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Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus::Editor::Messages - Define values for using messages, notifications, and their arguments


    use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus ':vars';
    print "$_\n" for sort { $SCIMSG{$a} <=> $SCIMSG{$b} } keys %SCIMSG;             # prints all message keys in numerical order


Scintilla uses message-based communication, which is described in the ScintillaDoc.

The hashes in Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus::Editor::Messages give named access to the underlying messages, as well as named versions of the constants used as arguments for those messages.



Many of the Scintilla Messages are already implemented in the Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus::Editor interface, and under normal circumstances, the end-user should never need to access this %SCIMSG hash directly.

However, if you have a reason to use editor->SendMessage directly, you can use the values from this hash. Usually, this would only be done if you want a unique wrapper around the message, or want to implement a new or unimplemented message.


Used by setAccessibility.

    Key                         | Value | Description
    SC_ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED   | 0     | Accessibility is disabled
    SC_ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED    | 1     | Accessibility is enabled

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setSelAlpha and many other methods that set or retrieve transparency settings.

These actally indicate the range, from SC_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT (100% transparent) to SC_ALPHA_OPAQUE (100% opaque), with SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA (which also indicates 100% opaque, but might make for a more efficient drawing of the Scintilla window because ALPHA is disabled, rather than just being 100% opaque.)

When setting transparency, any value from SC_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT through SC_ALPHA_OPAQUE (or SC_ALPHA_NOALPHA) can be used; alpha settings do not have to be one of these three defined values.


Used by annotationSetVisible

    Key                 |   | Description
    ANNOTATION_HIDDEN   | 0 | Annotations are not displayed.
    ANNOTATION_STANDARD | 1 | Annotations are drawn left justified with no adornment.
    ANNOTATION_BOXED    | 2 | Annotations are indented to match the text and are surrounded by a box.
    ANNOTATION_INDENTED | 3 | Annotations are indented to match the text.

Used by autoCSetOrder.

    Key                  |   | Description
    SC_ORDER_PRESORTED   | 0 | List must be already sorted alphabetically
    SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT | 1 | Scintilla will sort the list
    SC_ORDER_CUSTOM      | 2 | Use a custom order

Used by setAutomaticFold

    Key                     |   | Description
    SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_SHOW   | 1 | Automatically show lines as needed. This avoids sending the SCN_NEEDSHOWN notification.
    SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_CLIC   | 2 | Handle clicks in fold margin automatically. This avoids sending the SCN_MARGINCLICK notification for folding margins.
    SC_AUTOMATICFOLD_CHANGE | 4 | Show lines as needed when fold structure is changed. The SCN_MODIFIED notification is still sent unless it is disabled by the container.

Used by setBidirectional.

The default $SC_BIDIRECTIONAL{SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_DISABLED} (0) means that only one direction is supported.

Enabling $SC_BIDIRECTIONAL{SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_L2R} (1) means that left-to-right is the normal active direction, but UTF sequences can change text to right-to-left.

Enabling $SC_BIDIRECTIONAL{SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_R2L} (2) means that right-to-left is the normal active direction, but UTF sequences can change text to left-to-right.

    Key                       |   | Description
    SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_DISABLED | 0 | Not bidirectional
    SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_L2R      | 1 | Bidirectional, with left-to-right as normal direction
    SC_BIDIRECTIONAL_R2L      | 2 | Bidirectional, with right-to-left as normal direction

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setLayoutCache

    Key                 |   | Description
    SC_CACHE_NONE       | 0 | No lines are cached.
    SC_CACHE_CARET      | 1 | The line containing the text caret. This is the default.
    SC_CACHE_PAGE       | 2 | Visible lines plus the line containing the caret.
    SC_CACHE_DOCUMENT   | 3 | All lines in the document.

Used by setXCaretPolicy and related.

    CARET_SLOP      | 0x01 | Will honor the $caretSlop setting
    CARET_STRICT    | 0x04 | If set, CARET_SLOP is strictly enforced
    CARET_EVEN      | 0x08 | If set, use symmetric zones; if unset, shift the zones
    CARET_JUMPS     | 0x10 | Caret moves more "energetically"

See Scintilla documentation for SCI_SETXCARETPOLICY for details, and how they work in combination.


Used by setCaretSticky

    Key                         |   | Description
    SC_CARETSTICKY_OFF          | 0 | All moves or text changes will change caret's horizontal position (default)
    SC_CARETSTICKY_ON           | 1 | Only cursor movements will change the caret position
    SC_CARETSTICKY_WHITESPACE   | 2 | Like OFF, but whitespace-only insertion will not change caret position

Used by setCaretStyle.

