All Releases by Steffen Müller
River gauge |
Release |
Uploaded |
Acme-Currency-3.01 | There are other currencies beside $$$ | Mar 31, 2011 | |
Acme-Metification-1.01 | Give Perl the power of Metaprogramming! | Nov 04, 2006 | |
Algorithm-BloomFilter-0.02 | A simple bloom filter data structure | Jun 13, 2015 | |
Algorithm-SpatialIndex-0.06 | Flexible 2D/3D spacial indexing | May 31, 2011 | |
Algorithm-SpatialIndex-Storage-Redis-0.01 | Redis storage backend | Sep 29, 2013 | |
Algorithm-SpatialIndex-Strategy-MedianQuadTree-0.02 | QuadTree splitting on bucket medians | Mar 11, 2011 | |
Alien-LibJIT-0.03 | your very own libjit for nefarious Perl purposes | Feb 19, 2014 | |
Alien-Lua-v5.2.2.2 | Alien module for asserting a liblua is available | Aug 09, 2013 | |
Alien-LuaJIT-v2.0.2.1 | Alien module for asserting a luajit is available | Aug 09, 2013 | |
Alien-ROOT-v5.34.36.1 | Utility package to install and locate CERN's ROOT library | Sep 08, 2016 | |
App-DualLivedDiff-1.07 | Diff between the perl core and dual-lived modules' CPAN distributions | Mar 25, 2009 | |
App-ErrorCalculator-1.02 | Calculations with Gaussian Error Propagation | Jun 23, 2008 | |
App-FQStat-6.3 | Interactive console front-end for Sun's grid engine | Apr 01, 2009 | |
App-Physics-ParticleMotion-1.01 | Simulations from Differential Equations | Dec 11, 2005 | |
Archive-Rar-2.02 | Interface with the 'rar' command | Mar 06, 2008 | |
Astro-Hipparcos-0.09 | Perl extension for reading the Hipparcos star catalog | Jan 14, 2010 | |
Astro-MapProjection-0.01 | A few simple map projections (Hammer, sinusoidal, ...) | Dec 18, 2009 | |
Astro-Nova-0.07 | Perl interface to libnova | Nov 15, 2013 | |
Astro-SkyPlot-0.03 | Create very basic sky plots | Jan 02, 2010 | |
AutoLoader-5.74 | load subroutines only on demand | Oct 25, 2013 | |
AutoXS-0.04 | Speed up your code after compile time | May 04, 2008 | |
AutoXS-Header-1.02 | Container for the AutoXS header files | Jun 11, 2009 | |
Bundle-Math-1.02 | A bundle to install various mathematics related modules | Jan 21, 2005 | |
Bundle-Math-Approx-1.00 | Bundle related to interpolation and approximation | Apr 03, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Base-1.00 | Bundle related to calculations between different bases | Apr 03, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Big-1.00 | Bundle of modules related to arbitrary size numbers | Apr 03, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Calculus-1.01 | A bundle to install various calculus related modules | Apr 13, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Expression-1.00 | Bundle: mathematic expression parsers and evaluators | Apr 03, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Financial-1.01 | Bundle of modules related to financial mathematics | Apr 21, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Fractal-1.00 | Bundle of modules related to fractals | Apr 04, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Geometry-1.00 | Bundle of modules related to 2D and 3D geometry | Apr 04, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Interface-1.00 | Bundle of modules interfacing with math libraries | Apr 04, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Matrix-1.01 | Bundle related to math with matrices or vectors | May 15, 2005 | |
Bundle-Math-Numeric-1.00 | Bundle of modules related to numeric algorithms | Apr 05, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Random-1.02 | Bundle of modules related to random numbers | Jul 11, 2005 | |
Bundle-Math-Statistics-1.01 | Bundle of modules related to statistics | Jul 10, 2004 | |
Bundle-Math-Symbolic-1.02 | Bundle of modules related to symbolic math | Oct 23, 2005 | |
Cache-Memcached-Turnstile-0.01 | Thundering Herd Protection for Memcached Clients | Nov 18, 2013 | |
Class-Accessor-Assert-1.41 | Accessors which type-check | Mar 03, 2010 | |
Class-ISA-0.36 | report the search path for a class's ISA tree | Sep 29, 2009 | |
Class-XSAccessor-1.19 | Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation | Nov 22, 2013 | |
Class-XSAccessor-Compat-0.01 | Class::Accessor::Fast compatible interface for Class::XSAccessor | Sep 17, 2010 | |
Data-Dumper-Limited-0.03 | Vastly faster subset of Data::Dumper functionality | Oct 02, 2013 | |
Data-Page-Tied-2.01 | Tied interface for the Data::Page module | Nov 06, 2006 | |
ExtUtils-InferConfig-1.04 | Infer Perl Configuration for non-running interpreters | Jul 25, 2010 | |
