The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 1.915 - 2024-07-23

  • fixed retry ending problem with executions running over midnight, made retry ending over midnight configurable with task{retryEndsAfterMidnight}, restricted execute info on start parameter dump (setupEAIWrap) to configured entries (sensitive info), also display now config hash on start parameter dump (without sensitive info), fixed time type parsing in


checks Log-entries at given times
small UI for setting debug levels and appenders for the various loggers (main script, and each EAI::Wrap package)


Common parts for the EAI::Wrap package
Database wrapper functions (for DBI / DBD::ODBC)
Date and Time helper functions for EAI::Wrap
wrapper for Net::SFTP::Foreign and Net::FTP
read/parse Files from the filesystem or write to the filesystem
framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks