Pod::Classdoc - Generate Javadoc-like detail class documentation from POD


my $classdocs = Pod::Classdoc->new($path, $title, $verbose);
#	generate classdocs for an entire project directory
$classdocs->openProject(@srclibs) or die $@;
#	add source code of a single module
$classdocs->add($some_source, $filename) or die $@;
#	add source code of a single module from its file
$classdocs->open($srcfile) or die $@;
#	render the classdocs for all added/opened modules,
#	and write them out
$classdocs->writeClassdocs or die $@;
#	get a table of contents for the classdocs, with modules
#	in the order specified
my $toc = $classdocs->getTOC( Order => \@order);
#	write a table of contents for the classdocs
$classdocs->writeTOC( Order => \@order ) or die $@;
#	get a frame container document
my $frames = $classdocs->getFrameContainer();
#	write a frame container
$classdocs->writeFrameContainer( 'index.html' ) or die $@;
#	clear out the loaded modules to start anew
#	change the output path
$oldpath = $classdocs->path( $newpath );


Using either an input filename, or source code as a scalar string, or a list of source directories, collects and scans the source code for classdoc formatted POD sections to retrieve classnames, base classes, exported and imported symbols, and public methods and members, as well as any classdoc markup tags. When all files have been processed, a subclassing/inheritance cross reference is generated, and the accumulated documentation is formatted into a HTML document and written to a classdoc directory, along with an optional index file.

Where applicable, classdoc tags are the same as javadoc; see for a complete discussion.

Note that the @version and @serial/@serialField/@serialData tags are not supported; @version is replaced by the package $VERSION variable, and @serial is not relevant.

Also note that @param values are interpretted as hash-based arguments if the param name is not preceded by any of [$%@*&].

Supported Tags

@author Name

(package level only) Specifies package author


(method level only) Specifies the method is a constructor


Indicates the package or sub is deprecated.

@exports NAME description

(package level only) List symbols exported by the package


Omit the package/method from classdocs.

@imports NAME description

(package level only) List symbols that can be imported by the package

@instance array | hash | scalar | handle

(package level only) Specifies the base type of an instance; useful when public members are specified (see @member)

@member NAME description

(package level only) List public members of class instances

@optional variable description

(method level only) Specifies an optional parameter

@param variable description

(method level only) Specifies a required parameter

@return description

(method level only) Specifies returned value in scalar context

@returnlist description

(method level only) Specify returned values in list context (if different from scalar context)

@see URL

Specifies reference documentation links. Note that links to CPAN packages can be abbreviated as <cpan>Package::Name</cpan>. Links to methods, members, and export or import symbols (either local to the class, or as part of another classdoc package) can be specified using the tags described in "Special URL Tags".

@self $objectvar

Specify the conventional variable name used for the object's instance (e.g., '$this', '$self', '$obj', etc.)


(method level only) to specify a simplex method (for Thread::Apartment or Thread::Sociable::Apartment based packages)

@since date

Specifies original version date.


(method level only) Specifies the sub is a static class method (rather than an instance method).


(method level only) Specifies an urgent method (for Thread::Apartment or Thread::Sociable::Apartment based packages)

@xs method_name

(method level only) Specifies classdocs for XS methods (or any methods without a Perl implementation)

Source Format

Classdoc sections are introduced by =begin classdoc and closed by =end classdoc POD directives. Intervening lines are simple free format text, except that classdoc tags must be specified as the first element on a line.



=begin classdoc

@xs InCaseItsAnXSsub

Description of the class/interface/method
continues up to the first tag, or the end of the
classdoc section, and may include HTML tags

@author	D. Arnold
@since	2005-12-09
@see	<a href="">Javadoc Reference</a>
@see	<cpan>Some::Module::On::CPAN</cpan>
@see	<method>another_method</method>
@see	<method>DBI::errstr</method>
@instance hash
@self	$obj

@param  $myVal		a description of the parameter being passed
	which may wrap to the next
@optional $myOptional	a description of an optional parameter

@return	 the scalar return value description which
	may flow onto the next lines

@returnlist	the list context return value description

=end classdoc


A classdoc section immediately preceding a package keyword is assumed to be package level; all others are assumed to apply to the immediately succeding sub, except for classdocs which include an @xs qualifier.

The output is formatted into

  • an introductory package/class description

  • a listing of exported and imported symbols, and any public instance members, with associated descriptions

  • a table of constructor and method summaries, which includes only an example of the method's usage, and the first sentence of the method's description text

  • a listing of constructor and method details, which provides the complete description and associated markup tags

Note that hash-based parameter list elements are presented as "Name => value,".

Special URL Tags

As a convenience, several special URL tags are supported, including


"<cpan>modulename</cpan>" will be expanded into the equivalent URL hyperlink for the specified module name.


"<export>name</export>" will be expanded into the equivalent internal hyperlink for the specified exported symbol.

"<export>Some::Package::name</export>" will attempt expansion of the package name into a filepath, with the internal exports symbol link appended.


"<import>name</import>" will be expanded into the equivalent internal hyperlink for the specified imported symbol.

"<import>Some::Package::name</import>" will attempt expansion of the package name into a filepath, with the internal imports symbol link appended.


"<member>name</member>" will be expanded into the equivalent internal hyperlink for the specified public instance member.

"<member>Some::Package::name</member>" will attempt expansion of the package name into a filepath, with the internal member link appended.


"<method>name</method>" will be expanded into the equivalent internal hyperlink for the specified public method.

"<method>Some::Package::name</method>" will attempt expansion of the package name into a filepath, with the internal method link appended.

Constructors are tagged as methods.


"<package>Some::Package</package>" will attempt expansion of the package name into a filepath.


Refer to the included classdocs for method descriptions.


Note that @param and @optional tags should be specified in the order they are expected by the method (except for named parameter lists, which may be specified in any order).

Also note that embedded HTML tags are preserved in the output, but embedded POD tags are NOT processed.


  • Support method prototype parsing.

  • Support method attribute specification.


Pod::ClassDocs::Project - used to generate complete project documents from Pod::ProjectDocs output, merged with classdocs rendered from this module, and a table of contents rendered from HTML::ListToTree. for an example of classdocs generated from this package.


Copyright(C) 2007, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. Refer to the Perl Artistic License for details.