Changes for version 0.81 - 2006-11-13

  • Bug on <recurse> fixed and new tests. This feature had been lost in one of the previous versions.
  • webrobot (command line): --cfg is now optional. It uses standard test output if missing


run a testplan
Generate an XML testplan from a simple ASCII format
run a testplan in multiple client mode
send mail
evaluate XPath expressions according to an XML file
How to configure Webrobot
Interface for the family of output listeners
Interface for traversing a site / generating multiple urls
How to write a test plan for webrobot


Run Testplans
Assertions for (http) requests
assert object for constant values
default assertion
define setter/getter for attributes of a class
Run testplans with multiple clients
fork children and open socket to childrens STDOUT
Some global functions (internal)
make *.t executables from *.xml testplans and run the plans
Plain simple histograms
convert HTML to XML
analyze HTML files for links/images/frames
HTTP Error Codes
Subroutines for 'Encode'
specialized user agent
special class for multiple clients for load tests
Store received content on disk and compare to a second run
write response content to the file system
print a line based testplan
Invert all assertions
Zero response output listener
write response content according to Test::More
write response content according to Test::More
write response content to STDOUT
Implements a config format like java.util.Properties
act like a browser when selecting a url
check all links you can get.
act like a user klicking urls.
Start httpd and run a test plan
simple wrapper for sending mail
Plain simple statistic
A simple HTTP daemon for tests
Symbol table for Webrobot properties
Apply XPath expressions to an xml string
create and configure a user agent
some simple utilities
Run testplans with multiple clients
enable XHTML and XPath in HTTP::Response
wrapper for XML::Parser


in lib/WWW/Webrobot/Ext/General/HTTP/
in lib/WWW/Webrobot/Ext/XHtml/HTTP/
in lib/WWW/Webrobot/Ext/General/HTTP/
in lib/WWW/Webrobot/
in lib/WWW/Webrobot/