    Key                         |       | Description
    CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE        | 0     | No visible caret
    CARETSTYLE_LINE             | 1     | Caret is a line (in insert mode)
    CARETSTYLE_BLOCK            | 2     | Caret is a block (in insert mode)
    CARETSTYLE_INS_MASK         | 0xF   | Mask used for the insert mode bits, above [npp7.8]
    CARETSTYLE_OVERSTRIKE_BAR   | 0     | Caret is a bar (in overtype mode) [npp7.8]
    CARETSTYLE_OVERSTRIKE_BLOCK | 16    | Caret is a block (in overtype mode) [npp7.8]
    CARETSTYLE_BLOCK_AFTER      | 0x100 | Option for how the block is drawn [npp7.8]

For insert mode, the style of the caret can be set to a line caret (CARETSTYLE_LINE=1) or a block caret (CARETSTYLE_BLOCK=2) for insert mode (lower 4-bits, CARETSTYLE_INS_MASK) combined with a bar caret (CARETSTYLE_OVERSTRIKE_BAR=0) or a block caret (CARETSTYLE_OVERSTRIKE_BLOCK=16) for overtype mode (bit 4), or to not draw at all (CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE=0). The default value for insert mode is the line caret (CARETSTYLE_LINE=1).

For overtype mode, the style of the caret can be set to the bar caret (CARETSTYLE_OVERSTRIKE_BAR=0) or a block caret (CARETSTYLE_OVERSTRIKE_BLOCK)=16).

When the caret end of a range is at the end and a block caret style is chosen, the block is drawn just inside the selection instead of after. This can be switched with an option (CARETSTYLE_BLOCK_AFTER=256).

The value passed can be a bitwise-or of the insert-mode choice, the overtype mode choice, and the option value.

[npp7.8]: Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by styleSetCase

    Key             |   | Description
    SC_CASE_MIXED   | 0 | Displays normally (same case as stored in text)
    SC_CASE_UPPER   | 1 | Displays as all upper case, even if there are lower case characters
    SC_CASE_LOWER   | 2 | Displays as all lower case, even if there are upper case characters
    SC_CASE_CAMEL   | 3 | Displays as Camel Case, regardless of underlying text case [npp7.8]

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by autoCSetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour

    Key                                         |   | Description

Used by styleSetCharacterSet

    Key                     | Value
    SC_CHARSET_ANSI         | 0
    SC_CHARSET_SYMBOL       | 2
    SC_CHARSET_MAC          | 77
    SC_CHARSET_HANGUL       | 129
    SC_CHARSET_JOHAB        | 130
    SC_CHARSET_GB2312       | 134
    SC_CHARSET_GREEK        | 161
    SC_CHARSET_TURKISH      | 162
    SC_CHARSET_HEBREW       | 177
    SC_CHARSET_ARABIC       | 178
    SC_CHARSET_BALTIC       | 186
    SC_CHARSET_RUSSIAN      | 204
    SC_CHARSET_THAI         | 222
    SC_CHARSET_OEM          | 255
    SC_CHARSET_OEM866       | 866       [npp7.8]
    SC_CHARSET_8859_15      | 1000
    SC_CHARSET_CYRILLIC     | 1251

$SC_CHARSET{SC_CHARSET_ANSI} and $SC_CHARSET{SC_CHARSET_DEFAULT} specify European Windows code page 1252 unless the code page is set.

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setCodePage

    Key                                 |       | Description
    SC_CP_UTF8                          | 65501 | Unicode
    UNOFFICIAL_SHIFT_JIS                | 932   | Japanese Shift-JIS
    UNOFFICIAL_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE_GBK   | 936   | Simplified Chinese GBK
    UNOFFICIAL_KOREAN_UNIFIED_HANGUL    | 949   | Korean Unified Hangul Code
    UNOFFICIAL_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE_BIG5 | 950   | Traditional Chinese Big5
    UNOFFICIAL_KOREAN_JOHAB             | 1361  | Korean Johab

SC_CP_UTF8 is the only SC_CODEPAGE value defined by Scintilla. The others were added unofficially to support codepages listed in the SCI_SETCODEPAGE documentation from Scintilla.


