pod2classdocs [options] <source-path> [ <source-path> ... ]
-a|-writeall write all Javascript, CSS, and icons for
a Javascript tree TOC
-c|-closeimg <filename> image file used for HTML::ListToTree closed
nodes; default 'closedbook.gif'
-f|-file output filename for root document;
default 'index.html'
-h|-help display this help and exit
-H|-home <path> path to a root document added to the index tree
-i|-imgpath <path> path to image directory for ProjectDocs and
HTML::ListToTree; default <output root>/img
-j|-jspath <path> path to Javascript files for HTML::ListToTree;
default <output root>/js/dtree.js
-J|-jstoc use Javascript tree for table of contents (via
HTML::ListToTree); default is HTML list
-O|-openimg <filename> image file used for HTML::ListToTree open
nodes; default 'openbook.gif'
-o|-out|-output <path> target root directory path for generated
documents; default './classdocs'
-p|-project output is part of project docs (via
-r|-rootimg <filename> image file used for root of HTML::ListToTree
tree; default is openimg
-R|-root <name> name of tree root node
-s|-csspath <path> path to CSS files for HTML::ListToTree;
default <output root>/css/dtree.css
-t|-title <title> project title
-v|-verbose enable diagnostic messages
-y|-order "<pkglist>" specify order of packages in TOC; <pkglist> is
comma separated list of names, e.g.,
-z|-noicons no icons in HTML::ListToTree tree widget;
default is icons on
Multiple source library directories can be specified:
pod2classdocs -o /path/to/outputdir /path/to/lib1 /path/to/lib2
Generates classdocs via Pod::Classdoc output with an HTML::ListToTree index.