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Test::BDD::Infrastructure::DNS - cucumber step definitions for DNS based checks


version 1.005


Given the DNS resolver of the system is used
When a DNS query for www.example.com is sent
Then the DNS answer must contain at least 1 record

Step definitions

Configure the DNS resolver with Given steps:

Given the DNS resolver of the system is used
Given the DNS resolver as configured in <path to resolv.conf> is used
Given the DNS resolver nameserver(s) (are|is) <comma separated list>
Given the DNS resolver searchlist is <comma separated list>
Given the DNS resolver recursion flag is (enabled|disabled)
Given the DNS resolver (dnssec|adflag|cdflag) flag is (enabled|disabled)

Execute a DNS query:

When a DNS query for <hostname> is sent
When a DNS query for <hostname> of type <type> is sent

Check the result:

Then the DNS answer must contain <compare> <count> record(s)
Then the DNS header (qr|aa|tc|rd|ra|z|ad|cd) flag must be (not set|set)
Then the DNS (answer|pre|prerequisite|authority|update|additional) (section )?must contain a RR <hostname>
Then the DNS (answer|pre|prerequisite|authority|update|additional) (section )?must contain a RR <hostname> of type <type>
Then the DNS record must be of (type|class) <value>
Then the DNS record TTL must be <compare> <count>
Then the DNS record (address|cname|preference|exchange|nsdname|ptrdname|txtdata) must be <value>


Markus Benning <ich@markusbenning.de>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Markus Benning.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.