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Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Bit_Vector - Classic bitstring individual for evolutionary computation;
usually called chromosome, and using a different implementation from Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::BitString


my $indi = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Bit_Vector 10 ; # Build random bitstring with length 10
# Each element in the range 0 .. 1
my $indi3 = new Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Bit_Vector;
$indi3->set( { length => 20 } ); #Sets values, but does not build the string
$indi3->randomize(); #Creates a random bitstring with length as above
print $indi3->Atom( 7 ); #Returns the value of the 7th character
$indi3->Atom( 3 ) = 1; #Sets the value
$indi3->addAtom( 1 ); #Adds a new character to the bitstring at the end
my $indi4 = Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Bit_Vector->fromString( '10110101'); #Creates an individual from that string
my $indi5 = $indi4->clone(); #Creates a copy of the individual
my @array = qw( 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 ); #Create a tied array
tie my @vector, 'Algorithm::Evolutionary::Individual::Bit_Vector', @array;
print tied( @vector )->asXML();
print $indi3->asString(); #Prints the individual
print $indi3->asXML() #Prints it as XML. See L<Algorithm::Evolutionary::XML>
print $indi3->as_yaml() #Change of convention, I know...

Base Class



Bitstring Individual for a Genetic Algorithm. Used, for instance, in a canonical GA


new( $arg )

Creates a new bitstring individual. $arg can be either { length => $length} or { string => [binary string] }. With no argument, a length of 16 is given by default.


Sets or gets the value of the n-th character in the string. Counting starts at 0, as usual in Perl arrays.


Returns size in bits


Clones using native methods. Does not work with general Clone::Fast, since it's implemented as an XS


Overrides the default; prints the binary chromosome


Returns the internal bit_vector

TIE methods

String implements FETCH, STORE, PUSH and the rest, so an String can be tied to an array and used as such.

This file is released under the GPL. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution,
CVS Info: $Date: 2010/12/19 21:39:12 $
$Header: /media/Backup/Repos/opeal/opeal/Algorithm-Evolutionary/lib/Algorithm/Evolutionary/Individual/Bit_Vector.pm,v 3.1 2010/12/19 21:39:12 jmerelo Exp $
$Author: jmerelo $
$Revision: 3.1 $
$Name $