Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2024] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

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$rr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry->new();
# Get a fixed width chunk around the range of intereset. This
# will be used if any registration is actually necessary.
$chunk_start = ( $start >> 20 ) << 20 + 1;
$chunk_end = ( ( $end >> 20 ) + 1 ) << 20;
# Check if any registration is necessary for the range. If it is
# register a large chunked area instead and return a listref of
# unregistered areas that need to be loaded.
if (
$pairs = $rr->check_and_register(
$id, $start, $end, $chunk_start, $chunk_end
) )
foreach my $pair (@$pairs) {
my ( $pair_start, $pair_end ) = @$pair;
# Fetch mappings for these regions from the assembly table and
# load them into the mapper.
} else {
# The range ($start - $end) is already registered
# Check if any registration is necessary. If it is register the
# region and return a listref of pairs that need to be loaded.
if ( $pairs = $rr->check_and_register( $id, $start, $end ) ) {


This module maintains an internal list of registered regions and is used to quickly ascertain if and what regions of a provided range need registration.



Arg [1] : none
Example : my $rr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry->new();
Description: Creates a new RangeRegistry object
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry
Exceptions : none
Caller : AssemblyMapperAdaptor
Status : Stable


Arg [1] : string $id
The id of the range to be checked/registered (e.g. a sequenceid)
Arg [2] : int $start
The start of the range to be checked
Arg [3] : int $end
The end of the range to be checked
Arg [4] : (optional) int $rstart
The start of the range to be registered
if the checked range was not fully registered
Arg [5] : (optional) int $rend
The end of the range to be registerd
if the checked range was not fully registered
Example : $ranges=$rr->check_and_register('X',500,600, 1,1_000_000));
Description: Checks the range registry to see if the entire range
denoted by ($id : $start-$end) is already registered. If
it already is, then undef is returned. If it is not then
the range specified by $rstart and $rend is registered, and
a list of regions that were required to completely register
$rstart-$rend is returned. If $rstart and $rend are not
defined they default to $start and $end respectively.
The reason there is a single call to do both the checking and
registering is to reduce the overhead. Much of the work to
check if a range is registered is the same as registering a
region around that range.
Returntype : undef or listref of [start,end] range pairs
Exceptions : throw if rstart is greater than start
throw if rend is less than end
throw if end is less than start
throw if id, start, or end are not defined
Caller : AssemblyMapperAdaptor
Status : Stable


Arg [1] : string $id
Arg [2] : int $start
Arg [3] : int $end
Example : my $overlap_size = $rr->( "chr1", 1, 100_000_000 )
Description: finds out how many bases of the given range are registered
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable