# Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Tim Baker
# Demo: Help contents
namespace eval DemoHelpContents {}
proc DemoHelpContents::Init {T} {
variable Priv
set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace]
if {$height < 18} {
set height 18
# Configure the treectrl widget
$T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no -itemheight $height \
-selectmode browse
$T configure -canvaspadx {4 0} -canvaspady {2 0}
InitPics help-*
# Create columns
$T column create -text "Help Contents" -tags C0
$T configure -treecolumn C0
# Create elements
# Define a new item state
$T item state define mouseover
$T element create elemImgPage image -image help-page
$T element create elemImgBook image -image {help-book-open {open} help-book-closed {}}
$T element create elemTxt text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus} blue {mouseover}] \
-font [list DemoFontUnderline {mouseover}] -lines 1
$T element create elemRectSel rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus}] -showfocus yes
# Create styles using the elements
# book
set S [$T style create styBook]
$T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgBook elemTxt}
$T style layout $S elemImgBook -padx {0 4} -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemTxt -expand ns -squeeze x
$T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxt] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2
# page
set S [$T style create styPage]
$T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgPage elemTxt}
$T style layout $S elemImgPage -padx {0 4} -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemTxt -expand ns -squeeze x
$T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxt] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2
# Create items and assign styles
set parentList [list root {} {} {} {} {} {}]
set parent root
foreach {depth style text} {
0 styPage "Welcome to Help"
0 styBook "Introducing Windows 98"
1 styBook "How to Use Help"
2 styPage "Find a topic"
2 styPage "Get more out of help"
1 styBook "Register Your Software"
2 styPage "Registering Windows 98 online"
1 styBook "What's New in Windows 98"
2 styPage "Innovative, easy-to-use features"
2 styPage "Improved reliability"
2 styPage "A faster operating system"
2 styPage "True Web integration"
2 styPage "More entertaining and fun"
1 styBook "If You're New to Windows 98"
2 styBook "Tips for Macintosh Users"
3 styPage "Why does the mouse have two buttons?"
} {
set item [$T item create -open no]
$T item style set $item C0 $style
$T item element configure $item C0 elemTxt -text $text
$T item lastchild [lindex $parentList $depth] $item
incr depth
set parentList [lreplace $parentList $depth $depth $item]
bind DemoHelpContents <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
if {[lindex [%W identify %x %y] 0] eq "header"} {
TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 %W %x %y
} else {
DemoHelpContents::Button1 %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <ButtonPress-1> {
DemoHelpContents::Button1 %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <Button1-Motion> {
# noop
bind DemoHelpContents <Button1-Leave> {
# noop
bind DemoHelpContents <Motion> {
DemoHelpContents::Motion %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <Leave> {
DemoHelpContents::Motion %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <KeyPress-Return> {
if {[%W selection count] == 1} {
%W item toggle [%W selection get 0]
set Priv(prev) ""
bindtags $T [list $T DemoHelpContents TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all]
# This is an alternate implementation that does not define a new item state
# to change the appearance of the item under the cursor.
proc DemoHelpContents::Init_2 {T} {
variable Priv
set T [DemoList]
set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace]
if {$height < 18} {
set height 18
# Configure the treectrl widget
$T configure -showroot no -showbuttons no -showlines no -itemheight $height \
-selectmode browse
InitPics help-*
# Create columns
$T column create -text "Help Contents"
# Create elements
$T element create elemImgPage image -image help-page
$T element create elemImgBook image -image {help-book-open {open} help-book-closed {}}
$T element create elemTxt text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus}]
$T element create elemRectSel rect -fill [list $::SystemHighlight {selected focus}] -showfocus yes
$T element create elemTxtOver text -fill [list $::SystemHighlightText {selected focus} blue {}] \
-font "[$T cget -font] underline"
# Create styles using the elements
# book
set S [$T style create styBook]
$T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgBook elemTxt}
$T style layout $S elemImgBook -padx {0 4} -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemTxt -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxt] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2
# page
set S [$T style create styPage]
$T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgPage elemTxt}
$T style layout $S elemImgPage -padx {0 4} -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemTxt -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxt] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2
# book (focus)
set S [$T style create styBook.f]
$T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgBook elemTxtOver}
$T style layout $S elemImgBook -padx {0 4} -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemTxtOver -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxtOver] -iexpand ns -ipadx {1 2}
# page (focus)
set S [$T style create styPage.f]
$T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgPage elemTxtOver}
$T style layout $S elemImgPage -padx {0 4} -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemTxtOver -expand ns
$T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxtOver] -iexpand ns -ipadx {1 2}
# Create items and assign styles
set parentList [list root {} {} {} {} {} {}]
set parent root
foreach {depth style text} {
0 styPage "Welcome to Help"
0 styBook "Introducing Windows 98"
1 styBook "How to Use Help"
2 styPage "Find a topic"
2 styPage "Get more out of help"
1 styBook "Register Your Software"
2 styPage "Registering Windows 98 online"
1 styBook "What's New in Windows 98"
2 styPage "Innovative, easy-to-use features"
2 styPage "Improved reliability"
2 styPage "A faster operating system"
2 styPage "True Web integration"
2 styPage "More entertaining and fun"
1 styBook "If You're New to Windows 98"
2 styBook "Tips for Macintosh Users"
3 styPage "Why does the mouse have two buttons?"
} {
set item [$T item create -open no]
$T item style set $item 0 $style
$T item element configure $item 0 elemTxt -text $text
$T item lastchild [lindex $parentList $depth] $item
incr depth
set parentList [lreplace $parentList $depth $depth $item]
bind DemoHelpContents <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
if {[lindex [%W identify %x %y] 0] eq "header"} {
TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 %W %x %y
} else {
DemoHelpContents::Button1 %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <ButtonPress-1> {
DemoHelpContents::Button1 %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <Button1-Motion> {
# noop
bind DemoHelpContents <Button1-Leave> {
# noop
bind DemoHelpContents <Motion> {
DemoHelpContents::Motion_2 %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <Leave> {
DemoHelpContents::Motion_2 %W %x %y
bind DemoHelpContents <KeyPress-Return> {
if {[%W selection count] == 1} {
%W item toggle [%W selection get 0]
set Priv(prev) ""
bindtags $T [list $T DemoHelpContents TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all]
proc DemoHelpContents::Button1 {w x y} {
variable ::TreeCtrl::Priv
focus $w
set id [$w identify $x $y]
set Priv(buttonMode) ""
if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} {
TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 $w $x $y
} elseif {[lindex $id 0] eq "item"} {
set item [lindex $id 1]
# didn't click an element
if {[llength $id] != 6} return
if {[$w selection includes $item]} {
$w item toggle $item
if {[$w selection count]} {
set item2 [$w selection get 0]
$w item collapse $item2
foreach item2 [$w item ancestors $item2] {
if {[$w item compare $item != $item2]} {
$w item collapse $item2
$w activate $item
$w item expand [list $item ancestors]
$w item toggle $item
$w selection modify $item all
proc DemoHelpContents::Motion {w x y} {
variable Priv
set id [$w identify $x $y]
if {$id eq ""} {
} elseif {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} {
} elseif {[lindex $id 0] eq "item"} {
set item [lindex $id 1]
if {[llength $id] == 6} {
if {$item ne $Priv(prev)} {
if {$Priv(prev) ne ""} {
$w item state set $Priv(prev) !mouseover
$w item state set $item mouseover
$w configure -cursor hand2
set Priv(prev) $item
if {$Priv(prev) ne ""} {
$w item state set $Priv(prev) !mouseover
$w configure -cursor ""
set Priv(prev) ""
# Alternate implementation that does not rely on run-time states
proc DemoHelpContents::Motion_2 {w x y} {
variable Priv
set id [$w identify $x $y]
if {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} {
} elseif {$id ne ""} {
set item [lindex $id 1]
if {[llength $id] == 6} {
if {$item ne $Priv(prev)} {
if {$Priv(prev) ne ""} {
set style [$w item style set $Priv(prev) 0]
set style [string trim $style .f]
$w item style map $Priv(prev) 0 $style {elemTxtOver elemTxt}
set style [$w item style set $item 0]
$w item style map $item 0 $style.f {elemTxt elemTxtOver}
set Priv(prev) $item
if {$Priv(prev) ne ""} {
set style [$w item style set $Priv(prev) 0]
set style [string trim $style .f]
$w item style map $Priv(prev) 0 $style {elemTxtOver elemTxt}
set Priv(prev) ""