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TMDB - Perl wrapper for The MovieDB API


      use TMDB;

      # Initialize
      my $tmdb = TMDB->new( apikey => 'xxxxxxxxxx' );

      # Search
      # =======

      # Search for a movie
      my @results = $tmdb->search->movie('Snatch');
      foreach my $result (@results) {
        printf( "%s:\t%s (%s)\n",
            $result->{id}, $result->{title},
            split( /-/, $result->{release_date}, 1 ) );

      # Search for an actor
      my @results = $tmdb->search->person('Sean Connery');
      foreach my $result (@results) {
        printf( "%s:\t%s\n", $result->{id}, $result->{name} );

      # Search for a TV show
      my @results = $tmdb->search->tv('The Big Bang Theory');
      foreach my $result (@results) {
        printf( "%s:\t%s (%s)\n",
            $result->{id}, $result->{name},
            split( /-/, $result->{first_air_date}, 1 ) );

      # Movie Data
      # ===========

      # Movie Object
      my $movie = $tmdb->movie( id => '107' );

      # Movie details
      my $movie_title     = $movie->title;
      my $movie_year      = $movie->year;
      my $movie_tagline   = $movie->tagline;
      my $movie_overview  = $movie->overview;
      my $movie_website   = $movie->homepage();
      my @movie_directors = $movie->director;
      my @movie_actors    = $movie->actors;
      my @studios         = $movie->studios;

      printf( "%s (%s)\n%s", $movie_title, $movie_year,
        '=' x length($movie_title) );
      printf( "Tagline: %s\n",     $movie_tagline );
      printf( "Overview: %s\n",    $movie_overview );
      printf( "Directed by: %s\n", join( ',', @movie_directors ) );
      printf( "\t-%s\n", $_ ) for @movie_actors;

      # Person Data
      # ===========

      # Person Object
      my $person = $tmdb->person( id => '1331' );

      # Person Details
      my $person_name   = $person->name;
      my $person_bio    = $person->bio;
      my @person_movies = $person->starred_in;

      printf( "%s\n%s\n%s\n",
        $person_name, '=' x length($person_name), $person_bio );
      print("\nActed in:\n");
      printf( "\t-%s\n", $_ ) for @person_movies;

      # TV Show Data
      # ===========

      # TV Show Object
      my $show = $tmdb->tv( id => '1418' );

      my $season = $show->season(5);
      my $episode = $show->episode(2, 3);


The MovieDB is a free and open movie database. This module provides a Perl wrapper to The MovieDB API. In order to use this module, you must first get an API key by signing up.

NOTE: TMDB-v0.04 and higher uses TheMoviDB API version /3. This brings some significant differences both to the API and the interface this module provides, along with updated dependencies for this distribution. If you like to continue to use v2.1 API, you can continue to use TMDB-0.03x.



      # Initialize
      my $tmdb = TMDB->new(
         apikey => 'xxxxxxxxxx...',  # API Key
         lang   => 'en',             # A valid ISO 639-1 (Aplha-2) language code
         client => $http_tiny,       # A valid HTTP::Tiny object
         json   => $json_object,     # A Valid JSON object

The constructor accepts the following options:


This is your API key


This must be a valid ISO 639-1 (Alpha-2) language code. Note that with /3, the API no longer falls back to an English default.

List of ISO 639-1 codes.


You can provide your own HTTP::Tiny object, otherwise a default one is used.


You can provide your own JSON implementation that can decode JSON. This will fall back to using JSON::MaybeXS. However, JSON::XS is recommended.


The API endpoint to use. Defaults to


      # Get Config
      my $config = $tmdb->config;
      print Dumper $config->config;   # Get all of it

      # Get the base URL
      my $base_url        = $config->img_base_url();
      my $secure_base_url = $config->img_secure_base_url();

      # Sizes (All are array-refs)
      my $poster_sizes   = $config->img_poster_sizes();
      my $backdrop_sizes = $config->img_backdrop_sizes();
      my $profile_sizes  = $config->img_profile_sizes();
      my $logo_sizes     = $config->img_logo_sizes();

      # List of _change keys_
      my $change_keys = $config->change_keys();

This provides the configuration for the /3 API. See for more details.

