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Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::jQuery::jqGrid - Resultset helper for jQuery plugin jqGrid


This module provides a helper module to retrieve resultsets on request from the jQuery plugin jqGrid, a useful Javascript Grid control.

In your Catalyst Controller.

package MyApp::Web::Controller::Root;

use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

with 'Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::jQuery::jqGrid';

Then later on in your controllers you can do

sub foo : Local {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;

    my $bar_rs = $c->model('DB::Bar')->search({});

    # put any other constraints on the result set here and then finally

    $bar_rs = $self->jqgrid_page($c, $bar_rs);

    # do your stuff to read this resultset into a JSON structure.


The jQuery Javascript library simplifies the writing of Javascript and does for Javascript what the MVC model does for Perl.

A very useful plugin to jQuery in a Grid control which can be used to page through data obtained from a back-end database. Ajax calls to the back-end retrieve JSON data. See

This module provides helper functions which remove some of the repetition you get if you have several grid controls on multiple web pages.

It is assumed that data for the jqGrid is obtained from a backend database which is accessed via DBIx::Class so the methods provided by this module will work on a DBIx::Class resultset.



Do the pagination for a resultset.

sub artists_list : Local {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;

    my $artist_rs = $c->model('DB::Artist')->search({});

    $artist_rs    = $self->jqgrid_page($c, $artist_rs);

    my $row = 0;
    my @row_data;

    while (my $artist = $artist_rs->next) {
        my $artist_id = $artist->id;

        my $single_row = {
            cell    => [
        push @row_data, $single_row;
    $c->stash->{json_data}{rows} = \@row_data;
    $c->stash->{current_view} = 'JSON';

This example assumes a jqGrid control that displays three columns, an Artist ID, an Artist Firstname and an Artist Surname.

It is also assumed that there are no 'filters' on the data. That is the grid shows all Artists from the database. (If you wished to apply filters then you could do this in the first DBIC search method in the example)

The method jqgrid_page will take the standard CGI parameters, page, rows, sord and sidx and apply them to the resultset in order to modify it to return the resultset for that page of data.

e.g. if page was '2' and rows was '10' then the resultset returned would be rows 11 - 20 from the resultset.

The method takes two parameters, the $c catalyst object and the resultset.

It returns a modified resultset.

Note that since the jqgrid_page method puts the 'page', 'total' and 'records' information onto the stash you should not modify the resultset after calling this method otherwise these numbers will be wrong on the jqGrid control.


By default there is no configuration required. The method will assume that the jqGrid is using the standard arguments 'page', 'rows', 'sord' and 'sidx' and that JSON data is put onto the stash in the 'json_data' hash.

If any of defaults are changed you can specify them in the Catalyst config as so.

package MyApp::Web;


__PACKAGE__->config( 'Catalyst::TraitFor::Controller::jQuery::jqGrid' => {
    page_key    => 'my_page',
    rows_key    => 'my_rows',
    sord_key    => 'my _sord',
    sidx_key    => 'my _sidx',
    json_key    => 'json_data',

Note however that this assumes that all grid controls use the same CGI parameter names. If this is not so then this module cannot (as yet) work for you.


You can find information at:


Pete Smith <> for patch fixes.


Ian Docherty <>


Copyright (c) 2010-2011 the aforementioned authors. All rights
reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.