ExtUtils-InstallPAR-0.03 | Install .par's into any installed perl | Nov 14, 2008 | |
ExtUtils-Typemap-1.00 | Read/Write/Modify Perl/XS typemap files | Aug 03, 2011 | |
ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default-1.05 | A set of useful typemaps | Dec 06, 2013 | |
ExtUtils-Typemaps-Excommunicated-0.01 | Typemaps that have been removed from the core | Feb 01, 2012 | |
ExtUtils-XSpp-0.18 | XS for C++ | Sep 18, 2013 | |
ExtUtils-XSpp-Plugin-Cloning-0.02 | An XS++ plugin for controlling cloning on thread creation | Jun 28, 2010 | |
File-PackageIndexer-0.02 | Indexing of packages and subs | Jan 04, 2009 | |
File-ShareDir-PAR-0.06 | File::ShareDir with PAR support | Sep 10, 2010 | |
File-Stream-2.30 | Regular expression delimited records from streams | Feb 06, 2011 | |
Filter-Simple-0.94 | Simplified source filtering | Aug 03, 2017 | |
InlineX-XS-0.02 | Auto-convert Inline::C based modules to XS | Dec 06, 2006 | |
IPC-ConcurrencyLimit-Lock-MySQL-0.03 | Locking via MySQL GET_LOCK | Oct 01, 2013 | |
IPC-ConcurrencyLimit-Lock-NFS-0.01 | Locking via NFS | Mar 23, 2011 | |
Language-Mumps-1.08 | Perl module to translate Mumps programs to perl scripts | Nov 06, 2006 | |
lib-0.63 | manipulate @INC at compile time | Nov 20, 2010 | |
Math-Approx-Symbolic-0.100 | Symbolic representation of interpolated polynomials | Sep 28, 2003 | |
Math-ConvexHull-1.04 | Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan (n*log(n)) | Feb 13, 2011 | |
Math-ConvexHull-MonotoneChain-0.01 | Andrew's monotone chain algorithm for finding a convex hull in 2D | Nov 09, 2011 | |
Math-FFTW-0.01 | Perl interface to parts of the FFTW | Jan 14, 2007 | |
Math-Fractal-Curve-1.03 | Generate fractal curves | Nov 04, 2006 | |
Math-GammaFunction-0.02 | The Gamma and its related functions | Jan 21, 2007 | |
Math-Histogram-1.04 | N-dimensional histogramming library | Apr 07, 2015 | |
Math-Orthonormalize-1.00 | Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization of vectors | Oct 09, 2005 | |
Math-Project3D-1.02 | Project functions of multiple parameters from R^3 onto an arbitrary plane | Oct 07, 2006 | |
Math-Project3D-Plot-1.02 | Perl extension for plotting projections of 3D functions | Nov 05, 2006 | |
Math-Random-AcceptReject-0.02 | Acceptance-Rejection PDF transformations | Jan 05, 2007 | |
Math-Random-Cauchy-0.02 | Random numbers following a Cauchy PDF | Jan 06, 2007 | |
Math-Sequence-1.00 | Perl extension dealing with mathematic sequences | Feb 14, 2004 | |
Math-Series-1.01 | Perl extension dealing with mathematic series | Feb 24, 2004 | |
Math-SimpleHisto-XS-1.30 | Simple histogramming, but kinda fast | May 23, 2014 | |
Math-SimpleHisto-XS-CLI-1.07 | Tools for the CLI tools | Jul 03, 2012 | |
Math-Symbolic-0.613 | Symbolic calculations | Sep 08, 2024 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-CCompiler-1.04 | Compile Math::Symbolic trees to C | Jun 05, 2013 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-Contains-1.01 | Find subtrees in Math::Symbolic expressions | Jun 05, 2013 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-ErrorPropagation-0.11 | Calculate Gaussian Error Propagation | Jun 05, 2013 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-LaTeXDumper-0.208 | Math::Symbolic LaTeX output | May 14, 2013 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-Pattern-2.01 | Pattern matching on Math::Symbolic trees | May 26, 2013 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-Simplification-1.01 | User defined simplification routines | Oct 09, 2005 | |
Math-Symbolic-Custom-Transformation-2.02 | Transform Math::Symbolic trees | May 26, 2013 | |
Math-SymbolicX-BigNum-0.02 | Big number support for the Math::Symbolic parser | Jul 22, 2004 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Calculator-0.02 | A representation of a Symbolic Calculator | May 26, 2013 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Calculator-Interface-Shell-0.02 | A Calculator Shell | Jan 18, 2007 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Calculator-Interface-Web-0.01 | An AJAXy web interface to the calculator | Jan 18, 2007 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Complex-1.01 | Complex number support for the Math::Symbolic parser | May 14, 2013 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Error-1.01 | Parser extension for dealing with numeric errors | Jan 28, 2008 | |
