AnyEvent - provide framework for multiple event loops

Event, Coro, Glib, Tk - various supported event loops


use AnyEvent;

   my $w = AnyEvent->timer (fh => ..., poll => "[rw]+", cb => sub {
      my ($poll_got) = @_;
   my $w = AnyEvent->io (after => $seconds, cb => sub {

   # watchers get canceled whenever $w is destroyed
   # only one watcher per $fh and $poll type is allowed
   # (i.e. on a socket you cna have one r + one w or one rw
   # watcher, not any more.
   # timers can only be used once

   my $w = AnyEvent->condvar; # kind of main loop replacement
   # can only be used once
   $w->wait; # enters main loop till $condvar gets ->send
   $w->broadcast; # wake up waiting and future wait's


AnyEvent provides an identical interface to multiple event loops. This allows module authors to utilizy an event loop without forcing module users to use the same event loop (as only a single event loop can coexist peacefully at any one time).

The interface itself is vaguely similar but not identical to the Event module.

On the first call of any method, the module tries to detect the currently loaded event loop by probing wether any of the following modules is loaded: Coro::Event, Event, Glib, Tk. The first one found is used. If none is found, the module tries to load these modules in the order given. The first one that could be successfully loaded will be used. If still none could be found, it will issue an error.


The following program uses an io watcher to read data from stdin, a timer to display a message once per second, and a condvar to exit the program when the user enters quit:

   use AnyEvent;

   my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;

   my $io_watcher = AnyEvent->io (fh => \*STDIN, poll => 'r', cb => sub {
      warn "io event <$_[0]>\n";   # will always output <r>
      chomp (my $input = <STDIN>); # read a line
      warn "read: $input\n";       # output what has been read
      $cv->broadcast if $input =~ /^q/i; # quit program if /^q/i

   my $time_watcher; # can only be used once

   sub new_timer {
      $timer = AnyEvent->timer (after => 1, cb => sub {
         warn "timeout\n"; # print 'timeout' about every second
         &new_timer; # and restart the time

   new_timer; # create first timer

   $cv->wait; # wait until user enters /^q/i


Coro::Event, Coro, Event, Glib::Event, Glib, AnyEvent::Impl::Coro, AnyEvent::Impl::Event, AnyEvent::Impl::Glib, AnyEvent::Impl::Tk.