      # Configuration
      my $search = $tmdb->search(
         include_adult => 'false',  # Include adult results. 'true' or 'false'
         max_pages     => 5,        # Max number of paged results

      # Search
      my $search  = $tmdb->search();
      my @results = $search->movie('Snatch (2000)');          # Search for movies
      my @results = $search->tv('The Big Bang Theory (2007)') # Search for TV shows
      my @results = $search->person('Brad Pitt');             # Search people by Name
      my @results = $search->company('Sony Pictures');        # Search for companies
      my @results = $search->keyword('thriller');             # Search for keywords
      my @results = $search->collection('Star Wars');         # Search for collections
      my @results = $search->list('top 250');                 # Search lists

      # Find using external sources
      my @results = $search->find(
          id     => 'tt12345',
          source => 'imdb_id'

      # Discover
      my @results = $search->discover(
              sort_by            => 'popularity.asc',
              'vote_average.gte' => '7.2',
              'vote_count.gte'   => '10',

      # Get Lists
      my $lists         = $tmdb->search();
      my $latest        = $lists->latest();      # Latest movie added to TheMovieDB
      my $latest_person = $lists->latest_person; # Latest person added to TheMovieDB
      my @now_playing   = $lists->now_playing(); # What's currently in theaters
      my @upcoming      = $lists->upcoming();    # Coming soon ...
      my @popular       = $lists->popular();     # What's currently popular
      my @popular_people = $lists->popular_people();  # Who's currently popular
      my @top_rated      = $lists->top_rated();       # Get the top rated list


      # Get the movie object
      my $movie = $tmdb->movie( id => '49521' );

      # Movie Data (as returned by the API)
      use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
      print Dumper $movie->info;
      print Dumper $movie->alternative_titles;
      print Dumper $movie->cast;
      print Dumper $movie->crew;
      print Dumper $movie->images;
      print Dumper $movie->keywords;
      print Dumper $movie->releases;
      print Dumper $movie->trailers;
      print Dumper $movie->translations;
      print Dumper $movie->lists;
      print Dumper $movie->reviews;
      print Dumper $movie->changes;

      # Filtered Movie data
      print $movie->title;
      print $movie->year;
      print $movie->tagline;
      print $movie->overview;
      print $movie->description;         # Same as `overview`
      print $movie->genres;
      print $movie->imdb_id;
      print $movie->collection;          # Collection ID
      print $movie->actors;              # Names of Actors
      print $movie->director;            # Names of Directors
      print $movie->producer;            # Names of Producers
      print $movie->executive_producer;  # Names of Executive Producers
      print $movie->writer;              # Names of Writers/Screenplay

      # Images
      print $movie->poster;              # Main Poster
      print $movie->posters;             # list of posters
      print $movie->backdrop;            # Main backdrop
      print $movie->backdrops;           # List of backdrops
      print $movie->trailers_youtube;    # List of Youtube trailers URLs

      # Latest Movie on TMDB
      print Dumper $movie->latest;

      # Get TMDB's version to check if anything changed
      print $movie->version;


      # Get the person object
      my $person = $tmdb->person( id => '1331' );

      # Movie Data (as returned by the API)
      use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
      print Dumper $person->info;
      print Dumper $person->credits;
      print Dumper $person->images;

      # Filtered Person data
      print $person->name;
      print $person->aka;                 # Also Known As (list of names)
      print $person->bio;
      print $person->image;               # Main profile image
      print $person->starred_in;          # List of titles (as cast)
      print $person->directed;            # list of titles Directed
      print $person->produced;            # list of titles produced
      print $person->executive_produced;  # List of titles as an Executive Producer
      print $person->wrote;               # List of titles as a writer/screenplay

      # Get TMDB's version to check if anything changed
      print $person->version;


      # Get the collection object
      my $collection = $tmdb->collection(id => '2344');

      # Collection data (as returned by the API)
      use Data::Dumper;
      print Dumper $collection->info;

      # Filtered Collection Data
      print $collection->titles;  # List of titles in the collection
      print $collection->ids;     # List of movie IDs in the collection

      # Get TMDB's version to check if anything changed
      print $collection->version;


      # Get the company object
      my $company = $tmdb->company(id => '1');

      # Company info (as returned by the API)
      use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
      print Dumper $company->info;
      print Dumper $company->movies;

      # Filtered company data
      print $company->name; # Name of the Company
      print $company->logo; # Logo

      # Get TMDB's version to check if anything changed
      print $company->version;


      # Get a list
      my @genres = $tmdb->genre->list();

      # Get a list of movies
      my @movies = $tmdb->genre(id => '35')->movies;


      # Get the TV show object
      my $show = $tmdb->tv( id => '1418' );

      # TV Show Data (as returned by the API)
      use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
      print Dumper $show->info;
      print Dumper $show->alternative_titles;
      print Dumper $show->cast;
      print Dumper $show->crew;
      print Dumper $show->images;
      print Dumper $show->keywords;
      print Dumper $show->videos;
      print Dumper $show->translations;
      print Dumper $show->content_ratings;
      print Dumper $show->changes;

      # Get Season and Episode info
      print Dumper $show->season(5);
      print Dumper $show->episode(1, 1);

      # Get TMDB's version to check if anything changed
      print $show->version;


      # Return the current TMDB API session.
      my $session = $tmdb->session;




This module not (yet!) support POST-ing data to TheMovieDB

All data returned is UTF-8 encoded

Please report any bugs or feature requests at


The MovieDB API
API Support


Mithun Ayachit


Copyright (c) 2015, Mithun Ayachit. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.