The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on Test-Simple
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents App-SpamcupNG-0.020 module to export functions for spamcup program 27 Jul 2024 01:59:51 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Locale-Unicode-v0.3.1 Unicode Locale Identifier compliant with BCP47 and CLDR 27 Jul 2024 01:13:17 UTC
River stage two • 11 direct dependents • 13 total dependents Mac-PropertyList-1.601 work with Mac plists at a low level 27 Jul 2024 01:01:29 UTC
River stage three • 21 direct dependents • 573 total dependents Perinci-Examples-0.825 Various examples of Rinci metadata 27 Jul 2024 00:05:53 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents StreamFinder-2.40 Fetch actual raw streamable URLs from various radio-station, video & podcast websites. 26 Jul 2024 14:14:36 UTC
River stage two • 12 direct dependents • 14 total dependents App-Greple-9.14 extensible grep with lexical expression and region handling 26 Jul 2024 08:36:52 UTC
River stage two • 3 direct dependents • 13 total dependents Module-Generate-1.00 Assisting with module generation. 26 Jul 2024 08:03:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Authen-WebAuthn-0.004 A library to add Web Authentication support to server applications 26 Jul 2024 08:00:23 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Number-Iterator-XS-0.02 iterate numbers faster 26 Jul 2024 05:56:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-Prove-Plugin-TestArgs-2.0.0 A prove plugin to configure test aliases and arguments 26 Jul 2024 03:57:40 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 7 total dependents Minilla-v3.1.24 CPAN module authoring tool 26 Jul 2024 03:57:29 UTC
River stage two • 10 direct dependents • 11 total dependents Path-Naive-0.044 Yet another abstract, Unix-like path manipulation routines 26 Jul 2024 03:57:06 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-DNS-SEC-1.25 DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS 26 Jul 2024 03:56:55 UTC
River stage two • 3 direct dependents • 15 total dependents Business-ISBN-Data-20240725.001 data pack for Business::ISBN 25 Jul 2024 06:12:26 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 9 total dependents Net-DNS-Paranoid-0.11 paranoid dns resolver 25 Jul 2024 03:07:04 UTC
River stage two • 2 direct dependents • 70 total dependents LWP-UserAgent-Plugin-Retry-0.005 Retry failed requests 25 Jul 2024 00:06:05 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent URI-PackageURL-2.21 Perl extension for Package URL (aka "purl") 24 Jul 2024 21:57:18 UTC
River stage zero No dependents EAI-Wrap-1.915 framework for easy creation of Enterprise Application Integration tasks 24 Jul 2024 21:39:08 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDF-Data-v1.2.0 Manipulate PDF files and objects as data structures 24 Jul 2024 18:09:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents IO-AsyncX-Notifier-0.004 Combining IO::Async::Notifier with Object::Pad 24 Jul 2024 17:20:11 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 5 total dependents Bitcoin-Crypto-2.005 Bitcoin cryptography in Perl 24 Jul 2024 16:55:31 UTC
River stage two • 31 direct dependents • 42 total dependents Test-Strict-0.54 Check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage 24 Jul 2024 16:46:17 UTC
River stage three • 18 direct dependents • 251 total dependents File-Util-Test-0.632 Utilities related mostly to testing/checking for files in directories 24 Jul 2024 00:05:51 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Catalyst-Plugin-Statsd-v0.9.0 Log Catalyst stats to statsd 23 Jul 2024 18:39:11 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 3 total dependents PDL-LinearAlgebra-0.39 PDL bindings to some BLAS and LAPACK library routines 23 Jul 2024 16:17:54 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-DNS-Resolver-Unbound-1.27 Net::DNS resolver based on libunbound 23 Jul 2024 13:01:58 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-Async-Slack-0.015 Slack realtime messaging API support for IO::Async 23 Jul 2024 00:53:27 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent ColorTheme-2.1.5 Color themes 23 Jul 2024 00:05:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-EPP-Registry-Nominet-0.11 EPP client code for Nominet 22 Jul 2024 17:27:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Geography-States-Borders-0.0107 Return the borders of states and provinces 22 Jul 2024 02:22:27 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-Opt-Simplex-Simple-2.003 A simplex optimizer for the rest of us (who may not know PDL). 22 Jul 2024 01:12:48 UTC
River stage zero No dependents MIDI-RtMidi-ScorePlayer-0.0120 Play a MIDI score in real-time 22 Jul 2024 00:22:13 UTC
River stage three • 25 direct dependents • 693 total dependents Data-Sah-Filter-0.025 Filtering for Data::Sah 22 Jul 2024 00:05:14 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Log-Any-Simple-0.06 A very thin wrapper around Log::Any, using a functional interface that dies automatically when you log above a given level. 21 Jul 2024 22:32:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-ArduinoBuilder-0.08 All-in-one build system for Arduino programs 21 Jul 2024 18:56:19 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 8 total dependents Dpkg-1.22.8 Debian Package Manager Perl modules 21 Jul 2024 18:44:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CPAN-Plugin-Sysdeps-0.79 plugin for installing external dependencies 21 Jul 2024 10:28:24 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sah-SchemaBundle-Currency-0.009 Various Sah currency schemas 21 Jul 2024 00:06:11 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bio-ToolBox-2.00 Tools for querying and analysis of genomic data 20 Jul 2024 21:26:03 UTC
River stage five • 96 direct dependents • 21871 total dependents Module-CoreList-5.20240720 what modules shipped with versions of perl 20 Jul 2024 21:23:14 UTC
River stage three • 5 direct dependents • 477 total dependents CPAN-Perl-Releases-5.20240720 Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs 20 Jul 2024 21:23:03 UTC
River stage zero No dependents OpenMP-Simple-0.1.2 Wrapper around Alien::OpenMP that provides helpful C MACROs and runtime functions 20 Jul 2024 21:20:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents OpenMP-1.0.2 Metapackage for using OpenMP in Perl 20 Jul 2024 20:57:55 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Dist-Build-0.007 A modern module builder, author tools not included! 20 Jul 2024 13:20:46 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents ExtUtils-Builder-Compiler-0.015 An interface around different compilers. 20 Jul 2024 13:19:18 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Plack-Middleware-Statsd-v0.7.1 send statistics to statsd 20 Jul 2024 11:53:49 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Getopt-Class-v1.1.0 A class based approach for options of Getopt::Long 20 Jul 2024 09:23:33 UTC
River stage three • 16 direct dependents • 100 total dependents ColorThemeBase-Static-0.009 Base class for color theme modules with static list of items (from object's colors key) 20 Jul 2024 00:06:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Web-ACL-0.1.0 A helper for creating basic apikey/slug/IP based ACLs. 19 Jul 2024 18:58:59 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Shannon-Entropy-XS-0.03 Calculate the Shannon entropy H of a given input string faster. 19 Jul 2024 11:55:58 UTC
24,227 results (0.145 seconds)