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Widget::Meta - Metadata for user interface widgets


my @wms;
push @wms, Widget::Meta->new(
name => 'foo',
type => 'text',
tip => 'Fill me in',
size => 32,
push @wms, Widget::Meta->new(
name => 'bar',
type => 'select',
tip => 'Pick a number from 1 to 3',
options => [[1 => 'One'], [2 => 'Two'], [3 => 'Three']],
# And later, assuming functions for generating UI fields...
for my $wm (@wms) {
if ($wm->type eq 'text')
} elsif ($wm->type eq 'select') {
} else {
die "Huh, wha?";


This class specifies simple objects that describe UI widgets. The idea is to associate Widget::Meta objects with the attributes of a class in order to automate the generation of UI widgets for instances of the class. At its core, this class a very simple module that stores value and returns them on demand. The assigning of values to its attributes and checking the validity of those attributes happens entirely in the new() constructor. Its attributes are read-only; the options attribute is actually a code reference, the return value of which is returned for every call to the options() accessor.

Class Interface



my $wm = Widget::Meta->new(%params);

Constructs and returns a new Widget::Meta object. The attributes of the Widget::Meta object can be set via the following parameters:


The type of widget for which the Widget::Meta object provides meta data. This can be any string, but typically is "text", "textarea", "checkbox", and the like. Defaults to "text".


The name of the widget. Defaults to an empty string.


The default value to use in the widget. Defaults to undef.


A tip to be used in the display of the widget describing what it's data will be used for. This may be provides as minor help text in a UI, such as a "tooltip". Defaults to an empty string.


The size of the widget. This can be used in any number of ways, such as to define the display size of a text box. Must be an integer. Defaults to 0.


The length of the widget. This is usually used to limit the lenght of a string to be entered into a widge such as a text box. Must be an integer. Defaults to 0.


The number of rows to be used in a widget, such as a textarea widget. Must be an integer. Defaults to 0.


The number of columns to be used in a widget, such as a textarea widget. Must be an integer. Defaults to 0.


A boolean indicating whether a widget such as a radio button or checkbox should be checked by default when it displays. Defaults to a false value.


An array of array references or a code reference describing the possible values for a widget such as a select list. If an array is passed, each item of the array must be a two-item array reference, the first item being the value and the second item being the label to be used for the value. If a code reference is passed, it must return an array or array references in the same format when executed.



my $type = $wm->type;

Returns the string defining the type of widget to be created.


my $name = $wm->name;

Returns the name of the widget to be created.


my $value = $wm->value;

Returns the value to be displayed in the widget.


my $tip = $wm->tip;

Returns the helpful tip to be displayed in the widget.


my $size = $wm->size;

Returns the display size of the widget. Useful for "text" or "password" widgets, among others.


my $length = $wm->length;

Returns the maximum lenght of the value allowed in the widget. Useful for "text" or "textarea" widgets, among others.


my $rows = $wm->rows;

Returns the number of rows to be used to display the widget, for example for a "textarea" widget.


my $cols = $wm->cols;

Returns the number of columns to be used to display the widget, for example for a "textarea" widget.


my $checked = $wm->checked;

Returns true if the widget should be checked, and false if it should not. Used for "checkbox" and "radio button" widgets and the like.


my $options = $wm->options;
for my $opt (@$options) {
print "Value: $opt->[0]\nLabel: $opt->[1]\n\n";

Returns an array reference of two-item array references. Each of these two-item array references represents a possible value for the widget, with the first item containing the value and the second item containing its label. Returns an empty array if there are no options. Usefull for select lists, pulldowns, and the like.


---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
File stmt branch cond sub pod time total
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
blib/lib/Widget/Meta.pm 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------


This module is stored in an open GitHub repository. Feel free to fork and contribute!

Please file bug reports via GitHub Issues or by sending mail to bug-Widget-Meta@rt.cpan.org.


David E. Wheeler <david@justatheory.com>

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 David E. Wheeler. Some Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms asx Perl itself.