Used by setMarginCursorN and setCursor

SC_CURSORARROW and SC_CURSORREVERSEARROW will set the direction of the arrow in the margin with setMarginCursorN().

with setCursor(), SC_CURSORNORMAL (-1) will set the normal cursor behavior, and SC_CURSORWAIT (4) will set the cursor to a spinning "waiting for action" cursor


Use by createDocument

    Key                             |       | Description
    SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_DEFAULT       | 0     | Standard behaviour
    SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_STYLES_NONE   | 0x1   | Stop allocation of memory for styles and treat all text as style 0.
    SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_TEXT_LARGE    | 0x100 | Allow document to be larger than 2 GB. (Experimental as of Scintilla v4.2.0, Notepad++ v7.8)

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setEdgeMode

    Key             |   | Description
    EDGE_NONE       | 0 | Long lines are not marked. This is the default state.
    EDGE_LINE       | 1 | A vertical line is drawn at the column number set by SCI_SETEDGECOLUMN. This works well for monospaced fonts. The line is drawn at a position based on the width of a space character in STYLE_DEFAULT, so it may not work very well if your styles use proportional fonts or if your style have varied font sizes or you use a mixture of bold, italic and normal text.
    EDGE_BACKGROUND | 2 | The background colour of characters after the column limit is changed to the colour set by SCI_SETEDGECOLOUR. This is recommended for proportional fonts.
    EDGE_MULTILINE  | 3 | This is similar to EDGE_LINE but in contrary to showing only one single line a configurable set of vertical lines can be shown simultaneously. This edgeMode uses a completely independent dataset that can only be configured by using the SCI_MULTIEDGE* messages. [npp7.8]

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by the line endings methods.

    Key         |   | Description
    SC_EOL_CRLF | 0 | Use Windows EOL (CRLF = "\r\n")
    SC_EOL_CR   | 1 | Use old Mac EOL (CR = "\r")
    SC_EOL_LF   | 2 | Use Unix/Linx EOL (LF = "\n")

Used by getLineEndTypesSupported

    Key                      |   | Line ending support
    SC_LINE_END_TYPE_DEFAULT | 0 | Just normal line-endings
    SC_LINE_END_TYPE_UNICODE | 1 | Extra Unicode line-endings

Used by findText

The values should be bitwise-or'd together to form the findText argument.

    %scimsg key         | Value      | Description
    SCFIND_NONE         | 0x00000000 | (default) Case-insentitive, literal match
    SCFIND_MATCHCASE    | 0x00000004 | Case-sensitive
    SCFIND_WHOLEWORD    | 0x00000002 | Matches only whole words ( see editor()->setWordChars )
    SCFIND_WORDSTART    | 0x00100000 | Matches the start of whole words ( see editor()->setWordChars )
    SCFIND_REGEXP       | 0x00200000 | Matches as a Scintilla regular expression
    SCFIND_POSIX        | 0x00400000 | (*) Matches a regular expression, with POSIX () groups
    SCFIND_CXX11REGEX   | 0x00800000 | (*) Matches using C++11 <regex> library

    (*) means it should be used in conjunction with SCFIND_REGEXP

See Scintilla documentation for searchFlags


Used by foldLine and related methods.

    Key                     |   | Description
    SC_FOLDACTION_CONTRACT  | 0 | Contract
    SC_FOLDACTION_EXPAND    | 1 | Expand
    SC_FOLDACTION_TOGGLE    | 2 | Toggle between contracted and expanded

Used by foldDisplayTextSetStyle.

    %scimsg key                 | Value | Description
    SC_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN   | 0     | Do not display text tags
    SC_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_STANDARD | 1     | Display text tags
    SC_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED    | 2     | Display text tags with a box drawn around them

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setFoldFlags.

Use a bitwise-or of one or more of the following flags:

    Key                                 |     | Description
    SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED     | 2   | Draw above if expanded
    SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED   | 4   | Draw above if not expanded
    SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED      | 8   | Draw below if expanded
    SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED    | 16  | Draw below if not expanded
    SC_FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS            | 64  | display hexadecimal fold levels (*)
    SC_FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE               | 128 | display hexadecimal line state (+)

*: The appearance of this feature may change in the future. +: May not be used at the same time as SC_FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS


Used by setFoldLevel.

Use a bitwise-or of one or more of the following flags:

    Key                     |      | Description
    SC_FOLDLEVELBASE        | 1024 | Default fold level setting
    SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK  | 4095 | Fold level can be set to 0 .. SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK
    SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG   | 4096 | Flag bit: line is blank and level is not as important
    SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG  | 8192 | Flag bit: indicates it's a header (fold point)

You can set the level to anything between 0 .. SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK, so you are not restricted to using just these hash values.

