River gauge |
Release |
Uploaded |
Ubic-Service-InitScriptWrapper-0.02 | represent any /etc/init.d/ script as ubic service | Jun 10, 2012 | |
IPC-OpenAny-0.005 | Run a process with control over any FDs it may use. | Jun 02, 2012 | |
App-Padadoy-0.125 | Simply deploy PSGI applications | May 08, 2012 | |
App-AutoBuild-0.04 | A perl tool to make it quick and easy to compile a C/C++ project with automatic compilation of dependencies | Apr 28, 2012 | |
Devel-REPL-Plugin-LazyLoad-0.01 | Lazily load packages into your REPL | Apr 22, 2012 | |
Devel-Valgrind-Massif-OutputParser-0.005 | Parse the output from massif just like msparser.py | Apr 03, 2012 | |
CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-RecSug-0.001 | CPAN test dummy with optional prereqs | Apr 01, 2012 | |
App-gitfancy-0.003 | shows `git log` with a more readable graph | Mar 05, 2012 | |
dip-1.17 | Dynamic instrumentation like DTrace, using aspects | Mar 03, 2012 | |
App-GSD-0.4 | boost productivity by blocking distracting websites | Feb 11, 2012 | |
OpenDocument-Template-0.002 | generate OpenDocument from template | Dec 07, 2011 | |
App-Mimosa-0.02 | Miniature Model Organism Sequence Aligner | Nov 23, 2011 | |
Bio-Protease-1.112980 | Digest your protein substrates with customizable specificity | Oct 25, 2011 | |
Bio-Tools-Run-Qcons-0.112881 | Run Qcons to analyze protein-protein contacts | Oct 15, 2011 | |
App-mkfeyorm-0.010 | Make skeleton code with Fey::ORM | Sep 14, 2011 | |
Geo-Routing-0.11 | Interface to the gosmore(1) and OSRM routing libraries | Jul 29, 2011 | |
App-Slackeria-0.12 | Project status overview | Jul 14, 2011 | |
Data-Random-Contact-0.05 | Generate random contact data | May 24, 2011 | |
App-Ylastic-CostAgent-0.006 | Perl port of the Ylastic Cost Agent for Amazon Web Services | Apr 07, 2011 | |
dthumb-0.2 | Generate Thumbnails + Index for a set of images | Mar 04, 2011 | |
CGI-Application-Plugin-AJAXUpload-v0.0.3 | Run mode to handle a file upload and return a JSON response | Oct 14, 2010 | |
nextgen-0.06 | enable all of the features of next-generation perl 5 with one command | Oct 08, 2010 | |
Miril-0.008 | A Static Content Management System | Sep 13, 2010 | |
MooseX-Getopt-Defanged-v1.18.0 | Standard processing of command-line options, with Getopt::Long's nasty behavior defanged. | Sep 08, 2010 | |
CPAN-Testers-Metabase-Feed-0.001 | Generate Atom feed for CPAN Testers Reports | Sep 01, 2010 | |
Project-Euler-0.20 | Solutions for < http://projecteuler.net > | Aug 26, 2010 | |
Dist-Zilla-BeLike-CSJEWELL-0.901 | Build a modern dist like CSJEWELL does it. | Aug 19, 2010 | |
Games-FrozenBubble-2.212 | Puzzle with Bubbles | Aug 06, 2010 | |
Runops-Movie-0.03 | Make movies of perl guts | Jun 06, 2010 | |
Bot-Twatterhose-0.04 | Consume the Twitter firehose and babble to Twitter with Hailo | May 21, 2010 | |
Archive-Zip-Parser-v0.0.3 | Parser for .ZIP archives | Mar 07, 2010 | |
Module-Starter-Plugin-DebPackage-0.0.5 | Module::Starter plugin which creates debian package config files | Jan 26, 2010 | |
Emacs-Run-ExtractDocs-0.03 | extract elisp docstrings to html form | Jan 25, 2010 | |
Bio-Grep-v0.10.6 | Perl extension for searching in DNA and Protein sequences | Nov 12, 2009 | |
TeamCity-BuildMessages-v0.999.3 | Encode and emit messages that TeamCity can interpret during a build. | Feb 04, 2009 | |
Silki-0.29 | Silki is a Catalyst-based wiki hosting platform | Sep 19, 2011 | |
Bio-BLAST-0.4 | low-level routines for working with BLAST tools and formats | Sep 12, 2011 | |
ORLite-Pod-0.11 | Documentation generator for ORLite | Jul 21, 2011 | |
Antispam-Toolkit-0.08 | Classes, roles, and types for use by other Antispam modules | Jan 16, 2011 | |
App-PodPreview-0.002 | Preview POD files in a browser | Sep 29, 2010 | |
Test-CGI-Multipart-v0.0.3 | Test posting of multi-part form data | Sep 13, 2010 | |
App-CamelPKI-0.07 | A multi-purpose PKI. | Nov 21, 2008 | |
MooseX-Configuration-0.02 | Define attributes which come from configuration files | Jan 01, 2011 | |
Mail-SendVarious-0.4 | Send mail via SMTP, fall back to sendmail | Jan 06, 2012 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckVersionIncrement-0.121750 | Prevent a release unless the version number is incremented | Jun 23, 2012 | |
Regexp-SQL-LIKE-0.001 | Translate SQL LIKE pattern to a regular expression | Jul 06, 2011 | |
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallRelease-0.008 | installs your dist after releasing | Mar 03, 2012 |