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NAME - a user agent which knows some authorisation tokens


  credentials ( {
    my_realm => { uri_re => "",
                  credential => "my_secret" }
  } );

  $ua = LWP::Auth_UA->new;
  $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', 'file://localhost/etc/motd');
  $response = $ua->request($request);


This is a LWP user agent which is almost identical to the normal user agent (LWP::UserAgent) except that if it reaches a situation where it needs an authentication token then it will send a token which it has stored.

Storing authentication tokens in a file is inherently a security issue. This risk may, however, not be much higher than the one that you are currently carrying, so this can be useful.

This page describes how this works and how to ensure that the security risks you are taking on are not greater than are acceptable to you.

As with the rest of LinkController, there is no warantee. If you have an environment in which this might be a problem, you should definitely find someone to look over your installation and ensure that everything is done correctly. Of course, this is true of every piece of software you install.


The fundamental security problem with this system is that the authentication token must be stored somewhere where the program can access it. This is because link-controller has to send the actual authentication token over the link to authenticate. Since it's very easy to monitor the inputs and outputs of a program, it's very easy to monitor this password.

This applies even if we keep the password in some encrypted form, since we then have to store the decryption key in the program which can then be found and used to decrypt the key.

So there are only two possible defenses:

  • make sure that the program data remains secret

  • make sure that the passwords the program has can't do any real damage

We demand permissions on our files which protect against accidental disclosure by encouraging the user to be more secure.

Making sure that the program can't do any damage is normally achieved by giving it a dedicated account which has only read only privilages and, preferably, can only use it's privilages from a specified system which will be the host on which the link checking is run.

Accidental Sending of Tokens

Another authentication risk is that the system will send it to a server which is trying to trick it. This is again difficult to protect against. The only solution in this case is to ensure that the regular expression used for limiting the URI matches only host names which are under the control of the body responsible for handing out the authentication token.

The security of this system is not of course perfect. If we can pretend to be the host that we are meant to send the authentication token to then we will can trick the user agent into sending the token. Remember that the hostname being used is the one in the URL we are trying to examine, so the protection against this is having a secure and correct DNS system and ensuring that we have a secure IP connection to the end host.

Sending of Tokens over Insecure protocols

If an insecure protocol like HTTP is used for sending an authentication token, then it is possible for someone to listen to the transaction and record the token for later use.

The protection against this is to switch over to only using secure protocols and hard wire the protocol name into the URI regular expression.