# Commands covered: [element]
# This file contains a collection of tests for the style widget command of
# the tktreectrl extension. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 2000 by Scriptics Corporation.
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Christian Krone.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest 2
namespace import ::tcltest::*
package require Tk
package require treectrl
test element-0.1 {some needed preparations} -body {
pack [treectrl .t]
} -result {}
test element-1.1 {element: missing command} -body {
.t element
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element command ?arg arg ...?"}
test element-1.2 {element: invalid command} -body {
.t element foo
} -returnCodes error -result {bad command "foo": must be *} -match glob
test element-2.1 {element cget: missing arg} -body {
.t element cget
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element cget name option"}
test element-2.2 {element cget: too many args} -body {
.t element cget a b c d
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element cget name option"}
test element-2.3 {element cget: unknown elem} -body {
.t element cget foo a
} -returnCodes error -result {element "foo" doesn't exist}
test element-3.1 {element configure: missing arg} -body {
.t element configure
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element configure name ?option? ?value option value ...?"}
test element-3.2 {element configure: unknown elem} -body {
.t element configure foo
} -returnCodes error -result {element "foo" doesn't exist}
test element-4.1 {element create: missing arg} -body {
.t element create
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element create name type ?option value ...?"}
test element-4.2 {element create: empty type} -body {
.t element create foo ""
} -returnCodes error -result {invalid element type ""}
test element-4.3 {element create: ambiguous type} -body {
.t element create foo b ; # bitmap or border
} -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous element type "b"}
test element-4.4 {element create: unknown type} -body {
.t element create foo bar
} -returnCodes error -result {unknown element type "bar"}
test element-5.1 {element delete: no args} -body {
.t element delete
} -result {}
test element-5.2 {element delete: unknown elem} -body {
.t element delete foo
} -returnCodes error -result {element "foo" doesn't exist}
test element-5.3 {element delete: single elem} -setup {
.t element create e1 bitmap
} -body {
.t element delete e1
.t element names
} -result {}
test element-5.4 {element delete: multiple elems} -setup {
foreach type [list bitmap border image rect text window] {
.t element create e$type $type
} -body {
eval .t element delete [.t element names]
.t element names
} -result {}
test element-6.1 {element names: too many args} -body {
.t element names a
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element names"}
test element-7.1 {element perstate: missing arg} -body {
.t element perstate
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element perstate element option stateList"}
test element-7.2 {element perstate: too many args} -body {
.t element perstate a b c d
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element perstate element option stateList"}
test element-7.3 {element perstate: empty stateList} -setup {
.t element create eText text -fill {red !selected blue {}}
} -body {
.t element perstate eText -fill {}
} -result {red}
test element-7.4 {element perstate: non-empty statelist} -body {
.t element perstate eText -fill {selected}
} -result {blue}
test element-8.1 {element type: missing arg} -body {
.t element type
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element type name"}
test element-8.2 {element type: too many args} -body {
.t element type a b
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".t element type name"}
test element-8.3 {element type: unknown elem} -body {
.t element type foo
} -returnCodes error -result {element "foo" doesn't exist}
test element-8.4 {element type: success} -body {
.t element type eText
} -result {text}
test element-99.1 {some needed cleanup} -body {
destroy .t
} -result {}
# cleanup