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List::Filter::Storage - storage handler for filters (e.g. filters)


   use List::Filter::Storage;
   $stash_file = "$ENV{HOME}/project_filters.yaml";
   my $filter_storage = List::Filter::Storage->new({
                    storage => [ $stash_file ],
   my $filter = List::Filter->new(
      { name         => 'skip_boring_stuff',
        terms        => ['-\.vb$', '\-.js$'],
        method       => 'skip_boring_stuff',
        description  => "Skip the really boring stuff",
        modifiers    => "xi",
      } );

   $filter_storage->save( $filter );

   # And later, in some other code...

   my $filter_storage = List::Filter::Storage->new({ storage =>
                                                    [ $stash_file ] });

   my $filter = $filter_storage->lookup( 'skip_boring_stuff' );

    # Filters lookd up from a path of storage locations:
    # (1) yaml file (2) a DBI database connection
    my $yaml_file = "/tmp/filter_storage.yaml";
    my $lfs = List::Filter::Storage->new( {
           storage=> [
             { format     => 'DBI',
               connect_to => $connect_to,  # e.g. "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname"
               owner      => $owner,
               password   => $password,
          ] } );

  # storage format "MEM" keeps data in memory only
    my $lfs = List::Filter::Storage->new( {
           storage=> [
              { format     => 'MEM',
                connect_to => {},
            ] });

   # automatically make copies in the yaml file of any filters used from DBI
   my $filter_storage = List::Filter::Storage->new(
                { save_filters_when_used => $args->{ save_filters_when_used },
                  storage                => [ $yaml_file,
                                              { format     => 'DBI',
                                                connect_to => $connect_to,
                                                owner      => $owner,
                                                password   => $password,

                } );

   # a storage handler can save objects of type 'transform'
   # (a child of filter):
   my $storage_tran = List::Filter::Storage->new(
                                { storage => [ $stash_file ],
                                  type    => 'transform',
                                } );
   $storage_tran->save( $transform );


List::Filter::Storage is a "storage handler", it deals with multiple locations of different types of pluggable backing stores to save and retrieve "filters" (and variant types of filters such as 'transforms'). See List::Filter and List::Filter::Transform.

To review the nature of the items that need to be stored: At the heart of a "filter" is an array reference called 'terms' which contains a list of arbitrary perl data structures. In the case of the simple 'filter" type, this is a list of regular expressions, in the case of 'transform' it's a list of array references, each containing the three parts of a perl substitution (in an unusual order, counting from 1 to 3: s/1/3/2).

Also, in addition to this list of 'terms', each filter object also has some attached to it some additional fields of data: 'name', 'method', 'modifiers', and 'description'.

So this might be thought of an ORM system, except that it's much more specialized (or perhaps "even more braindead") than ORMs usually are. Also, while it can use a database as a backing store (via DBI), the default storage system is simply to dump the data to YAML files, which have the advantage of being relatively easy to read and edit.



Instantiates a new List::Filter::Storage object.

Takes an optional hashref as an argument, with named fields identical to the names of the object attributes.

With no arguments creates a storage handler using the default values: we're assumed to be storing data of type "filter" in a "filters.yaml" file located in the ".list-filter" subdirectory of the users home directory.

Optional arguments:


scalar: the type of the filter to be stored (e.g. 'filter', 'transform') Default: 'filter'


aref: a search path of yaml files or hrefs specifying less commonly used storage formats (DBI, MEM, CODE, etc) Filter look-ups try each one in sequence.

If not specified, defaults to a single yaml file in a dot location in the $HOME directory.

Valid entries in the storage path are described in more detail below in "the storage search path"


By default filters are saved to the first place in the storage path. Setting this field should be done to save to an alternate location.

(This may or may not be a location present in the storage path, but it almost always will be, or else you would then be saving things you couldn't see again later. Sometimes though, you might want to do this, e.g. when copying filters from one location to another.)


A flag to indicate that copies of any filters that are used should be saved off to the "write_storage" location.


Initialize object attributes and then lock them down to prevent accidental creation of new ones.

Note: there is no leading underscore on name "init", though it's arguably an "internal" routine (i.e. not likely to be of use to client code).


Given a filter name, returns a matching filter object, or undef.

Interates over the storage path, looking in each until a matching name has been found.

If the lookup fails it returns undef, emitting the warning: "Failed lookup of $type with name: $name";


Save the given filter object.

Returns a copy of it.


Converts the array of storage locations into an array of storage objects to make "lookups" simpler.


Convert an entry from the storage path into an object of the appropriate class: List::Filter::Storage::*


Returns a list of all avaliable named filters.

Basic accessors (setters use "set_" prefix, getters have none)


Getter for object attribute type


Setter for object attribute set_type


Getter for object attribute storage


Setter for object attribute set_storage


Getter for object attribute write_storage


Setter for object attribute set_write_storage.

Note, this also automatically sets write_storage_object.


Getter for object attribute save_filters_when_used


Setter for object attribute set_save_filters_when_used


Getter for object attribute write_storage_object.


Setter for object attribute set_write_storage_object


Getter for object attribute storage_plugin_lookup


Setter for object attribute set_storage_plugin_lookup


Getter for object attribute storage_objects


Setter for object attribute set_storage_objects


List::Filter::Storage was designed to answer an immediate need of the List::Filter project: to provide a way to share "filters" among different applications. This in itself is requires only a very light-duty storage apparatus (dumping to YAML files will most likely be more than adequate).

But in order to hold open the door that List::Filter might someday need to scale larger than it's current intended purposes (writing command line utilities, and so on), it seemed logical to allow the use of storage facilities that allow concurrent, shared access, and this could be done most obviously via DBI.

(However: this project makes no use whatsover of the "relational" aspects of an RDBMS, and I offer my sincere apologies if this seems to be part of a disturbing trend -- remember, providing for DBI storage at all already seems like over-kill for this project. And qualifying perl regular expressions with a relational database is a bit beyond the current scope.)

So, having gone that far, I took the project one step further, and provided a plug-in extension mechanism so that other storage formats could be defined in the future. Possibilities include: XML, TSV, CSV, INI... and so on.

the storage search path

The "storage" search path hopefully seems like a straight-forward concept (search paths are common enough: the PATH environment variable, the perl @INC array, etc.). However, the syntax of the "storage" attribute may seem a little peculiar: the general idea is to make it indefinitely extensible without making the most likely immediate uses excessively complex.

The most common thing (or so I imagine) is to just use a single yaml file in your home directory, so that's the default if no "storage" is specified:


There might be some need for more than one of these files (say, a private one and a shared, or perhaps multiple ones for different projects), so that's the next most simple case: an array reference of multiple file paths.

If a file path is specified, the file extension is used to determine the format. Currently YAML is the only one supported, but plugins can be added for other formats (csv, etc.).

In order to specify something like a DBI database connection, we need a more complicated data-structure, so rather than simple scalars, a hash reference can appear in the storage path. With a hash ref, the format of the storage is spelled out explicitly, along with various other connection parameters that might be needed. This is discussed further in the following sections.

storage location hash references

The "storage" object attribute is designed to be very simple to use in the most common cases (see the discussion above).

The next step up in complexity beyond a single yaml file, is to use an array reference of storage locations that are searched in given sequence: a scalar element of this array is presumed to be a path to a data file. If the element is a hash reference, it can be used to specify something else, most commonly some sort of database accessed via DBI.

An example of intermixing DBI storage with a yaml file:

    # Filters lookd up from a path of storage locations:
    # (1) yaml file (2) a DBI database connection
    my $yaml_file = "/tmp/filter_storage.yaml";
    my $lfs = List::Filter::Storage->new( {
           storage=> [
             { format     => 'DBI',
               connect_to => $connect_to,
               owner      => $owner,
               password   => $password,
          ] } );

Note the fields in the hash reference in the second position in the storage array: The first is "format" (which obviously, is defined as 'DBI' in the case of DBI access), and the remaining three fields will no doubt seem familiar from DBI.

In the case of the 'DBI' format, these three parameters are passed through to the DBI module to create a database handle used internally. For example, postgresql, the "connect_to" would be: "dbi:Pg:dbname=$dbname".

These fields can have a different meaning for different storage formats, e.g. in the case of the 'MEM' (in-memory) format, the "connect_to" parameter takes an href of hrefs containing filter data in a format similar to what you see inside the yaml files. See List::Filter::Storage::MEM.

Storage formats

Storage formats (e.g. 'DBI', 'YAML', 'MEM', etc.) are defined using a plug-in system, so that new types may be defined at a later date, all of them are named with the form List::Filter::Storage::<FORMAT>.

For the special case of DBI handles, it is possible to define a database specific format handler that will over-ride the generic List::Filter::Storage::DBI. These should be named following the convention List::Filter::Storage::DBI::<db>, where <db> should match an existing DBD::<db> driver (e.g. "Pg" for the postgresql database: DBD::Pg).

As mentioned above, in the case of the 'MEM' format, the "connect_to" is used to point to a data structure. Other formats are free to use these connection parameters as they like. For example, a 'LWP' format might be written some day where the "connect_to" is a URL.

At present, documentation on how to write the code to handle a new storage format is very limited. It's suggested that you use the existing format definition modules as examples:

List::Filter::Storage::DBI List::Filter::Storage::YAML List::Filter::Storage::CODE List::Filter::Storage::MEM


List::Filter::Project List::Filter


Joseph Brenner, <>, 18 May 2007


Copyright (C) 2007 by Joseph Brenner

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


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