Arc::Connection::Client - Client class for ARCv2
ARC allows non-privileged users to run privileged commands on the server. The server decides if the user is allowed to run this command through ACL.
This file is a part of the Perl ARCv2 module suite. ARCv2 is a rewrite of ARC by R.Toebbicke, CERN, Switzerland in Perl.
From ARC by R. Toebbicke, modified by me: User requests are shipped from a client machine to a server using a SASL-authenticated socket connection. The purpose is to convey requests such as privileged commands (e.g. AFS, Crontab) to be executed on the server under appropriate privileges. Given that all privileges are confined to the server and the server can be programmed as to filter and check the command to be executed, the client machine can be less trusted than the server.
Because ARC-v1-Commands are written in perl anyway, implementing the client/server in perl makes sense. Platform-independence and "easy-to-read" source code are welcome too. This package provides two perl command line scripts (arcx, arcxd). They can be used for working with the ARC server from the command line, resp. to start the server.
Arc::Connection::Client - Client class for ARCv2
my $arc = new Arc::Connection::Client(
server => "hyade11",
port => 4242,
timeout => 30,
loglevel=> 7,
logdestination => 'stderr',
service => 'arc',
sasl_mechanism => undef,
sasl_cb_user => \&username,
sasl_cb_auth => \&username,
sasl_cb_pass => \&password,
if (my $m = $arc->IsError()) {
die $m;
if ($arc->StartSession) {
if (my $t = $arc->CommandRead()) {
print $t,"\n"; # should give 'all'
sub username
return $ENV{'USER'};
sub password
return <>;
- logdestination reimplemented from Arc
Default value: "stderr"
- logfileprefix reimplemented from Arc
Default value: "client"
- port
Description: Port to connect to
Default value: undef
- protocol reimplemented from Arc::Connection
Description: Which protocol type the shall use.
Default value: 1
- sasl_cb_auth
Description: SASL Callback for authname (PLAIN and some other mechs only)
Default value: $ENV{'USER'}
- sasl_cb_pass
Description: SASL Callback for password (PLAIN and some other mechs only)
Default value: ""
- sasl_cb_user
Description: SASL Callback for username (PLAIN and some other mechs only)
Default value: $ENV{'USER'}
- sasl_mechanism
Description: use this mechanism for authentication
Default value: undef
- server
Description: Server to connect to
Default value: undef
- server_sasl_mechanisms
Description: filled by the sasl mechanisms
Default value: []
- service inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: name of the server (for SASL)
Default value: undef
- timeout inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: timeout for all connections (ARCv2 and command) in seconds
Default value: undef
- loglevel inherited from Arc
Description: loglevel is combination of bits (1=AUTH,2=USER,4=ERR,8=CMDDEBUG,16=VERBSIDE,32=DEBUG) see _Log method
Default value: 7
- _authenticated inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: Are we authenticated
- _cmdclientsock inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: IO::Socket for the command connection (encrypted)
Default value: undef
- _cmdparameter inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: parameter after the command
Default value: undef
- _connected inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: are we connected
- _connection inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: IO::Socket for the ARCv2 Connection
Default value: undef
- _expectedcmds inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: array, which ARCv2 protocol commands are allowed to come next
Default value: undef
- _select inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: IO::Select for the ARCv2 Connection
Default value: undef
- _username inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: username extracted from SASL
Default value: "anonymous"
- _error inherited from Arc
Description: contains the error message
Default value: undef
- _syslog inherited from Arc
Description: log to syslog or to STDERR
Default value: 1
- CommandEnd ( )
Description: end the command on the server side. Closes the command connection and ends the command.
Returns: true if successful, false if not. (IsError is set appropriatly)
- CommandEOF ( )
Description: close the write part of the netsock. This function closes the write-part of the command connection.
Returns: true if successful, false if not. (IsError is set appropriatly)
last unless $arc->CommandEOF();
- CommandRead ( )
Description: read data from the Command connection.
Returns: if successful the received data is returned, otherwise false.
while (my $data = $arc->CommandRead()) { ... }
- CommandStart ( ... (command and its parameters) )
Description: start an ARCv2 command This function starts the given ARCv2 Command and enables the Command* functions.
