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Elive - Elluminate Live! (c) Command Toolkit bindings


Version 1.07


The following (somewhat contrived) example sets up a meeting of selected participants:

    use Elive;
    use Elive::Entity::User;
    use Elive::Entity::Preload;
    use Elive::Entity::Session;

    my $meeting_name = 'Meeting of the Smiths';

                   'serversupport', 'mypass');

    my $users = Elive::Entity::User->list(filter => "(lastName = 'Smith')");
    die "smithless" unless @$users;

    my $start = time() + 15 * 60; # starts in 15 minutes
    my $end   = $start + 30 * 60; # runs for half an hour

    my $whiteboard_preload = Elive::Entity::Preload->upload('welcome.wbd');

    my $session = Elive::Entity::Session->insert({
         name           => $meeting_name,
         facilitatorId  => Elive->login,
         start          => $start . '000',
         end            => $end   . '000',
         participants   => $users,
         restricted     => 1,
         add_preload    => $whiteboard_preload,

    print "Session address: ".$session->web_url;



Elive is a set of Perl bindings and entity definitions for quick and easy integration with the Elluminate Live! application. It can be used to automate a range of tasks including setting up meetings and participants, managing users and groups.


Elluminate Live! (c) is software for virtual online classrooms.

It is suitable for meetings, demonstrations web conferences, seminars and IT deployment, training and support.

Most actions that can be performed via the web interface can also be achieved via SOAP web services. This is known as the Command Toolkit and is detailed in chapter 4 of the Elluminate Live! Software Developers Kit (SDK).

Users, Meetings and other resources are stored in a management database. These can be accessed and manipulated via the Entity Commands in the Command Toolkit.



     my $e1 = Elive->connect('', 'user1', 'pass1');

     Elive->connect('', 'user2', 'pass2');
     my $e2 = Elive->connection;

Connects to an Elluminate server instance. Dies if the connection could not be established. If, for example, the SOAP connection or user login failed.

The login user must either be an Elluminate Live! system administrator account, or a user that has been configured to access the Command Toolkit via web services.

See also: The README file; Elive::Connection::SDK.


     $e1 = Elive->connection
         or warn 'no elive connection active';

Returns the default Elive connection handle.


Returns the login user for the default connection.


Returns the server details for the default connection.


Disconnects the default Elluminate connection. It is recommended that you do this prior to exiting your program.



    Set or get the debug level.

      0 = no debugging
      1 = dump object and class information 
      2 = also enable SOAP::Lite tracing
      3 = very detailed


Associate an inside-out property with objects of a given class.


Elluminate Services Errors:

"Unable to determine a command for the key : Xxxx"

This may indicate that the particular command is is not available for your site instance. Please follow the instructions in the README file for detecting and repairing missing adapters.

"User [<username>], not permitted to access the command {<command>]"

Please ensure that the user is a system administrator account and/or the user has been configured to access commands via web services. See also the README file.



elive_query is an example simple sql-like script. It is a basic program for listing and retrieving entities. It serves as a simple demonstration script, and can be used to confirm basic operation of Elive.

It server a secondary function of querying entity metadata. For example, to show the user entity:

    % elive_query
    Elive query 1.xx  - type 'help' for help

    elive> show
    usage: show group|meeting|...|serverParameters|session|users

    elive> show meeting
    meeting: Elive::Entity::Meeting:
      meetingId          : pkey Int        
      allModerators      : Bool      -- all participants can moderate
      deleted            : Bool            
      end                : HiResDate -- meeting end time
      facilitatorId      : Str       -- userId of facilitator
      name               : Str       -- meeting name
      password           : Str       -- meeting password
      privateMeeting     : Bool      -- don't display meeting in public schedule
      restrictedMeeting  : Bool      -- Restricted meeting
      start              : HiResDate -- meeting start time


This is a demonstration script to create a meeting, set options, assign participants and upload meeting preloads (whiteboard and media files to be used to used for the meeting.

For more information, type the command: elive_raise_meeting --help


A utility script that checks your Elluminate server configuration. Please see the README file.


Modules in the Elive distribution

Elive::Connection::SDK - Elluminate SOAP connection

Scripts in the Elive Distribution

elive_query - simple interactive queries on Elive entities
elive_raise_meeting - sample script that create meetings via one-liners
elive_lint_config - sanity checker for Elluminate server configurations

Elive::StandardV2 - This is a separate CPAN module that implements the alternate Elluminate Live! Standard Bridge API (v2).

Elluminate Documentation

This following documents were used in the construction of this module:


General Description of SDK development for Elluminate Live!. In particular see section 4 - the SOAP Command Toolkit. This module concentrates on implementing the Entity Commands described in section 4.1.8.

Undocumented ELM 3.x SDK Calls.pdf

This describes the createSession and updateSession commands, as implemented by the Elive::Entity::Session insert() and update() methods.


Elluminate Database Schema Documentation.


David Warring, <david.warring at>


  • Elive does not support hosted (SAS) systems

    The Elive distribution only supports the Elluminate SDK which is implemented by ELM (Elluminate Live Manager) session manager. This SDK is not supported by SAS (Session Administration System).


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-elive at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Elive

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to Lex Lucas and Simon Haidley for their ongoing support and assistance with the development of this module.


Copyright 2009-2011 David Warring, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.