Time::Verbal - Convert time distance to words.


version 1.1.1


my $now = time;
my $then = $now - 76543210;
my $o = Time::Verbal->new();
say $o->distance($then, $now);
#=> over a year
say $o->distance($now, $then);
#=> about 1 hour


Time::Verbal is a module for converting the difference between two timestamps to its verbal form -- something a human would say.



The constructor, with arguments being a list of key-value pairs.

The valid keys are:

- locale
- i18n_dir

They are both optional, and are both for i18n purpose.

The value of locale should be one of the ISO language code. The valid ones for the release are:

ar bg bn-IN bs ca cy da de-AT de-CH de dsb el en-AU en-GB en-US eo
es-AR es-CL es-CO es-MX es-PE es et eu fa fi fr-CA fr-CH fr fur gl-ES
gsw-CH he hi-IN hi hr hsb hu id is it ja ko lo lt lv mk mn nb nl nn pl
pt-BR pt-PT rm ro ru sk sl sr-Latn sr sv-SE sw tr uk vi zh-CN zh-TW

However, you may pass something not in this list as long as you also provide a path (string) for i18n_dir pointing to a directory with JSON files that are recongized by Locale::Wolowitz.

distance($from_time, $to_time)

Returns the absolute distance of two timestamp in words.

Output are in one of these forms:

- less than a minute
- 1 minute
- 3 minutes
- about 1 hour
- 6 hours
- yesterday
- 177 days
- over a year

For time distances larger the a year, it'll always be "over a year".

The returned string is a localized string if the object is constructed with locale parameter:

my $tv = Time::Verbal->new(locale => "zh-TW");
say $tv->distance(time, time + 3600);
#=> 一小時

Internally l10n is done with Locale::Wolowitz, which means the dictionary files are just a bunch of JSON text files that you can locate with this command:

perl -MTime::Verbal -E 'say Time::Verbal->i18n_dir'

In case you need to provide your own translation JSON files, you may specify the value of i18n_dir pointing to your own dir:

my $tv = Time::Verbal->new(locale => "xx", i18n_dir => "/app/awesome/i18n");

Your should start by copying and modify one of the JSON file under Time::Verbal-i18n_dir>. The JSON file should be named after the language code as a good convention, but there is no strict rule for that. As a result, you may create your own language code like "LOLSPEAK" by first creating the translation file LOLSPEAK.json, then use "LOLSPEAK" as the value of locale attribute.

Current translations are imported from the rails-i18n project at


Kang-min Liu <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Kang-min Liu.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License