The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 6.3 - 2009-03-18

  • Summary mode!
  • In summary mode, optionally either collapses all jobs of each user into one line with a brief status count and avrg. prio. and run time or collapses only jobs with similar names.
  • Copyright date update.
  • Miscellaneous small bug fixes.


Interactive console front-end for Sun's grid engine


in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/
in lib/App/FQStat/