Stor - Save/retrieve a file to/from primary storage
# retrieve a file
curl http://stor-url/946a5ec1d49e0d7825489b1258476fdd66a3e9370cc406c2981a4dc3cd7f4e4f
# store a file
curl -X POST --data-binary @my_file http://user:pass@stor-url/946a5ec1d49e0d7825489b1258476fdd66a3e9370cc406c2981a4dc3cd7f4e4f
Stor is an HTTP API to primary storage. You provide a SHA256 hash and get the file contents, or you provide a SHA256 hash and a file contents and it gets stored to primary storages.
How to use?
docker way
docker run -v $PWD/config.json.example:/etc/stor.conf -e CONFIG_FILE=/etc/stor.conf avastsoftware/stor:TAG
perl way (development)
#local install dependency
carton install
CONFIG_FILE=config.json.example carton exec perl -Ilib script/stor
perl way (production)
we prefer hypnotoad server
- rabbitmq_uri
if is set, then requested SHA are published to exchange (defined by URI -
configuration example
"statsite": {
"host": "STATSITE_HOST",
"prefix": "",
"sample_rate": 0.1
"storage_pairs": [
["/mnt/data1", "/mnt/data2"],
["/mnt/data3", "/mnt/data4"]
"writable_pairs_regex": "data[12]",
"s3_enabled" : true,
"s3_credentials" : {
"access_key" : "S3_ACCESS_KEY",
"secret_key" : "S3_SECRET_KEY",
"host" : "S3_HOST"
"memcached_servers": ["MEMCACHED_SERVER1"],
"secret": "",
"basic_auth": "writer:writer_pass",
"rabbitmq_uri": "amqp://"
Service Responsibility
HEAD /:sha
200 OK
File exists
Content-Length - file size of file
Last-Modified - last modification time
404 Not Found
Sample not found
GET /:sha
200 OK
File exists
Content-Length - file size of file
Last-Modified - last modification time
GET return content of file in body
404 Not Found
Sample not found
POST /:sha
save sample to n-tuple of storages
For authentication use Basic access authentication
compare SHA and sha256 of file
200 OK
file exists
201 Created
file was added to all storages
401 Unauthorized
Bad authentication
412 Precondition Failed
content mismatch - sha256 of content not equal SHA
507 Insufficient Storage
There is not enough space on storage to save the file.
GET /status
200 OK
all storages are available
some storage is unavailable
Resource Allocation
save samples to n-tuple of storages with enough of resources => service responsibility is check disk usage
nice to have is balanced samples to all storages equally
Copyright (C) Avast Software
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Miroslav Tynovsky <>