Returns: true if successful, false if not. (IsError is set appropriatly)
if ($arc->CommandStart()) { ... }
- CommandWrite ( ... (data) )
Description: write something to the command. Write something to the standard input of the command started by
.Returns: true if successful, false if not. (IsError is set appropriatly)
last unless $this->CommandWrite();
- ProcessCommand ( ... (command and its parameters) )
Description: process a command. This function runs a command with STDIN and STDOUT as clients in- and output control.
Returns: true if successful, false if not. (IsError is set appropriatly)
- Quit ( )
Description: ends the connection. Tells the server that we want to end the conversation. (Userlevel) Protocol command: QUIT\r\n
Returns: always true
- StartSession ( )
Description: start an ARCv2 session. This function which will change the status of the connection into a authenticated status. Users have to call this function to be able to run ARCv2 commands afterwards.
Returns: true if authentication was successful, otherwise false.
if ($arc->StartSession()) { .. }
- clean ( ) inherited from Arc::Connection
- IsConnected ( ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: are we connected?
Returns: true, if the ARCv2 control connection is connected, otherwise false
last unless $arc->IsConnected;
- DESTROY ( ) inherited from Arc
Description: Destructor
- IsError ( ) inherited from Arc
Description: User function to get the error msg.
Returns: the error message if any otherwise undef
unless (my $err = $arc->IsError()) { .. } else { print STDERR $err; }
- Log ( $facility, ... (message) ) inherited from Arc
Description: Log function. Logs messages to 'logdestination' if 'loglevel' is is set appropriatly. loglevel behaviour has changed in the 1.0 release of ARCv2, the "Arc"-class can export LOG_AUTH (authentication information), LOG_USER (connection information), LOG_ERR (errors), LOG_CMD (ARCv2 addition internal command information), LOG_SIDE (verbose client/server-specific information), LOG_DEBUG (verbose debug information). It possible to combine the levels with or (resp. +) to allow a message to appear when not all loglevels are requested by the user. Commonly used for logging errors from application level.
Returns: always false
return $arc->Log(LOG_ERR,"Message");
- new ( %hash, key => val, ... ) inherited from Arc
Description: Constructor. Initializes the object and returns it blessed. For all sub classes, please override
to check the parameter which are passed to thenew
function. This is necessary because you are not able to call the the new method of a parent class, when having a class name (new $class::SUPER::new, does not work.).Returns: blessed object of the class
my $this = new Arc::Class ( key => value, key2 => value2 );
- _Authenticate ( )
Description: initiate the authentication. Tells the server which authtype we want to use. Protocol command: AUTHENTICATE [<authtype>]\r\n
Returns: true when succesful, otherwise false
- _Cmd ( ... (cmd and parameter) )
Description: send an ARCv2 command request Protocol command: CMD <cmd> <cmdparameter>\r\n
Returns: true when succesful, otherwise false
$this->_Cmd ("whoami");
- _Connect ( )
Description: connects to the server
Returns: true when succesful, otherwise false
- _Init ( ) reimplemented from Arc::Connection
- _InitARC2 ( )
Description: initialize the protocol. Sends the initial protocol message ARC/2.0
Returns: true when succesful, otherwise false
- _RAUTH ( )
Description: parses the AUTH <list of SASL mech>\r\n, sent by the server
Description: parses the AUTHTYPE <SASL mech>\r\n, sent by the server. Which SASL mech the server will use.
- _RCMDERR ( )
Description: parses the CMDERR <msg>\r\n, sent by the server. Command specific error, which reports an error during the command
Description: parses CMDPASV <host:port>\r\n, sent by the server. Establish the encrypted command connection.
- _RDONE ( )
Description: parses DONE\r\n, sent by the server. This is received when a command is done.
