# Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Tim Baker
namespace eval DemoBitmaps {}
proc DemoBitmaps::Init {T} {
# Configure the treectrl widget
$T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no \
-selectmode browse -orient horizontal -wrap "5 items" \
-showheader no -backgroundimage sky
$T configure -canvaspadx 6 -canvaspady 6 -itemgapx 4 -itemgapy 4
# Create columns
$T column create -itembackground {gray90 {}} -tags C0
# Create elements
$T element create elemTxt text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}]
$T element create elemSelTxt rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus}] \
-showfocus yes
$T element create elemSelBmp rect -outline [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus}] \
-outlinewidth 4
$T element create elemBmp bitmap \
-foreground [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus}] \
-background linen \
-bitmap {question {selected}}
# Create styles using the elements
set S [$T style create STYLE -orient vertical]
$T style elements $S {elemSelBmp elemBmp elemSelTxt elemTxt}
$T style layout $S elemSelBmp -union elemBmp \
-ipadx 6 -ipady 6
$T style layout $S elemBmp -pady {0 6} -expand we
$T style layout $S elemSelTxt -union elemTxt -ipadx 2
$T style layout $S elemTxt -expand we
# Set default item style
$T column configure C0 -itemstyle $S
# Create items and assign styles
set bitmapNames [list error gray75 gray50 gray25 gray12 hourglass info \
questhead question warning]
foreach name $bitmapNames {
set I [$T item create]
$T item text $I C0 $name
$T item element configure $I C0 elemBmp -bitmap $name
$T item lastchild root $I
foreach name $bitmapNames {
set I [$T item create]
$T item style set $I C0 $S
$T item text $I C0 $name
if 1 {
$T item element configure $I C0 elemBmp -bitmap $name \
-foreground [list brown {}] \
-background {"" {}}
} else {
$T item element configure $I C0 elemBmp -bitmap $name \
-foreground [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus} brown {}] \
-background {"" {}}
$T item lastchild root $I