See Scintilla documentation for SCI_SETFOLDLEVEL


Used by setFontQuality to set the font quality (antialiasing method)

    Key                             |     | Description
    SC_EFF_QUALITY_DEFAULT          | 0   | Default, backward compatible
    SC_EFF_QUALITY_NON_ANTIALIASED  | 1   | Not antialiased
    SC_EFF_QUALITY_ANTIALIASED      | 2   | Antialiased
    SC_EFF_QUALITY_LCD_OPTIMIZED    | 3   | Optimized for LCD
    SC_EFF_QUALITY_MASK             | 0xF | *Only 4 bits apply to antialiasing

(*: In the future, there may be more attributes set by setFontQuality() than just antialiasing, so the SC_EFF_QUALITY_MASK is used to indicate that antialiasing settings will be limited to four bits.)


Referenced by styleSetSizeFractional.

The sole key, SC_FONT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER (100), is used for scaling a fractional number of points to an integer for use in styleSetSizeFractional().


Used by setIdleStyling.

    Key                         |   | Description
    SC_IDLESTYLING_NONE         | 0 | (default) Syntax styling for all visible text (may be slow for large files)
    SC_IDLESTYLING_TOVISIBLE    | 1 | Syntax styling in small increments as background idle-task
    SC_IDLESTYLING_AFTERVISIBLE | 2 | Syntax styling for following text as idle-task
    SC_IDLESTYLING_ALL          | 3 | Syntax styling for preceding and following text as idle-task

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setIMEInteraction

    Key             |   | Description
    SC_IME_WINDOWED | 0 | Uses a floating window for IME
    SC_IME_INLINE   | 1 | Puts the IME inline with the text

The SC_IME_INLINE may work better with features like rectangular and multiple selection.


Used by setIndentationGuides.

    Key               |   | Description
    SC_IV_NONE        | 0 | Not shown
    SC_IV_REAL        | 1 | Shown inside real indentation white space
    SC_IV_LOOKFORWARD | 2 | Shown beyond the actual indentation
    SC_IV_LOOKBOTH    | 3 | Shown beyond the actual indentation

The diffrence between the last two is subtle, and not single-line explainable; see the Scintilla documentation for SCI_SETINDENTATIONGUIDES for details on the difference.


There is only one predefined flag value defined for indicSetFlags, plus a flag bit and a mask that can be used in conjunction with setIndicatorValue.

    Key                     |           | Description
    SC_INDICFLAG_VALUEFORE  | 1         | The indicator foreground depends on file location
    SC_INDICVALUEMASK       | 0x0FFFFFF | Mask for getting value without the flag bit
    SC_INDICVALUEBIT        | 0x1000000 | Flag bit set true in setIndicatorValue()

Used by indicSetStyle

    INDIC_PLAIN             | 0  | A plain underline.
    INDIC_SQUIGGLE          | 1  | A squiggly underline.
    INDIC_TT                | 2  | A line of small T shapes.
    INDIC_DIAGONAL          | 3  | Diagonal hatching.
    INDIC_STRIKE            | 4  | Strike out.
    INDIC_HIDDEN            | 5  | An indicator with no visual effect.
    INDIC_BOX               | 6  | A rectangle around the text.
    INDIC_ROUNDBOX          | 7  | A rectangle with rounded corners
    INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX       | 8  | A rectangle, filled but semi-transparent
    INDIC_FULLBOX           | 16 | A rectangle, filled but semi-transparent (larger)
    INDIC_DASH              | 9  | A dashed underline.
    INDIC_DOTS              | 10 | A dotted underline.
    INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW       | 11 | Smaller squiggly underline.
    INDIC_DOTBOX            | 12 | A dotted rectangle around the text.
    INDIC_GRADIENT          | 20 | A vertical gradient, top to bottom.
    INDIC_GRADIENTCENTRE    | 21 | A vertical gradient, center to outside.
    INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP    | 13 | A squiggle drawn more efficiently but not as pretty.
    INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK  | 14 | A 2-pixel underline, lower than INDIC_PLAIN
    INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN   | 15 | A 1-pixel underline.
    INDIC_TEXTFORE          | 17 | Change text foreground.
    INDIC_POINT             | 18 | A triangle below the start of the indicator.
    INDIC_POINTCHARACTER    | 19 | A triangle below the center of the first character.
    INDIC_EXPLORERLINK      | 22 | Indicator used for hyperlinks [npp7.9]
    INDICATOR_CONTAINER     | 8  | Containers use indexes 8-31 [npp7.8]
    INDICATOR_IME           | 32 | IME use indexes 32 - IME_MAX [npp7.8]
    INDICATOR_IME_MAX       | 35 | Maximum IME index [npp7.8]
    INDICATOR_MAX           | 35 | Maximum indicator index [npp7.8]

Note that the INDICATOR_* values are used as style indexes, not style values. (The Scintilla Documentation also gives older INDIC_ values for those, but claims that the INDICATOR_ name is preferred, so that is all that is implemented here.)

