Test::BDD::Infrastructure - a collection of step file definitions for Test Driven Infrastructure
version 1.005
This is a collection of generic step definitions for infrastructure testing with Test::BDD::Cucumber.
What is Test Driven Infrastructure?
TDI takes the concept of Test Driven Development used for software development and applies it to infrastructure.
Instead of software it is used to test infrastructure. Instead of function and classes it is used to test daemons and configuration.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::File
Checks for testing existence, attributes, size, mode and content of files and directories.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::DNS
Checks for constructing DNS queries and checking response and records.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Process
Checks for testing the process table.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::HTTP
Checks for testing a HTTP server.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Compare
Checks for testing configuration variables.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Filesystem
Checks for testing file system usage.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Swap
Check for testing swap space usage.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Socket
Checks for tcp/udp/unix-socket based checks.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Exec
Checks for executing commands and checking their output.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Logfile
Checks for watching log files.
- Test::BDD::Infrastructure::SystemUser
Checks for system user/groups.
First include the steps from a step_file:
# features/step_files/
Or just include individual steps:
# features/step_files/
Then define features of your infrastructure:
# features/webserver.feature
Feature: Example application is running on a webserver
For the example application to work it is necessary that the webserver
is configured and running.
Scenario: The webserver process must be running
Given a parent process like ^/usr/sbin/apache2.prefork is running
Then the uid of the process must be root
And the gid of the process must be root
And the RSS size of the process must be smaller than 32 megabyte
When there are at least 5 child processes like ^/usr/sbin/apache2.prefork
Then the uid of the child processes must be www-data
And the gid of the child processes must be www-data
And the RSS size of the child processes must be smaller than 64 megabyte
Scenario: The start page of the webserver must be accessible
Given the http URL
When the http request is sent
Then the http response must be successfull
And the http response header Content-Type must be like text/html
And the http response content must be like Welcome to Example
Scenario: The webserver must
Given the file /var/
Then the file mode must be 0640
And the file must be owned by user root
And the file must be owned by group adm
And the file must contain at least 1 line
And the file mtime must be newer than 5 minutes
See also
- Test::BDD::Cucumber
The perl cucumber implementation.
- Test::BDD::Cucumber::Harness::Nagios
Report your test results to nagios for monitoring.
- Test::BDD::Cucumber::Harness::Html
Generate HTML reports for your documentation, meetings etc.
Markus Benning <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Markus Benning.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.