App::Maisha::Shell - A command line social micro-blog networking tool.


my $shell = App::Maisha::Shell->new;


This distribution provides the ability to micro-blog via social networking websites and services, such as Identica and Twitter.



  • new

Configuration Methods

  • context

    Used internally to reference the current shell for command handlers.

  • limit

    Used by timeline commands to limit the number of messages displayed. The default setting will display the last 20 messages.

  • order

    Used by timeline commands to order the messages displayed. The default is to display messages in descending order, with the most recent first and the oldest last.

    To reverse this order, set the 'order' as 'ascending' (or 'asc') in your configuration file. (case insensitive).

  • networks

    Sets the networks list that will appear above the command line.

  • prompt_str

    Sets the prompt string that will appear on the command line.

  • tag_str

    Sets the text that will appear at the end of your message.

    In order to suppress the tag string set the 'tag' option to '.' in your configuration file.

  • services

    Provides the order of services available, the first is always the primary service.

  • pager

    Enables the use of a pager when viewing timelines. Defaults to true if not specified.

  • format

    When printing a list of status messages, the default format of printing the username followed by the status message is not always suitable for everyone. As such you can define your own formatting.

    The default format is "[%U] %M", with the available formatting patterns defined as:

    %U - username or screen name
    %M - status message
    %T - timestamp (e.g. Sat Oct 13 19:29:17 +0000 2012)
    %D - datetime (e.g. 13/10/2012 19:29:17)
    %d - date only (e.g. 13/10/2012)
    %t - time only (e.g. 19:29:17)
    %N - network
  • chars

    As Maisha is run from the command line, it is most likely being run within a terminal window. Unfortunately there isn't currently a detection method for knowing the exact screen width being used. As such you can specify a width for the wrapper to use to ensure the messages are correctly line wrapped. The default setting is 80.

  • history

    Provides the history file, if available.

  • debug

    Boolean setting for debugging messages.

  • error

    The last error message received from a failing command.

Run Methods

The run methods are handlers to run the specific command requested.

Help Methods

The help methods are handlers to provide additional information about the named command when the 'help' command is used, with the name of a command as an argument.

Summary Methods

When the 'help' command is requested, with no additonal arguments, a summary of the available commands is display, with the text from each specific command summary method handler.

Completion Methods

For some commands completion methods are available to help complete the command request. for example with the 'use' command, pressing <TAB> will attempt to complete the name of the Network plugin name for you.

Connect Methods

The connect methods provide the handlers to connect to a service. This is performed automatically on startup for all the services provided in your configuration file.

  • connect

  • run_connect

  • help_connect

  • smry_connect

Disconnect Methods

The disconnect methods provide the handlers to disconnect from a service.

  • run_disconnect

  • help_disconnect

  • smry_disconnect

Use Methods

The use methods provide the handlers change the primary service. The primary service is used by the main messaging commands. All available services are used when 'update' or 'say' are used.

  • run_use

  • help_use

  • smry_use

  • comp_use

Followers Methods

The followers methods provide the handlers for the 'followers' command.

  • run_followers

  • help_followers

  • smry_followers

Follow Methods

The follow methods provide the handlers for the 'follow' command.

  • run_follow

  • help_follow

  • smry_follow

Unfollow Methods

The unfollow methods provide the handlers for the 'unfollow' command.

  • run_unfollow

  • help_unfollow

  • smry_unfollow

User Methods

The user methods provide the handlers display the profile of a named user.

  • run_user

  • help_user

  • smry_user

  • comp_user

User Timeline Methods

The user timeline methods provide the handlers for the 'user_timeline' command. Note that the 'ut' is an alias to 'user_timeline'.

The user_timeline command has one optional parameter:

maisha> ut [limit]
  • run_user_timeline

  • help_user_timeline

  • smry_user_timeline

  • comp_user_timeline

  • run_ut

  • help_ut

  • smry_ut

  • comp_ut

Friends Methods

The friends methods provide the handlers for the 'friends' command.

  • run_friends

  • help_friends

  • smry_friends

Friends Timeline Methods

The friends timeline methods provide the handlers for the 'friends_timeline' command. Note that the 'ft' is an alias to 'friends_timeline'.

The friends_timeline command has one optional parameter:

maisha> ft [limit]
  • run_friends_timeline

  • help_friends_timeline

  • smry_friends_timeline

  • run_ft

  • help_ft

  • smry_ft

Public Timeline Methods

The public timeline methods provide the handlers for the 'public_timeline' command. Note that the 'pt' is an alias to 'public_timeline'.

The public_timeline command has one optional parameter:

maisha> pt [limit]
  • run_public_timeline

  • help_public_timeline

  • smry_public_timeline

  • run_pt

  • help_pt

  • smry_pt

Update Methods

The update methods provide the handlers for the 'update' command. Note that 'say' is an alias for 'update'.

  • run_update

  • help_update

  • smry_update

  • comp_update

  • run_say

  • help_say

  • smry_say

  • comp_say

Reply Methods

The reply methods provide the handlers for the 'replies' command. Note that 're' is an aliases for 'replies'

The replies command has one optional parameter:

maisha> re [limit]
  • run_replies

  • help_replies

  • smry_replies

  • run_re

  • help_re

  • smry_re

Direct Message Methods

The direct message methods provide the handlers for the 'direct_message' command. Note that 'dm' is an aliases for 'direct_message'.

The direct_message command has two optional parameters:

maisha> dm [from|to] [limit]
maisha> dm from
maisha> dm to 10
maisha> dm 5
maisha> dm

The first above is the usage, with the keywords 'from' and 'to' both being optional. If neither is specified, 'to' is assumed. In addition a limit for the number of message can be provided. If no limit is given, your configured default, or the system default (20) is used.

  • run_direct_messages

  • help_direct_messages

  • smry_direct_messages

  • run_dm

  • help_dm

  • smry_dm

Send Message Methods

The send message methods provide the handlers for the 'send_message' command. Note that both 'send' and 'sm' are aliases to 'send_message'

  • run_send_message

  • help_send_message

  • smry_send_message

  • comp_send_message

  • run_send

  • help_send

  • smry_send

  • comp_send

  • run_sm

  • help_sm

  • smry_sm

  • comp_sm

Search Methods

These methods provide the handlers for the 'search' command.

The search command has one optional, and one mandatory parameter:

maisha> search [limit] term [term ...]
maisha> search term
maisha> search 10 term
maisha> search a really long search term
maisha> search 20 a really long search term

If the first parameter is a number, this will be treated as the limit value, used to limit the number of messages displayed.

  • run_search

  • help_search

  • smry_search

About Methods

These methods provide the handlers for the 'about' command.

  • run_about

  • help_about

  • smry_about

Version Methods

The quit methods provide the handlers for the 'version' command.

  • run_version

  • help_version

  • smry_version

Debug Methods

The debug methods provide more verbose error mesages if commands fail.

The debug command has two optional parameters:

maisha> debug on|off
maisha> debug on
maisha> debug off
  • run_debug

  • help_debug

  • smry_debug

Quit Methods

The quit methods provide the handlers for the 'quit' command. Note that both 'quit' and 'q' are aliases to 'exit'

  • run_quit

  • help_quit

  • smry_quit

  • run_q

  • help_q

  • smry_q

Internal Shell Methods

Used internally to interface with the underlying shell application.

  • postcmd

  • preloop

  • postloop


For further information regarding the commands and configuration, please see the 'maisha' script included with this distribution.





Barbie, <>
for Miss Barbell Productions <>.


Copyright (C) 2009-2019 by Barbie
This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the Artistic License v2.