The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version v0.35.0 - 2024-02-24

  • Improved support method _set_get_scalar implementing set/get callbacks
  • Improved Module::Generic::Exception adding the 'lang' method reflecting the language the message is in, if any language code is provided
  • Improved Module::Generic::Exception documentation
  • Minor correction to support method _set_get_scalar_as_object
  • Added unit test 24.exception.t


An Enhanced DateTime::Duration Object
An Array Iterator Element Object Class
A Regexp Result Object
Shared Memory Manipulation


Generic Module to inherit from
An Array Manipulation Object Class
Boolean Representation Class
A DateTime wrapper for enhanced features
Dynamic Object Class
Generic Module Exception Class
File Object Abstraction Class
File-based Cache
File IO Object Wrapper
MMap File Class
File Info Object Class
Hash Manipulation Object Class
Generic Header Value Parser
An Array Iterator Object Class
Null Value Chaining Object Class
Number Manipulation Object Class
String Manipulation Object Class
Generic Module Scalar IO Class
Shared Memory Manipulation
Shared Memory Manipulation with XS API
Object Access Control Class
Generic Tie Hash Mechanism for Object Oriented Hashes


in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/