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CPANPLUS::Module - CPAN module objects for CPANPLUS


### get a module object from the CPANPLUS::Backend object
my $mod = $cb->module_tree('Some::Module');

### accessors

### methods


CPANPLUS::Module creates objects from the information in the source files. These can then be used to query and perform actions on, like fetching or installing.

These objects should only be created internally. For fake objects, there's the CPANPLUS::Module::Fake class. To obtain a module object consult the CPANPLUS::Backend documentation.


accessors ()

Returns a list of all accessor methods to the object


An objects of this class has the following accessors:


Name of the module.


Name of the module.


Version of the module. Defaults to '0.0' if none was provided.


Extended path on the mirror.


Any comment about the module -- largely unused.


The name of the package.


Description of the module -- only registered modules have this.


The five character dslip string, that represents meta-data of the module -- again, only registered modules have this.


The CPANPLUS::Module::Status object associated with this object. (see below).


The CPANPLUS::Module::Author object associated with this object.


The CPANPLUS::Internals object that spawned this module object.


CPANPLUS caches a lot of results from method calls and saves data it collected along the road for later reuse.

CPANPLUS uses this internally, but it is also available for the end user. You can get a status object by calling:


You can then query the object as follows:


The installer type used for this distribution. Will be one of 'makemaker' or 'build'. This determines whether CPANPLUS::Dist::MM or CPANPLUS::Dist::Build will be used to build this distribution.


The dist object used to do the CPAN-side of the installation. Either a CPANPLUS::Dist::MM or CPANPLUS::Dist::Build object.


The custom dist object used to do the operating specific side of the installation, if you've chosen to use this. For example, if you've chosen to install using the ports format, this may be a CPANPLUS::Dist::Ports object.

Undefined if you didn't specify a separate format to install through.

prereqs | requires

A hashref of prereqs this distribution was found to have. Will look something like this:

{ Carp  => 0.01, strict => 0 }

Might be undefined if the distribution didn't have any prerequisites.


Like prereqs, but these are necessary to be installed before the build process can even begin.


Flag indicating, if a signature check was done, whether it was OK or not.


The directory this distribution was extracted to.


The location this distribution was fetched to.


The text of this distributions README file.


Flag indicating if an uninstall call was done successfully.


Flag indicating if the create call to your dist object was done successfully.


Flag indicating if the install call to your dist object was done successfully.


The location of this distributions CHECKSUMS file.


Flag indicating if the checksums check was done successfully.


The checksum value this distribution is expected to have


$self = CPANPLUS::Module->new( OPTIONS )

This method returns a CPANPLUS::Module object. Normal users should never call this method directly, but instead use the CPANPLUS::Backend to obtain module objects.

This example illustrates a new() call with all required arguments:

    module  => 'Foo',
    path    => 'authors/id/A/AA/AAA',
    package => 'Foo-1.0.tgz',
    author  => $author_object,
    _id     => INTERNALS_OBJECT_ID,

Every accessor is also a valid option to pass to new.

Returns a module object on success and false on failure.

$mod->package_name( [$package_string] )

Returns the name of the package a module is in. For Acme::Bleach that might be Acme-Bleach.

$mod->package_version( [$package_string] )

Returns the version of the package a module is in. For a module in the package Acme-Bleach-1.1.tar.gz this would be 1.1.

$mod->package_extension( [$package_string] )

Returns the suffix added by the compression method of a package a certain module is in. For a module in Acme-Bleach-1.1.tar.gz, this would be tar.gz.


Returns a boolean indicating of the package a particular module is in, is actually a core perl distribution.

$mod->module_is_supplied_with_perl_core( [version => $]] )

Returns a boolean indicating whether ANY VERSION of this module was supplied with the current running perl's core package.


Returns a boolean indicating if the module you are looking at, is actually a bundle. Bundles are identified as modules whose name starts with Bundle::.


Returns a boolean indicating if the module you are looking at, is actually an autobundle as generated by $cb->autobundle.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the package is a known third-party module (i.e. it's not provided by the standard Perl distribution and is not available on the CPAN, but on a third party software provider). See Module::ThirdParty for more details.


Returns a reference to a hash with more information about a third-party module. See the documentation about module_information() in Module::ThirdParty for more details.

$clone = $self->clone

Clones the current module object for tinkering with. It will have a clean CPANPLUS::Module::Status object, as well as a fake CPANPLUS::Module::Author object.

$where = $self->fetch

Fetches the module from a CPAN mirror. Look at CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch::_fetch() for details on the options you can pass.

$path = $self->extract

Extracts the fetched module. Look at CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract::_extract() for details on the options you can pass.

