
Add classwork beans to team's record and show grade standing
Catalyst CGI
Create a new Catalyst Component
Catalyst FastCGI
Catalyst Testserver
Catalyst Test
A beantrail of individual's bean collecting
Calculate sum of beans/5, hw, exams and print a report.
Add player results in individual rounds to get a cumulative total and show present standing
Calculate sum of beans/5, hw, exams and print a report.
Add player results in individual rounds to get a cumulative total and show present standing
Add homework results to a cumulative total and show present standing
Convert file from id keys to name keys
Convert file from id keys to name keys
Generate .yaml file to enter group's responses to jigsaw questions
Convert individual responses to a total score correct


A collocation of homework, classwork and exams
MooseX::Type checks for homework, classwork and exams data


in lib/