Net::XMPP::Stanza - XMPP Stanza Module


Net::XMPP::Stanza is a private package that serves as a basis for all XMPP stanzas generated by Net::XMPP.


This module is not meant to be used directly. You should be using either Net::XMPP::IQ, Net::XMPP::Message, Net::XMPP::Presence, or another package that inherits from Net::XMPP::Stanza.

That said, this is where all of the namespaced methods are documented.

The current supported namespaces are:


For more information on what these namespaces are for, visit and browse the Jabber Programmers Guide.

The following tables can be read as follows:

Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ======= === === ====== ======= ===
Foo scalar X X X X
Bar child X
Bars child X
Test master X X

Withing the my:private:ns namespace, there exists the functions:

GetFoo(), SetFoo(), RemoveFoo(), DefinedFoo()
GetBars(), DefinedBars()
GetTest(), SetMaster()

Hopefully it should be obvious how this all works. If not feel free to contact me and I'll work on adding more documentation.


Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Digest scalar X X X X
Hash scalar X X X X
Password scalar X X X X
Resource scalar X X X X
Sequence scalar X X X X
Token scalar X X X X
Username scalar X X X X
Auth master X X


Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Active scalar X X X X
Default scalar X X X X
List child X
Lists child X X X
Privacy master X X

jabber:iq:privacy - item objects

Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Action scalar X X X X
IQ flag X X X X
Message flag X X X X
Order scalar X X X X
PresenceIn flag X X X X
PresenceOut flag X X X X
Type scalar X X X X
Value scalar X X X X
Item master X X

jabber:iq:privacy - list objects

Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Name scalar X X X X
Item child X
Items child X X X
List master X X


Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Address scalar X X X X
City scalar X X X X
Date scalar X X X X
Email scalar X X X X
First scalar X X X X
Instructions scalar X X X X
Key scalar X X X X
Last scalar X X X X
Misc scalar X X X X
Name scalar X X X X
Nick scalar X X X X
Password scalar X X X X
Phone scalar X X X X
Registered flag X X X X
Remove flag X X X X
State scalar X X X X
Text scalar X X X X
URL scalar X X X X
Username scalar X X X X
Zip scalar X X X X
Register master X X


Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Item child X
Items child X
Roster master X X

jabber:iq:roster - item objects

Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Ask scalar X X X X
Group array X X X X
JID jid X X X X
Name scalar X X X X
Subscription scalar X X X X
Item master X X


Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
JID jid X X X X
Resource scalar X X X X
Bind master X X


Name Type Get Set Remove Defined Add
========================== ========= === === ====== ======= ===
Session master X X


Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.

Previously maintained by Eric Hacker.

Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.


This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the LGPL 2.1.