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Kelp::Manual::Cookbook - Recipes for Kelp dishes


This document lists solutions to common problems you may encounter while developing your own Kelp web application. Since Kelp leaves a lot for you to figure out yourself (also known as not getting in your way) many of these will be just a proposed solutions, not an official way of solving a problem.


Setting up a common layout for all templates

Kelp does not implement template layouts by itself, so it's up to templating engine or contributed module to deliver that behavior. For example, Template::Toolkit allows for WRAPPER directive, which can be used like this (with Kelp::Module::Template::Toolkit):

    # in config
    modules => [qw(Template::Toolkit)],
    modules_init => {
        'Template::Toolkit' => {
            WRAPPER => 'layouts/',

Connecting to DBI

There are multiple ways to do it, like the one below:

    # Private attribute holding DBI handle
    # anonymous sub is a default value builder
    attr _dbh => sub {

    # Private sub to connect to DBI
    sub _dbi_connect {
        my $self = shift;

        my @config = @{ $self->config('dbi') };
        return DBI->connect(@config);

    # Public method to use when you need dbh
    sub dbh {
        my $self = shift;

        # ping is likely not required, but just in case...
        if (!$self->_dbh->ping) {
            # reload the dbh, since ping failed


    # Use $self->dbh from here on ...

    sub some_route {
        my $self = shift;

            SELECT * FROM users
            WHERE clue > 0

A slightly shorter version with state variables and no ping:

    # Public method to use when you need dbh
    sub dbh {
        my ($self, $reconnect) = @_;

        state $handle;
        if (!defined $handle || $reconnect) {
            my @config = @{ $self->config('dbi') };
            $handle = DBI->connect(@config);

        return $handle;

    # Use $self->dbh from here on ...

    sub some_route {
        my $self = shift;

            SELECT * FROM users
            WHERE clue > 0

Same methods can be used for accessing the schema of <DBIx::Class>.

Custom 404 and 500 error pages

Error templates

The easiest way to set up custom error pages is to create templates in views/error/ with the code of the error. For example: views/error/ and views/error/ You can render those manually using $self->res->render_404 and $self->res->render_500. To render another error code, you can use $self->res->render_error.

Within the route

You can set the response headers and content within the route:

    sub some_route {
        my $self = shift;

By overriding the Kelp::Response class

To make custom 500, 404 and other error pages, you will have to subclass the Kelp::Response module and override the render_404 and render_500 subroutines. Let's say your app's name is Foo and its class is in lib/ Now create a file lib/Foo/

    package Foo::Response;
    use Kelp::Base 'Kelp::Response';

    sub render_404 {
        my $self = shift;

    sub render_500 {
        my $self = shift;

Then, in lib/, you have to tell Kelp to use your custom response class like this:

    sub response {
        my $self = shift;
        return Foo::Response->new( app => $self );

Don't forget you need to create views/ and views/ You can add other error rendering subroutines too, for example:

    sub render_401 {
        # Render your custom 401 error here

Altering the behavior of a Kelp class method

The easiest solution would be to use KelpX::Hooks module available on CPAN:

    use KelpX::Hooks;
    use parent "Kelp";

    # Change how template rendering function is called
    hook "template" => sub {
        my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_;

        # $args[0] is template name
        # $args[1] is a list of template variables
        $args[1] = {
            (defined $args[1] ? %{$args[1]} : ()),
            "my_var" => $self->do_something,

        # call the original $self->template again
        # with modified arguments
        return $self->$orig(@args);

Handling websocket connections

Since Kelp is a Plack-based project, its support for websockets is very limited. First of all, you would need a Plack server with support for the psgi streaming, io and nonblocking, like Twiggy. Then, you could integrate Kelp application with a websocket application via Kelp::Module::Websocket::AnyEvent CPAN module (if the server implementation is compatible with AnyEvent):

    sub build {
        my ($self) = @_;

        my $ws = $self->websocket;
        $ws->add(message => sub {
            my ($conn, $msg) = @_;

            $conn->send({echo => $msg});

        $self->symbiosis->mount("/ws" => $ws);

Keep in mind that Plack websockets are a burden because of lack of preforking server implementations capable of running them. If you want to use them heavily you're better off using Mojolicious instead or integrating a Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad with a small Mojo application alongside Kelp as a websocket handler.


Deploying a Kelp application is done the same way any other Plack application is deployed:

    > plackup -E deployment -s Gazelle app.psgi

In production environments, it is usually a good idea to set up a proxy between the PSGI server and the World Wide Web. Popular choices are apache2 and nginx.