- _RERR ( )
Description: parses the ERR <msg>\r\n, sent by the server. Server command, which reports an server-side error
- _RSASL ( )
Description: parses the SASL <base64 encoded SASL string>\r\n, sent by the server. Sasl response from the server
- _StartAuthentication ( )
Description: initiate the authentication (sasl) Creates the sasl object (client_new). Client begins always and sends the first SASL challenge Protocol command: SASL <base64 encoded SASL output>\r\n
Returns: true when succesful, otherwise false
- _StepAuthentication ( $first_step )
Description: another SASL step. Response of a SASL command from the server. Protocol command: SASL <base64 encoded SASL outout>\r\n
Returns: true when succesful, otherwise false
return $this->_StepAuthentication(1);
- _CommandConnection ( ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: initializes command connection. (protocol) Starts listen on the Command socket and sends the CMDPASV command.
Returns: true if everything went like expected, otherwise false.
- _PrepareAuthentication ( ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: initialize sasl. This function initializes the
member with an object ofAuthen::SASL
.Returns: true if successful, otherwise false
$this->_PrepareAuthentication() || return;
- _ProcessLine ( $cmd ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: process an ARCv2 command. (protocol) Process a command by evaling $this->_R$cmd. Also checks if this command was expected now (looks into the $this->{_expectedcmds} array). Used by client and server.
Returns: true, if ARCv2 command has been in place, otherwise false
while (my $cmd = $this->_RecvCommand() && $this->_ProcessLine($cmd)) {}
- _ReadWriteBinary ( *locfdin, *locfdout ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: function for reading and writing on the command connection. This function is always used by the
to handle command data. When calling theProcessCommand
this function is also used. Data is read from the local socket resp. pipe and is written encrypted to the network socket. The other side reads the data from network socket, decrypts it and writes it to its local socket. This function behaves differently on client and server sides, when the local or network socket is closed.Returns: always true
- _RecvCommand ( ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: receives an ARCv2 Command. (protocol) This function gets a line from
and extracts the ARCv2 command and the optional command parameter_cmdparameter
.Returns: ARCv2 command and true if everything works fine, otherwise false
while (my $cmd = $this->_RecvCommand()) { ... }
- _RecvLine ( ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: receive a line (command). (protocol) This function receives data from the ARCv2 connection and fills the internal
. It returns a line from the internal buffer if there is any. It also handles timeouts and "connection closed by foreign host"'s.Returns: true (and the line) if everything worked fine, otherwise false (undef)
if (my $line = $this->_RecvLine()) { ... }
- _Sasl ( $saslstr ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: send the ARCv2 SASL command. (protocol) This function encodes the output from sasl_*_start and sasl_*_step with Base-64 and sends it to the other side
Returns: true if successful, otherwise false
- _SendCommand ( $cmd, $parameter ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: send a command. (protocol) Send a command to the ARCv2 socket.
Returns: true if successful, otherwise false
- _SendLine ( ... (line) ) inherited from Arc::Connection
Description: send a line. (protocol) This function sends a command line to the ARCv2 socket.
Returns: true if writing has succeeded, otherwise false.
- _Debug ( ... (message) ) inherited from Arc
Description: Debug function. Logs messages with "DEBUG"
Returns: always false
$this->_Debug("hello","world"); # message will be "hello world"
- _SetError ( ... (message) ) inherited from Arc
Description: SetError function. This function prepends the error message (@_) to an existing error message (if any) and logs the message with LOG_ERR facility. Use this function for setting an error from class level. Users should use IsError to get the message if a function failed.
Returns: always false
return $this->_SetError("User is not allowed to do this."); # breaks when an error occured
Arc, Arc::Command, Arc::Connection, Arc::Connection::Server, Arc::Connection::Client, arcx, arcxd, Authen::SASL, Authen::SASL::Cyrus Net::Server::PreFork
Patrick Boettcher <>
Copyright (c) 2003-5 Patrick Boettcher <> and others. All rights reserved. Zeuthen, Germany, (old) Europe
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Special thanks go to:
DESY Zeuthen, in particular:
- Wolfgang Friebel for bleeding edge testing and heavy bug reporting (and the idea of reimplementing ARC).
- Waltraut Niepraschk and Andreas Haupt for their help and support during the development.