ScriptX - A plugin-based script framework


This document describes version 0.000004 of ScriptX (from Perl distribution ScriptX), released on 2020-10-01.


In your script:

use ScriptX Rinci => {func => 'MyApp::app'};



For now, see the included example scripts.



A named point in code when plugins have a chance to do stuffs, by registering a handler for it. In other frameworks, an event sometimes this is called a hook.

Event handler

A coderef that will be called by ScriptX on an event. The event handler will be passed an argument $stash (a hashref) which contains various information (see "Stash"). The event handler is expected to return an enveloped result (see Rinci::function).


A Perl module under the ScriptX:: namespace that supplies additional behavior/functionality. When you activate a plugin, the plugin registers handler(s) to one or more events.


An attribute of event handler. A number between 0 and 100, where smaller number means higher priority. Handlers for an event are executed in order of descending priority (higher priority first, which means smaller number first).





This is actually just a shortcut for running the run event:

run_event(name => 'run');



This is where event handlers are registered. Keys are event names. Values are arrayrefs containing list of handler records:

[ [$label, $prio, $handler], ... ]


An array of activated plugin instances. For reference only.



Str. The name of current event.


Array. Reference to the %Handlers package variable, for convenience.


Array. Reference to the @Plugin_Instances package variable, for convenience.


Str. Current plugin name. Set for activate_plugin event.


Hash. Arguments hashref to instantiate plugin. Set for activate_plugin event.


The following are known event handler return status codes. They roughly follow HTTP semantics.


This signifies success with exit ("OK, Skip Rest"), meaning the handler instructs "run_event"() to skip moving to the next handler for the event and use this status as the status of the event.


This signifies declination ("Decline"), meaning the handler opts to not do anything for the event. "run_event"() will move to the next handler, regardless of the value of "run_all_handlers".

Other 1xx, 2xx, 3xx

Including 200 ("OK"), these also signify success. When "run_all_handlers" is set to true, "run_event"() will move to the next handler. When run_all_handlers is set to false, run_event will finish the execution of handlers for the event and use the status as the status of the event.

4xx, 5xx

This signifies failure. When "stop_after_first_handler_failure" is set to true, "run_event"() will use the status as the last status. Otherwise, it will move to the next handler when "run_all_handlers" is set to true.


This signifies event cancellation ("Cancel"), meaning the handler instructs "run_event"() to cancel the event.


This signifies repeating of event ("Repeat"), meaning the handler instructs "run_event"() to repeat the event.


None exported by default, but they are exportable.



activate_plugin($name [, \%args ]);


activate_plugin('Rinci', {func=>'MyPackage::myfunc'});

Load plugin named $name (by loading Perl module ScriptX::$name), instantiate it with arguments %$args, then call the object method activate().

Note: there is a special plugin DisablePlugin|ScriptX::DisablePlugin which can block other plugins from being activated.



add_handler($event, $label, $prio, $handler);

Add handler. Usually called by plugins to add handler to events of their choosing.




Run an event by calling event handlers.

If the name of the event (hereby called $name) does not match /^(after|before)_/, first call the before_$name event handlers. A handler for before_$name event can cancel the $name event by returning 601 status, unless "allow_before_handler_to_cancel_event" argument is set to false. When the $name event is cancelled, "run_event"() ends prematurely: no handlers for the $name as well as after_$name events are run, no on_success and on_failure code will also be called.

Then the $name event handlers are run. A handler for $name event can skip the rest of the handlers by returning status 201, unless "allow_handler_to_skip_rest" argument is set to false.

A handler for $name event can also repeat the event by returning status 602, unless "allow_handler_to_repeat_event" is set to false. When an event is repeated, the first $name event handler is executed again. The before_$name handlers are not re-executed.

When the last $name handler returns success (1xx, 2xx, 3xx status) then the on_success code is run; otherwise the on_failure code is run.

After that, the after_$name event handlers are run. Unless "allow_after_handler_to_repeat_event" is set to false, the handler for this event can repeat the event by returning 602 status, in which case the routine stops running the after_$name handlers and starts running the $name handlers again. The handler which instructs repeat must be careful not to cause an infinite loop.


  • name

    Str. Required. Name of the event, for example: get_args.

  • req_handler

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 0. When set to true, will die when there is no handler for the event $name.

  • run_all_handlers

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to false, will stop calling event handlers for the $name event after the first successful handler (success is defined as codes 1xx, 2xx, and 3xx). Otherwise, all handlers are run regardless of success status.

  • allow_before_handler_to_cancel_event

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, an event handler in the before_$name event can cancel the event by returning 601 status. When set to false, will die whenever an event handler returns 601.

    When the $name event is called by the before_$name event handler,

  • allow_before_handler_to_skip_rest

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, an event handler can skip the rest of the event handlers in the before_$name event by returning 201 status. When set to false, the next event handler will be called anyway even though an event handler returns 201.

  • allow_handler_to_repeat_event

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, an event handler in the $name event can repeat the event by returning 602 status. When set to false, will die whenever an event handler returns 602.

  • allow_handler_to_skip_rest

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, an event handler can skip the rest of the event handlers in the $name event by returning 201 status. When set to false, the next event handler will be called anyway even though an event handler returns 201.

  • allow_after_handler_to_repeat_event

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, an event handler in the after_$name event can repeat the event by returning 602 status. When set to false, will die whenever an event handler returns 602.

  • allow_after_handler_to_skip_rest

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, an event handler can skip the rest of the event handlers in the after_$name event by returning 201 status. When set to false, the next event handler will be called anyway even though an event handler returns 201.

  • stop_after_first_handler_failure

    Bool. Optional, defaults to 1. When set to true, the first failure status (4xx/5xx) from an event is used as the status of the event and the rest of the handlers will be skipped. Otherwise, will ignore the failure status and move on to the next handler.

  • on_success

    Coderef. Optional.

    Will be executed after the last executed $name handler returns 2xx code (including 200, 201, 204).

  • on_failure

    Coderef. Optional.

    Will be executed after the last executed $name handler returns 4xx/5xx code.



String. Additional import, will be added at the first import() before the usual import arguments. Used to add plugins for a running script, e.g. to add debugging plugins. The syntax is:


For example, this:

Exit => {after => 'after_get_args'};

should be written as:


If your script is:

use ScriptX Rinci => {func=>'MyPackage::myfunc'};

then with the injection of the above environment, effectively it will become:

Exit => {after => 'after_get_args'},
Rinci => {func=>'MyPackage::myfunc'};

Note that PLUGIN_NAME0 is plugin name that can optionally be followed with @EVENT or @EVENT@PRIO. For example: Debug::DumpStash@after_run@99 to put the ScriptX::Debug::DumpStash plugin handler in the after_run event at priority 99.


String (JSON-encoded array). This is an alternative to "SCRIPTX_IMPORT" and has a lower precedence (will not be evaluated when SCRIPTX_IMPORT is defined). Useful if a plugin accept data structure instead of plain scalars.


SCRIPTX_IMPORT_JSON='["CLI::Log", "Rinci::CLI::Debug::DumpStashAfterGetArgs", "Exit", {"after":"after_get_args"}, "Rinci", {"func":"MyPackage::myfunc"}]'


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


The various plugins under the ScriptX:: namespace.

Older projects: Perinci::CmdLine.


perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2020 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.