[npp#.#] Value added in particular version of Notepad++; not available in earlier versions. [npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by key binding methods

Available Keys:

    Hash-Key Name | Keycode | Description
    SCK_ESCAPE    | 7       | Esc/Escape
    SCK_BACK      | 8       | Backspace
    SCK_TAB       | 9       | Tab
    SCK_RETURN    | 13      | Return/Enter
    SCK_DOWN      | 300     | Down arrow
    SCK_UP        | 301     | Up arrow
    SCK_LEFT      | 302     | Left arrow
    SCK_RIGHT     | 303     | Right arrow
    SCK_HOME      | 304     | Home
    SCK_END       | 305     | End
    SCK_PRIOR     | 306     | PageUp
    SCK_NEXT      | 307     | PageDown
    SCK_DELETE    | 308     | Del/Delete
    SCK_INSERT    | 309     | Ins/Insert
    SCK_ADD       | 310     | Numeric Keypad +
    SCK_SUBTRACT  | 311     | Numeric Keypad -
    SCK_DIVIDE    | 312     | Numeric Keypad /
    SCK_WIN       | 313     | Windows Key
    SCK_RWIN      | 314     | Right Windows Key
    SCK_MENU      | 315     | Menu Key

Key Modifiers:

    Hash-Key Name | Value   | Description
    SCMOD_NORM    | 0       | Unmodified
    SCMOD_SHIFT   | 1       | Shift
    SCMOD_CTRL    | 2       | Ctrl
    SCMOD_ALT     | 4       | Alt
    SCMOD_SUPER   | 8       | Super can indicate the Windows key as the modifier
    SCMOD_META    | 16      | Some systems may use Meta instead of Ctrl or Alt

For normal keys (letters, numbers, punctuation), the $km ("key+modifier") code is the codepoint for that character. For special keys (arrows, Escape, and similar), use the $SCKEY{SCK_*} entry for that key. If you want to indicate a modified key, add on the $SCKEY{SCK_*} shifted 16 bits up.

    # Ctrl+HOME being assigned to SCI_HOME
    my $km_ctrl_home = $SCKEY{SCK_HOME} + ($SCKEY{SCMOD_CTRL}<<16);
    notepad->assignCmdKey($km_alt_q, $SCIMSG{SCI_HOME});

    # Alt+Q being assigned to SCI_SELECTALL
    my $km_alt_q = ord('Q') + ($SCKEY{SCMOD_ALT}<<16);
    notepad->assignCmdKey($km_alt_q, $SCIMSG{SCI_SELECTALL});

Used by setKeyWords.

The only key is KEYWORDSET_MAX, which indicates the maximum index for the keywordSet. It is zero based, so there are $KEYWORDSET{KEYWORDSET_MAX}+1 sets of keywords allowed, with indexes from 0 to $KEYWORDSET{KEYWORDSET_MAX}.

This is generally used by lexers, to define the different groups of keywords (like "NUMBER", "INSTRUCTION WORD", "STRING", "REGEX" and similar in the Perl lexer).


Used by getLineCharacterIndex.

    Key                         |   | Description
    SC_LINECHARACTERINDEX_NONE  | 0 | If only bytes are indexed
    SC_LINECHARACTERINDEX_UTF32 | 1 | If whole 32bit (4byte) UTF32 characters are indexed
    SC_LINECHARACTERINDEX_UTF16 | 2 | If whole 16bit (2byte) UTF16 code units are indexed

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setMarginTypeN and other margin-related commands

    Key                           |   | Description
                   margin indexes |   |
    SC_MAX_MARGIN                 | 4 | The initial margins are indexed 0 .. SC_MAX_MARGIN
                     margin types |   |
    SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL              | 0 | Use a symbol in the margin
    SC_MARGIN_NUMBER              | 1 | Use line number in the margin
    SC_MARGIN_TEXT                | 4 | Use left-justified text in the margin
    SC_MARGIN_RTEXT               | 5 | Use right-justified text in the margin
    SC_MARGIN_BACK                | 2 | Use STYLE_DEFAULT's background color on a margin-symbol
    SC_MARGIN_FORE                | 3 | Use STYLE_DEFAULT's foreground color on a margin-symbol
    SC_MARGIN_COLOUR              | 6 | Use spefied color on a margin-symbol [npp7.8]
                   margin options |   |
    SC_MARGINOPTION_NONE          | 0 | No option set via setMarginOptions()
    SC_MARGINOPTION_SUBLINESELECT | 1 | Affects whole-line selection of wrapped text

If the SUBLINESELECT is enabled, clicking on the margin will only select the visible "line" (even if line-wrap extends the real line to more than one screen line); if disabled (default), clicking on the margin will select the entire real line (even if line-wrap extends the real line to more than one screen line)

See also Scintilla's MARGIN documentation.

