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UniEvent::WebSocket::ConnectRequest - Request for connect for websocket client


    my $req = UniEvent::WebSocket::ConnectRequest->new({
    my $client = UniEvent::WebSocket::Client->new;
    $client->connect_callback(sub {

    # can also be created indirectly
        # ... request constructor params


UniEvent::WebSocket::ConnectRequest is used to connect websocket client to server. It's a storage for a variety of websocket connection params. It is inherited from Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ConnectRequest (and therefore from Protocol::HTTP::Request) so their API also applies. You may add any http headers and tune other http request params as well.

Most of websocket params are inherited and described in Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ConnectRequest.

Http params are documented in Protocol::HTTP::Request



Params is a hashref with the following keys:


AddrInfo hints for resolving domain names during connection process.

addr_hints should be either a binary string created via UniEvent::Resolver::hints()

    addr_hints => UniEvent::Resolver::hints(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, PF_INET),
    Or a hashref with the corresponding info

    addr_hints => {
        family   => AF_INET,
        socktype => SOCK_STREAM,
        protocol => PF_INET,
        flags    => 0,

See UniEvent::Resolver for more info.

cached_resolver [=true]

If true, will use cached resolver for resolving domain names (will use the result of previous resolving process with the same host/port/hints/etc and will do real resolving only from time to time).

timeout [unlimited]

Timeout for the whole connection process (till the end of websocket handshake) in seconds (may be fractional).

Everything that Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ConnectRequest and Protocol::HTTP::Request supports

See Protocol::WebSocket::Fast::ConnectRequest, Protocol::HTTP::Request