$type = $self->get_installer_type([prefer_makefile => BOOL])

Gets the installer type for this module. This may either be build or makemaker. If Module::Build is unavailable or no installer type is available, it will fall back to makemaker. If both are available, it will pick the one indicated by your config, or by the prefer_makefile option you can pass to this function.

Returns the installer type on success, and false on error.

$dist = $self->dist([target => 'prepare|create', format => DISTRIBUTION_TYPE, args => {key => val}]);

Create a distribution object, ready to be installed. Distribution type defaults to your config settings

The optional args hashref is passed on to the specific distribution types' create method after being dereferenced.

Returns a distribution object on success, false on failure.

See CPANPLUS::Dist for details.

$bool = $mod->prepare( )

Convenience method around install() that prepares a module without actually building it. This is equivalent to invoking install with target set to prepare

Returns true on success, false on failure.

$bool = $mod->create( )

Convenience method around install() that creates a module. This is equivalent to invoking install with target set to create

Returns true on success, false on failure.

$bool = $mod->test( )

Convenience wrapper around install() that tests a module, without installing it. It's the equivalent to invoking install() with target set to create and skiptest set to 0.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

$bool = $self->install([ target => 'init|prepare|create|install', format => FORMAT_TYPE, extractdir => DIRECTORY, fetchdir => DIRECTORY, prefer_bin => BOOL, force => BOOL, verbose => BOOL, ..... ]);

Installs the current module. This includes fetching it and extracting it, if this hasn't been done yet, as well as creating a distribution object for it.

This means you can pass it more arguments than described above, which will be passed on to the relevant methods as they are called.

See CPANPLUS::Internals::Fetch, CPANPLUS::Internals::Extract and CPANPLUS::Dist for details.

Returns true on success, false on failure.

@list = $self->bundle_modules()

Returns a list of module objects the Bundle specifies.

This requires you to have extracted the bundle already, using the extract() method.

Returns false on error.

$text = $self->readme

Fetches the readme belonging to this module and stores it under $obj->status->readme. Returns the readme as a string on success and returns false on failure.

$version = $self->installed_version()

Returns the currently installed version of this module, if any.

$where = $self->installed_file()

Returns the location of the currently installed file of this module, if any.

$dir = $self->installed_dir()

Returns the directory (or more accurately, the @INC handle) from which this module was loaded, if any.

$bool = $self->is_uptodate([version => VERSION_NUMBER])

Returns a boolean indicating if this module is uptodate or not.

$href = $self->details()

Returns a hashref with key/value pairs offering more information about a particular module. For example, for Time::HiRes it might look like this:

Author                  Jarkko Hietaniemi (
Description             High resolution time, sleep, and alarm
Development Stage       Released
Installed File          /usr/local/perl/lib/Time/
Interface Style         plain Functions, no references used
Language Used           C and perl, a C compiler will be needed
Package                 Time-HiRes-1.65.tar.gz
Public License          Unknown
Support Level           Developer
Version Installed       1.52
Version on CPAN         1.65

@list = $self->contains()

Returns a list of module objects that represent the modules also present in the package of this module.

For example, for Archive::Tar this might return:


@list_of_hrefs = $self->fetch_report()

This function queries the CPAN testers database at for test results of specified module objects, module names or distributions.

Look at CPANPLUS::Internals::Report::_query_report() for details on the options you can pass and the return value to expect.

$bool = $self->uninstall([type => [all|man|prog])

This function uninstalls the specified module object.

You can install 2 types of files, either man pages or program files. Alternately you can specify all to uninstall both (which is the default).

Returns true on success and false on failure.

Do note that this does an uninstall via the so-called .packlist, so if you used a module installer like say, ports or apt, you should not use this, but use your package manager instead.

@modobj = $self->distributions()

Returns a list of module objects representing all releases for this module on success, false on failure.

@list = $self->files ()

Returns a list of files used by this module, if it is installed.

@list = $self->directory_tree ()

Returns a list of directories used by this module.

@list = $self->packlist ()

Returns the ExtUtils::Packlist object for this module.

@list = $self->validate ()

Returns a list of files that are missing for this modules, but are present in the .packlist file.

$bool = $self->add_to_includepath;

Adds the current modules path to @INC and $PERL5LIB. This allows you to add the module from its build dir to your path.

It also adds the current modules bin and/or script paths to the PATH.

You can reset $PATH, @INC and $PERL5LIB to their original state when you started the program, by calling:


$path = $self->best_path_to_module_build();


If a newer version of Module::Build is found in your path, it will return this special path. If the newest version of Module::Build is found in your regular @INC, the method will return false. This indicates you do not need to add a special directory to your @INC.

Note that this is only relevant if you're building your own CPANPLUS::Dist::* plugin -- the built-in dist types already have this taken care of.


Please report bugs or other issues to <<gt>.


This module by Jos Boumans <>.


The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c) 2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans <>. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.