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used as the $markerSymbol by markerDefine and related metbhods.

    Key                             |
    SC_MARK_ARROW                   | 2
    SC_MARK_ARROWDOWN               | 6
    SC_MARK_ARROWS                  | 24
    SC_MARK_AVAILABLE               | 28
    SC_MARK_BACKGROUND              | 22
    SC_MARK_BOOKMARK                | 31
    SC_MARK_BOXMINUS                | 14
    SC_MARK_BOXPLUS                 | 12
    SC_MARK_CHARACTER               | 10000
    SC_MARK_CIRCLE                  | 0
    SC_MARK_CIRCLEMINUS             | 20
    SC_MARK_CIRCLEPLUS              | 18
    SC_MARK_DOTDOTDOT               | 23
    SC_MARK_EMPTY                   | 5
    SC_MARK_FULLRECT                | 26
    SC_MARK_LCORNER                 | 10
    SC_MARK_LCORNERCURVE            | 16
    SC_MARK_LEFTRECT                | 27
    SC_MARK_MINUS                   | 7
    SC_MARK_PIXMAP                  | 25
    SC_MARK_PLUS                    | 8
    SC_MARK_RGBAIMAGE               | 30
    SC_MARK_ROUNDRECT               | 1
    SC_MARK_SHORTARROW              | 4
    SC_MARK_SMALLRECT               | 3
    SC_MARK_TCORNER                 | 11
    SC_MARK_TCORNERCURVE            | 17
    SC_MARK_UNDERLINE               | 29
    SC_MARK_VERTICALBOOKMARK        | 32    [npp7.8]
    SC_MARK_VLINE                   | 9

Hopefully, the names describe the symbol. If it's not sufficient, then see the Scintilla documentation for SCI_MARKERDEFINE, which has an image of the marker symbols.

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by marker-related methods.

    Key                      |            | Description
    MARKER_MAX               | 31         | The highest $markerNumber available
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN    | 31         | Start of uncollapsed folding region
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER        | 30         | Start of collapsed folding region
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB     | 29         | Inside of uncollapsed folding region
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL    | 28         | End of uncollapsed folding region
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND     | 25         | Branch of collapsed folding region (such as "else" block)
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID | 26         | Branch of uncollapsed folding region (such as "else" block)
    SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL | 27         | Branch-of uncollapsed folding region (such as "else" block)
    SC_MASK_FOLDERS          | 0xFE000000 | Useful for setMarginMaskN

Used by setModEventMask and the SCN_MODIFIED notification.

    Key                     | Value    |
    SC_LASTSTEPINUNDOREDO   | 0x100    |
    SC_MULTISTEPUNDOREDO    | 0x80     |
    SC_MULTILINEUNDOREDO    | 0x1000   |
    SC_STARTACTION          | 0x2000   |
    SC_MOD_NONE             | 0x0      |
    SC_MOD_BEFOREDELETE     | 0x800    |
    SC_MOD_BEFOREINSERT     | 0x400    |
    SC_MOD_CHANGEFOLD       | 0x8      |
    SC_MOD_CHANGEINDICATOR  | 0x4000   |
    SC_MOD_CHANGELINESTATE  | 0x8000   |
    SC_MOD_CHANGEMARGIN     | 0x10000  |
    SC_MOD_CHANGEMARKER     | 0x200    |
    SC_MOD_CHANGESTYLE      | 0x4      |
    SC_MOD_CHANGETABSTOPS   | 0x200000 |
    SC_MOD_CONTAINER        | 0x40000  |
    SC_MOD_DELETETEXT       | 0x2      |
    SC_MOD_INSERTCHECK      | 0x100000 |
    SC_MOD_INSERTTEXT       | 0x1      |
    SC_MOD_LEXERSTATE       | 0x80000  |
    SC_PERFORMED_REDO       | 0x40     |
    SC_PERFORMED_UNDO       | 0x20     |
    SC_PERFORMED_USER       | 0x10     |

If you details on what they each mean, you should see SCN_MODIFIED in the Scintilla Docs.


Used by autoCSetMulti. Affects how autocompletion interacts with multi-selection (having more than one area selelected at once).

    Key                |   | Autocompletion affects ...
    SC_MULTIAUTOC_ONCE | 0 | ... only the first area of a multi-selection (default)
    SC_MULTIAUTOC_EACH | 1 | ... each area of the multi-selection

Used by setMultiPaste.

