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App::Phoebe - a Gemini-based wiki


This module contains the core of the Phoebe wiki. Import functions and variables from this module to write extensions, or to run it some other way. Usually, script/phoebe is used to start a Phoebe server. This is why all the documentation regarding server startup can be found there.

This section describes some hooks you can use to customize your wiki using the config file, or using a Perl file (ending in *.pl or *.pm) in the conf.d directory. Once you're happy with the changes you've made, restart the server, or send a SIGHUP if you know the PID.

Here are the ways you can hook into Phoebe code:

@extensions is a list of code references allowing you to handle additional URLs; return 1 if you handle a URL; each code reference gets called with $stream (Mojo::IOLoop::Stream), the first line of the request (a Gemini URL, a Gopher selector, a finger user, a HTTP request line), a hash reference (with the headers of HTTP requests or the parameters of Titan requests), a buffer of bytes (e.g. for Titan or HTTP PUT or POST requests), and (sometimes) size.

@main_menu adds more lines to the main menu, possibly links that aren't simply links to existing pages.

@footer is a list of code references allowing you to add things like licenses or contact information to every page; each code reference gets called with $stream (Mojo::IOLoop::Stream), $host, $space, $id, $revision, and $format ('gemini' or 'html') used to serve the page; return a gemtext string to append at the end; the alternative is to overwrite the footer or html_footer subs – the default implementation for Gemini adds History, Raw text and HTML link, and @footer to the bottom of every page; the default implementation for HTTP just adds @footer to the bottom of every page.

If you do hook into Phoebe's code, you probably want to make use of the following variables:

$server stores the command line options provided by the user.

$log is how you log things.

A very simple example to add a contact mail at the bottom of every page; this works for both Gemini and the web:

# tested by t/example-footer.t
use App::Phoebe qw(@footer);
push(@footer, sub { '=> mailto:alex@alexschroeder.ch Mail' });

This prints a very simply footer instead of the usual footer for Gemini, as the footer function is redefined. At the same time, the @footer array is still used for the web:

# tested by t/example-footer2.t
package App::Phoebe;
our (@footer); # HTML only
push(@footer, sub { '=> https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/Contact Contact' });
# footer sub is Gemini only
no warnings qw(redefine);
sub footer {
return "\n" . '—' x 10 . "\n" . '=> mailto:alex@alexschroeder.ch Mail';

This example shows you how to add a new route (a new path served by the wiki). Instead of just writing "Test" to the page, you could of course run arbitrary Perl code.

# tested by t/example-route.t
our @config = (<<'EOT');
use App::Phoebe qw(@extensions @main_menu port host_regex success);
push(@main_menu, "=> /do/test Test");
push(@extensions, \&serve_test);
sub serve_test {
my $stream = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $hosts = host_regex();
my $port = port($stream);
if ($url =~ m!^gemini://($hosts):$port/do/test$!) {
success($stream, 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
return 1;

This example also shows how to redefine existing code in your config file without the warning "Subroutine … redefined".

Here's a more elaborate example to add a new action the main menu and a handler for it, for Gemini only:

# tested by t/example-new-action.t
package App::Phoebe;
our (@extensions, @main_menu);
push(@main_menu, "=> gemini://localhost/do/test Test");
push(@extensions, \&serve_test);
sub serve_test {
my $stream = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $headers = shift;
my $host = host_regex();
my $port = port($stream);
if ($url =~ m!^gemini://($host)(?::$port)?/do/test$!) {
result($stream, "20", "text/plain");
return 1;