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Changes for version 0.1.0_20 - 2014-05-08

  • Initial Release.


distributed project management tool
synchronization server for bif hubs
add a new project to an update
update a task topic
project current meta data


OptArgs dispatch module for bif.
build-time constants for App-bif
A context class for App::bif::* commands
display help information about bif
delete a topic or topic update
export a project to a remote hub
import projects from a remote hub
create new bif repository
list hubs registered with current repository
list valid issue status/status values
list projects' issues
list valid project status/status values
list projects with task/issue count & progress
list valid task status/status values
list projects' tasks
list projects' tasks and issues
review the repository or topic history
review the history of a hub
add a new issue to a project
create a new project
add a new task to a project
push a thread to another project
register with a remote repository
reply to a previous update or comment
display a item's current status
display a hub's current status
display a project's current status
run an SQL command against the database
exchange updates with hubs
update or comment a topic
upgrade a repository
Bifax synchronisation server
helper methods for a read-only bif database
read-write helper methods for a bif database
mini object-oriented module


in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/Bif/
in lib/App/bif/
in lib/App/bif/
in lib/Bif/Role/
in lib/Bif/Role/Sync/
in lib/Bif/Role/Sync/
in lib/Bif/