Shell::Tools::Extra - Perl extension to reduce boilerplate in Perl shell scripts (Extra modules)
use Shell::Tools::Extra; # is the same as the following:
use Shell::Tools; # turns on warnings and strict and exports many funcs
use Try::Tiny qw/try catch finally/;
use Path::Class qw/dir file/;
use File::pushd 'pushd';
use File::Find::Rule ();
# and
use Shell::Tools::Extra Shell => [ IPC_RUN3_SHELL_ARGS ];
# is the same as
use IPC::Run3::Shell IPC_RUN3_SHELL_ARGS;
This module exports a collection of functions from selected Perl modules from CPAN, in addition to those from Shell::Tools.
This document describes version 0.02 of Shell::Tools::Extra.
This module exports the following modules and functions.
Like Shell::Tools, each module has an Exporter tag that is the same name as the module.
use Shell::Tools Shell => [ qw/echo cat/ ];
use Shell::Tools Shell => 'who';
The argument(s) will be passed through as the arguments to IPC::Run3::Shell's import. Note that Shell
must be followed by exactly one argument, either a single scalar or an arrayref.
This module is optional: If no Shell
arguments are present in use
, this module will not be loaded and it does not need to be installed.
try { die "foo" }
catch { warn "caught error: $_\n" } # not $@
finally { print "finally" };
my $dir = dir('foo', 'bar'); # Path::Class::Dir object
my $file = file('bob', 'file.txt'); # Path::Class::File object
# interfaces to File::Spec's tempdir and tempfile
my $tempdir = Path::Class::tempdir(CLEANUP=>1); # isa Path::Class::Dir
my ($fh,$fn) = $tempdir->tempfile(UNLINK=>1); # $fn is NOT an object
(Note that Path::Class may not work properly with Perl before v5.8.0.)
my $dir = pushd('/tmp');
# working directory changed to /tmp
# working directory has reverted to previous
my @files = File::Find::Rule->file->name('*.pm')->in(@INC);
Author, Copyright, and License
Copyright (c) 2014 Hauke Daempfling (
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.
For more information see the Perl Artistic License, which should have been distributed with your copy of Perl. Try the command "perldoc perlartistic
" or see