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ghcn_cacheutil - Manage the cache used by ghcn_fetch


version v0.0.011


ghcn_cacheutil [-location <dir> [-invert|v] ]
[-country <str>] [-state <str>]
[-age <int>] [-size <int>] [-type <str>]
[-remove] [-clean]
[-cachedir <dir>]
[-profile <file>]
ghcn_cacheutil [--help | -? | --usage]


This script provides an easy way to manage the cache used by ghcn_fetch (or other applications using the Weather::GHCN::StationTable modules).

Without any parameters, ghcn_cacheutil will list the files in the default cache, as defined in the user profile file (typically ~/.ghcn_fetch.yaml). You can also specify the profile file or the cache directory using parameters.

There are two kinds of cached files: .txt files that contain station metadata, and .dly files which contain daily weather data for a specific station.

The script provides selection parameters similar to ghcn_fetch so that the list of stations can be filtered by country, state (or province), and location name (or station id).

The -remove option will remove the files that are listed.

For example, if you've just done some analysis of stations in Maine and don't plan to reuse that data in the near future, you can clean up the cache using ghcn_cacheutil -country US -state ME -remove.

Typically, you'll use filtering options to see a list of files, adjusting the filters until you have the list of files you want to remove. Then you'll repeat the command, adding -remove to do the cleanup.

The -clean option will remove all files from the cache.


Getoptions::Long is used, so either - or -- may be used. Parameter names may be abbreviated, so long as they remains unambiguous. Flag options may appear after filenames.

-country <str>

Filter the station list to include only those from a specific country. The string can be a 2-character GEC (formerly FIPS) country code, a 3-character UN country code, or a 3-character internet country code (including the dot). Longer strings are treated as a pattern and matched (unanchored) against country names.

-state <str> (or -province)

Filter the station list to include only those within the specified 2-character US state or Canadian province code.

-location <str>

Filter the station list to include only those whose name matches the specified pattern. For a starts-with match, prefix the pattern with ^ (or \A). For an ends-with match, suffix the pattern with $ (or \Z). Matching is case-insensitive.

You can also specify a station id (e.g. CA006105978) or a comma-delimited list of station id's (e.g. CA006105978,USC00336346).

As a handy shortcut, mappings between user-defined names and a station id or id list can be defined in the locations section of .ghcn_fetch.yaml.

-invert (or -v)

Invert the -location selection criteria; i.e. select those stations where the pattern doesn't match.


Remove the listed items from the cache, with the exception of items that correspond to aliases in the user profile. All items will be reported with the word "removed" before the location name. You should list the files first and visually verify they are the ones you want to remove before using this option.

-age <int>

Select cache files where the file age is greater than or equal to <int> days. Use negative <int> to select less than or equal to. To select zero days, use zero.

-size <int> (or -kb)

Select cache files where the size is greater than or equal to <int> kilobytes. Use negative <int> to select less than or equal to.

-type <str>

There are three types of cache entries: Daily, Aliased-Daily, and Catalog. You can filter the list by providing a string containing any combination of D, A and C.


Remove all files from the cache.

-cachedir <dir>

This section defines the location of the cache directory where pages fetched from the NOAA GHCN repository will be saved, in accordance with your -refresh option. Using a cache vastly improves the performance of subsequent invocations of ghcn_fetch, especially when using the same station filtering criteria.

-profile <filespec>

Location of the optional user profile YAML file, which can be used to define location aliases and set commonly used options such as -cachefile. Defaults to ~/.ghcn_fetch.yaml.

-h | -help

Display this documentation.


Gary Puckering (jgpuckering@rogers.com)


Copyright 2022, Gary Puckering