Math-SymbolicX-FastEvaluator-0.01 | Fast, XS, stack-based formula evaluator | Oct 31, 2008 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Inline-1.11 | Inlined Math::Symbolic functions | Dec 20, 2007 | |
Math-SymbolicX-NoSimplification-1.01 | Turn off Math::Symbolic simplification | Nov 05, 2006 | |
Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory-3.02 | Generate parser extensions | Mar 04, 2009 | |
Math-SymbolicX-Statistics-Distributions-1.02 | Statistical Distributions | May 22, 2006 | |
Math-SZaru-0.01 | Perl wrapper for the SZaru C++ library | Jan 30, 2013 | |
Math-Taylor-1.00 | Taylor Polynomials and remainders | Jul 17, 2005 | |
Math-ThinPlateSpline-0.06 | Calculate and evaluate thin plate splines | Aug 03, 2011 | |
Math-Volume-Rotational-0.11 | Volume of rotational bodies | Jun 12, 2004 | |
Module-Build-WithXSpp-0.14 | XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build | Sep 30, 2013 | |
Module-Install-PadrePlugin-0.01 | Module::Install support for Padre plugins | Nov 14, 2008 | |
Number-WithError-1.01 | Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding | Sep 22, 2010 | |
Number-WithError-LaTeX-0.06 | LaTeX output for Number::WithError | Dec 20, 2006 | |
Object-Tiny-XS-1.01 | Class building as simple as it gets and FAST | Nov 30, 2008 | |
Padre-Plugin-InstallPARDist-0.01 | Installation of .par archives into the system | Nov 22, 2008 | |
PAR-Dist-FromCPAN-1.11 | Create PAR distributions from CPAN | Jul 19, 2009 | |
PAR-Dist-FromPPD-0.03 | Create PAR distributions from PPDs | Dec 21, 2006 | |
PAR-Dist-InstallPPD-0.02 | Installs PPM packages the PAR way | Dec 10, 2006 | |
PAR-Dist-InstallPPD-GUI-0.05 | GUI frontend for PAR::Dist::InstallPPD | Jan 15, 2007 | |
PAR-Filter-Squish-0.03 | PAR filter for reducing code size | Oct 09, 2008 | |
PAR-Indexer-0.91 | Scan a PAR distro for packages and scripts | Feb 03, 2009 | |
PAR-Repository-Client-0.25 | Access PAR repositories | Sep 04, 2009 | |
PAR-Repository-Query-0.14 | Implements repository queries | May 14, 2009 | |
PAR-Repository-Web-0.03 | A simple web viewer for PAR::Repository | Sep 05, 2010 | |
Parse-ExuberantCTags-1.02 | Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files | Sep 21, 2010 | |
Parse-ExuberantCTags-Merge-1.01 | Efficiently merge large exuberant ctags files | Nov 15, 2009 | |
Perl-APIReference-0.22 | Programmatically query the perlapi | Dec 30, 2015 | |
Physics-Lorentz-0.01 | Package for 4-vectors and transformations | Dec 06, 2006 | |
Physics-Particles-1.02 | Simulate particle dynamics | Mar 16, 2007 | |
Physics-Springs-1.01 | Simulate Particle Dynamics with Springs | Oct 23, 2005 | |
Physics-Springs-Friction-1.01 | Simulate Dynamics with Springs and Friction | Oct 23, 2005 | |
Process-YAML-0.04 | The Process::Serializable role implemented by YAML | Aug 30, 2006 | |
SelfLoader-1.24 | load functions only on demand | Aug 03, 2017 | |
ShardedKV-Continuum-CHash-0.01 | Continuum implementation based on Algorithm::ConsistentHash::CHash | Nov 19, 2013 | |
SOOT-0.17 | Use ROOT from Perl | Dec 25, 2011 | |
SOOT-App-0.04 | A Perl REPL using SOOT (ROOT) | Aug 10, 2011 | |
SOOT-SQL2Tree-0.02 | Make a TTree from a SQL SELECT | Mar 24, 2011 | |
Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15 | Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals | May 14, 2013 | |
Statistics-EfficiencyCI-0.07 | Robust confidence intervals on efficiencies | Mar 28, 2014 | |
Statistics-Test-RandomWalk-0.02 | Random Walk test for random numbers | Dec 31, 2010 | |
Statistics-Test-Sequence-0.01 | Sequence correlation test for random numbers | Jan 05, 2007 | |
Store-Opaque-0.03 | Opaque objects to prevent accidental Dumping or appearance in stack traces | Nov 08, 2011 | |
Sub-Assert-1.23 | Subroutine pre- and postconditions, etc. | Nov 01, 2009 | |
Sub-PatternMatching-1.04 | Functional languages' Pattern Matching for Perl subs | Nov 06, 2006 | |
Task-App-Physics-ParticleMotion-1.02 | All modules required for the tk-motion application | Aug 30, 2006 | |
Task-Math-Symbolic-1.01 | Math::Symbolic with lots of plugins | Jun 09, 2006 | |
Text-Index-0.01 | Create indices of a set of pages using a set of keywords | Jul 17, 2006 | |
Tie-Tk-Listbox-1.02 | Access Tk::Listbox and similar widgets as arrays | Jun 30, 2006 | |
Wx-Perl-DataWalker-0.02 | Perl extension for blah blah blah | Mar 29, 2009 | |
XS-TCC-0.05 | Embed, wrap & compile C code in Perl without going to disk | Jan 02, 2017 | |
ZMQ-Declare-0.03 | Declarative 0MQ Infrastructure | May 02, 2014 |