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GO::View::GD - a helper class for GO::View to deal with the image


use GO::View::GD;

To instantiate a new InitGD object, you may use following syntax:

my $gd = GO::Util::InitGD->new(width=>$imgWidth,

my $im = $gd->im; my $white = $gd->white; my $red = $gd->red;

and more ......


Title    : new
Function : Creates a new GO::View::GD object
         : recognized named parameters are height and width
           both of which must be provided.
Returns  : a GO::View::GD object
Args     : the named parameters


This method returns the internal GD::Image object


This method returns the height that was used to instantiate the object


This method returns the width that was used to instantiate the object


This method draws a blue frame around the image with date at the right bottom corner and image label on the left bottom corner if there is a label passed in. The date and label will be printed in red



Optional arguments:

'date', which is a string indicating the date, otherwise the current date will be determineed and used. The date will be printed in red in the lower right hand corner.

'text', which is a string that can be used to label the image. This will printed in the lower left hand corner of the image.


This method draws a rectangle for a given coordinate set and creates a link for the box if there is a linkUrl passed in. The link for the box is in the form of text that can be placed in an image map on an html page. The text for that is currently printed to STDOUT.



Required Arguments:

barColor : The color of the box numX1 : The left-hand x-coordinate of the box numX2 : The right-hand x-coordinate of the box numY : The top y coorinate of the box

Optional Arguments:

strand : ??? - left over from use in SGDs ORF Map linkUrl : A url to which you would like the box to be linked barHeight : The height of the box - will be used to determine the bottom y-coordinate of the box - default is 4 pixels outlineColor : The color in which to outline the box onInfoText : Information text that can used for mouseovers

arrow : The type of arrowhead desired on the box. One of up, down, left, right, which indicates the direction in which the arrow head should point arrowHeight : The height of the arrowhead


This method draws a string and creates a link for it if there is a linkUrl passed in. The link is in the form of text that can be placed in an image map on an html page. The text for that is currently printed to STDOUT.


    $gd->drawName(name=>" = GO term with child(ren)",

Required Arguments:

name : The text that should be printed on the image nameColor : The color in which the text should be written numX1 : The X-coordinate where the text should be printed numY : The Y-coordinate where the text should be printed

Optional Arguments

linkUrl : A url to which you would like the text to be linked


 Title    : imageMap
 Usage    : my $map = $goView->imageMap;
 Function : returns the text that constitutes an image map for the
            created image.

	    During creation of various glyphs, that have had a URL
	    passed in to which they could link, text that can be used
	    as an image map for the image, within a web page, will be
	    generated.  When all glyphs have been added to the image,
	    you can retrieve the image map text.  It then needs to be
	    wrapped in a <MAP>...</MAP> declaration, and the html that
	    displays the image will need to refer to the image, eg:

	    <MAP NAME='blah'>


	    <img src='http::/' usemap='#blah'>

	    Note that the map and the usemap tag have the same name.

 Returns  : a string


This protected method appends the passed in string onto the image map that is generated for the image that is also created by this module




Shuai Weng (