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URLprocessor - Perl extension for object oriented URL address processing.


  use URLprocessor;
  $url = URLprocessor->new('');
  $url->param_add('newparam', 'newvalue');
  print $url->valid_status(), "\n";
  print $url->valid_msg(), "\n";
  print $url->login(), "\n";
  print $url->host(), "\n";
  print $url->url(), "\n";


This module contains a class with implementation for representing a URL address. You can read and write each part of a URL object. This class implements methods for the validation of a URL. You can build your own URL or modify an already existing object.

A right URL must contain:

  protocol (scheme)

Optional parts of a URL:

  login and passwd
  local path

Optional parts of a local path:

  parameters (query)
  fragment (label)


You have an access to some useful methods:

$url = URLprocessor->new( )
$url = URLprocessor->new( $str )

Construct new URL object and return a reference to it. Every URL is translated to a lower case.


Get string representation of a URL object.


Get string representation of the global part of a URL object (protocol, login, password, host, port).


Get string representation of the global part of a URL object (local path, query, label).

$url->protocol( $str )
$url->protocol( undef )

Get and set a protocol. A string is translated to a lower case.

$url->login( $str )
$url->login( undef )

Get and set a login.

$url->passwd( $str )
$url->passwd( undef )

Get and set a passwd.

$url->host( $str )
$url->host( undef )

Get and set a host. The host is translated to a lower case.

$url->port( $str )
$url->port( undef )

Get and set a port. Here you can write anything but remember that the port must be a numeric value. If not, valid_status return 0.

$url->localpath( $str )
$url->localpath( \@array )
$url->localpath( undef )

Get and set a local path (with file, without query). Only SCALAR, ARRAY and undef are allowed to set the localpath. You should remember about '/' at the end of @array if it is a directory. For example:

    @array = ('dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3/')

Get an array of the parts of a local path.

$url->fragment( $str )
$url->fragment( undef )

Get and set a fragment. This is a part of a URL after '#'.

$url->params_string( $str )

Get string representation of query parameters. You can prepare a string with $str delimiter (default is '&').

$url->params_hash( undef )
$url->params_hash( \%params )

Get or set reference to a hash with query parameters (param => value).

$url->param_value( $param_name )

Get the value of a parameter from a query.

$url->param_add( $param_name, $param_val )

Set in a query the following pair: parameter=value. The parameter and value must be defined. Pay attention to the argument order!

$url->param_del( $param_name )

Delete from a query the following pair: parameter=value

$url->param_exist( $param_name )

Check if the pair parameter=value exists in a query.


Get status from the validation of a URL object. If anything goes wrong return 0, else 1.


Get a message from the validation of a URL object.




Pawel Koscielny, <>


Copyright (C) 2011 by Pawel Koscielny

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 447:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 597:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'