    Key                |   | Paste into ...
    SC_MULTIPASTE_ONCE | 0 | ... only the first area of a multi-selection (default)
    SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH | 1 | ... each area of the multi-selection

Used by setPhasesDraw.

    Key                 |   | Description
    SC_PHASES_ONE       | 0 | (deprecated) Single drawing phase
    SC_PHASES_TWO       | 1 | Draw background first, then text above it
    SC_PHASES_MULTIPLE  | 2 | Draw whole area multiple times, once per feature

Used by usePopUp.

    Key             |   | Description
    SC_POPUP_NEVER  | 0 | Never show default editing menu
    SC_POPUP_ALL    | 1 | Show default editing menu if clicking on scintilla
    SC_POPUP_TEXT   | 2 | Show default editing menu only if clicking on text area

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setPrintColourMode.

    Key                             |   | Description
    SC_PRINT_NORMAL                 | 0 | Use screen colours, excluding line numbers in margins
    SC_PRINT_INVERTLIGHT            | 1 | For dark background, invert print colour and use white background
    SC_PRINT_BLACKONWHITE           | 2 | All text as black on white
    SC_PRINT_COLOURONWHITE          | 3 | All text as displayed colour, on white
    SC_PRINT_COLOURONWHITEDEFAULTBG | 4 | Use displayed foreground colour, background depends on style
    SC_PRINT_SCREENCOLOURS          | 5 | Use screen colours, including line numbers in margins [npp7.8]

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setSelectionMode.

    Key              |   | Description
    SC_SEL_STREAM    | 0 | Stream selection (default)
    SC_SEL_RECTANGLE | 1 | Rectangular (column) selection
    SC_SEL_LINES     | 2 | Select by lines
    SC_SEL_THIN      | 3 | Thin rectangle (allows zero-width column-selection)

Used by getStatus.

    Key                     |      | Description
    SC_STATUS_OK            | 0    | No failures
    SC_STATUS_FAILURE       | 1    | Generic failure
    SC_STATUS_BADALLOC      | 2    | Memory is exhausted
    SC_STATUS_WARN_REGEX    | 1001 | Regular expression is invalid

Used by Style definition methods.

These styles correspond to Dialog Entries in Settings > Style Configurator > Global Styles

    Key                    |     | Dialog Entry
    STYLE_DEFAULT          | 32  | Default Style
    STYLE_LINENUMBER       | 33  | Line number margin
    STYLE_BRACELIGHT       | 34  | Brace highlight style
    STYLE_BRACEBAD         | 35  | Brace bad colour
    STYLE_CONTROLCHAR      | 36  | (*) Control Characters
    STYLE_INDENTGUIDE      | 37  | Indent guideline style
    STYLE_CALLTIP          | 38  | (*) Call tips
    STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT  | 39  | (*) Call tips [npp7.8]
    STYLE_LASTPREDEFINED   | 39  | (*) This is the last of Scintilla's predefined style indexes
    STYLE_MAX              | 255 | (*) This is the last style number index available
    NPP_STYLE_MARK5        | 21  | (+) Mark Style 5
    NPP_STYLE_MARK4        | 22  | (+) Mark Style 4
    NPP_STYLE_MARK3        | 23  | (+) Mark Style 3
    NPP_STYLE_MARK2        | 24  | (+) Mark Style 2
    NPP_STYLE_MARK1        | 25  | (+) Mark Style 1
    NPP_STYLE_TAGATTR      | 26  | (+) Tags attribute
    NPP_STYLE_TAGMATCH     | 27  | (+) Tags match highlighting
    NPP_STYLE_HILITE_INCR  | 28  | (+) Incremental highlight all
    NPP_STYLE_HILITE_SMART | 29  | (+) Smart HighLighting
    NPP_STYLE_FINDMARK     | 31  | (+) Find Mark Style

*: these keys do not have a corresponding entry in the Style Configurator.

+: This hash also has values not defined by Scintilla, but used by Notepad++'s Global Styles. It still doesn't cover all of Notepad++'s Global Styles available, because they do not use Scintilla's styler rules to implement those styles (many use the same styleID of 0, and one uses a styleID greater than STYLE_MAX), so you might not be able to set those using the style defintion methods.

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setTabDrawMode.

    Key            |   | Description
    SCTD_LONGARROW | 0 | Arrow stretching until tabstop
    SCTD_STRIKEOUT | 1 | Horizontal line stretching until tabstop

All of these values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setTechnology.

