tvar ::DemoTextvariable::Priv(tvar,$I)
if {$::clip} {
set clip [frame $T.clip$I -borderwidth 0]
set e [$::entryCmd $clip.e -width 48 -textvariable $tvar]
$T item element configure $I C0 \
eRect -fill [list $color] + \
eText2 -textvariable $tvar + \
eWindow -window $clip -clip yes
} else {
set e [$::entryCmd $T.e$I -width 48 -textvariable $tvar]
$T item element configure $I C0 \
eRect -fill [list $color] + \
eText2 -textvariable $tvar + \
eWindow -window $e
$T item lastchild root $I
set Priv(tvar,$I) "This is item $I"