    Key                             |   | Description
    SC_TECHNOLOGY_DEFAULT           | 0 | Use standard API
    SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITE       | 1 | Use DirectWrite API
    SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITERETAIN | 2 | Use DirectWrite API, retaining the frame
    SC_TECHNOLOGY_DIRECTWRITEDC     | 3 | use DirectWrite API to draw into a GDI DC

In Windows XP (and earlier), only SC_TECHNOLOGY_DEFAULT is supported.


Used internally by Text retrieval and modification methods to indicate an invalid position was passed. Never returned to the user.


Used by setMouseDwellTime.

    Key             |          | Description
    SC_TIME_FOREVER | 10000000 | No dwell events are generated

Used by propertyType.

    Key             |   | Description
    SC_TYPE_BOOLEAN | 0 | Property is true/false
    SC_TYPE_INTEGER | 1 | Property is integer
    SC_TYPE_STRING  | 2 | Property is string

Used by addUndoAction.

    Key               |   | Description
    UNDO_MAY_COALESCE | 1 | combine this action with insert/delete for single group undo
    UNDO_NONE         | 0 | keep undo separate from insert/delete (default)

Used by setVirtualSpaceOptions

    Key                         |   | Description
    SCVS_NONE                   | 0 | Disables all use of virtual space
    SCVS_RECTANGULARSELECTION   | 1 | Enable virtual space for rectangular selections
    SCVS_USERACCESSIBLE         | 2 | Enable virtual space for other circumstances
    SCVS_NOWRAPLINESTART        | 4 | Prevents left-arrow movement from column 0 wrapping to previous line [npp7.8]

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setVisiblePolicy.

    Key            |   | Description
    VISIBLE_SLOP   | 1 | Adds a buffer zone
    VISIBLE_STRICT | 4 | Enforces the zone strictly; caret is centered in slop

Used by styleSetWeight.

    Key                 |     | Description
    SC_WEIGHT_NORMAL    | 400 | Normal
    SC_WEIGHT_BOLD      | 700 | Bold
    SC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD  | 600 | Between normal and bold

Used by setViewWS

    Key                         |   | Description
    SCWS_INVISIBLE              | 0 | The normal display mode with white space displayed as an empty background colour.
    SCWS_VISIBLEALWAYS          | 1 | White space characters are drawn as dots and arrows,
    SCWS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT     | 2 | White space used for indentation is displayed normally but after the first visible character, it is shown as dots and arrows.
    SCWS_VISIBLEONLYININDENT    | 3 | White space used for indentation is displayed as dots and arrows. [npp7.8]

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setWrapIndent.

    Key                         |   | Description
    SC_WRAPINDENT_FIXED         | 0 | Wrapped lines are based on setWrapStartIndent
    SC_WRAPINDENT_SAME          | 1 | Wrapped lines match the starting indentation
    SC_WRAPINDENT_INDENT        | 2 | Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent plus one more level of indentation
    SC_WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT    | 3 | Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent plus two more levels of indentation [npp7.8]

[npp7.8] Noted values require at least Scintilla v4.2.0, found in Notepad++ v7.8 and newer.


Used by setWrapMode.

    Key                |   | Description
    SC_WRAP_NONE       | 0 | No wrap
    SC_WRAP_WORD       | 1 | Wrap on word or style boundaries
    SC_WRAP_CHAR       | 2 | Wrap between any char
    SC_WRAP_WHITESPACE | 3 | Wrap at whitespace

Used by setWrapVisualFlags.

    Key                      |        | Description
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE   | 0x0000 | No visual flags
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END    | 0x0001 | Visual flag at end of each subline
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START  | 0x0002 | Visual flag at start of each subline
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN | 0x0004 | Visual flag in the line-number margin

Used by setWrapVisualFlagsLocation.

    Key                                |        | Description
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT       | 0x0000 | Near border
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT   | 0x0001 | End of subline
    SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT | 0x0002 | Beginning of subline


Not yet used, but the constants are available


If you are interested, you can find all the message keys with code like the following:

    use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus ':vars';
    printf "%-39s => %d\n", $_, $SCINTILLANOTIFICATION{$_} for sort { $SCINTILLANOTIFICATION{$a} <=> $SCINTILLANOTIFICATION{$b} } keys %SCINTILLANOTIFICATION;   # prints all scintilla notification keys in numerical order

When notifications are implemented, these will be split into multiple hashes and documented more fully.


Installed as part of Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus


Peter C. Jones <petercj AT cpan DOT org>

Please report any bugs or feature requests emailing <bug-Win32-Mechanize-NotepadPlusPlus AT> or thru the web interface at, or thru the repository's interface at


Copyright (C) 2019,2020 Peter C. Jones


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.