The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on Log-Any
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Net-Async-Slack-0.015 Slack realtime messaging API support for IO::Async 23 Jul 2024 00:53:27 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Log-Any-Simple-0.06 A very thin wrapper around Log::Any, using a functional interface that dies automatically when you log above a given level. 21 Jul 2024 22:32:14 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-ArduinoBuilder-0.08 All-in-one build system for Arduino programs 21 Jul 2024 18:56:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-GrowthBook-0.002 ... 18 Jul 2024 08:29:31 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Zonemaster-Engine-v6.0.0 A tool to check the quality of a DNS zone 01 Jul 2024 15:45:43 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Zonemaster-Backend-11.2.0 A system for running Zonemaster tests asynchronously through an RPC-API 01 Jul 2024 15:45:21 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-Fastly-6.06 an interface to most facets of the [Fastly API]( 01 Jul 2024 14:54:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents AsposeCellsCloud-CellsApi-24.6 Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for Perl 26 Jun 2024 22:05:13 UTC
River stage one • 5 direct dependents • 5 total dependents Git-Hooks-4.0.0 Framework for implementing Git (and Gerrit) hooks 16 Jun 2024 20:58:32 UTC
River stage one • 5 direct dependents • 5 total dependents OpenTelemetry-0.023 A Perl implementation of the OpenTelemetry standard 03 Jun 2024 09:35:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mojo-WebSocketProxy-Backend-ConsumerGroups-0.07 Class for communication with backend by sending messaging through redis streams. 22 May 2024 10:13:26 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Log-ger-0.020 Scenarios for benchmarking Log::ger 21 May 2024 00:05:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-ScenarioBundle-Log-Any-0.101 Scenarios for benchmarking Log::Any 20 May 2024 00:06:19 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Web-Async-0.004 Future-based web+HTTP handling 06 May 2024 17:35:04 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Data-TableReader-0.021 Locate and read records from human-edited data tables (Excel, CSV) 02 May 2024 20:46:29 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-TableReader-Decoder-HTML-0.020 HTML support for Data::TableReader 30 Apr 2024 08:53:24 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents CPAN-Testers-Schema-0.027 Schema for CPANTesters database processed from test reports 27 Apr 2024 08:51:32 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-Async-OpenExchRates-0.004 Interaction with OpenExchangeRates API 25 Apr 2024 18:16:16 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CSAF-0.22 Common Security Advisory Framework 23 Apr 2024 21:49:42 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 4 total dependents MarpaX-ESLIF- ESLIF is Extended ScanLess InterFace 16 Apr 2024 04:53:42 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 5 total dependents CGI-Info-0.81 Information about the CGI environment 09 Apr 2024 14:10:13 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Stancer-1.0.3 Stancer Perl library 01 Apr 2024 19:22:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Qhull-0.06 Interface to the Qhull convex hull, Delauny triangulation, Voronoi diagram software suite 29 Mar 2024 21:57:10 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PDL-NDBin-0.028 Multidimensional binning & histogramming 27 Mar 2024 15:56:39 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dancer2-Plugin-JobScheduler-0.006 Plugin for Dancer2 web app to send and query jobs in different job schedulers 24 Mar 2024 20:17:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Log-Any-Adapter-DERIV-0.008 one company's example of a standardised logging setup 20 Mar 2024 08:43:22 UTC
River stage two • 14 direct dependents • 16 total dependents Net-Stomp-0.62 A Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client 18 Feb 2024 11:47:39 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Bencher-Scenarios-Log-Any-0.100 Scenarios for benchmarking Log::Any 28 Jan 2024 00:05:19 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Net-Async-Redis-6.000 Redis support for IO::Async 27 Jan 2024 21:02:18 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Protocol-Database-PostgreSQL-2.001 PostgreSQL wire protocol implementation 27 Jan 2024 08:59:47 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Search-Elasticsearch-Cxn-NetCurl-8.12 A Cxn implementation which uses libcurl via Net::Curl 25 Jan 2024 10:56:51 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Search-Elasticsearch-Client-8_0-Async-8.12 Thin async client with full support for Elasticsearch 8.x APIs 25 Jan 2024 10:56:40 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Search-Elasticsearch-Client-8_0-8.12 Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 8.x APIs 25 Jan 2024 10:54:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Search-Elasticsearch-Client-7_0-Async-8.12 Thin async client with full support for Elasticsearch 7.x APIs 25 Jan 2024 10:53:02 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Search-Elasticsearch-Client-7_0-8.12 Thin client with full support for Elasticsearch 7.x APIs 25 Jan 2024 10:52:51 UTC
River stage one • 8 direct dependents • 9 total dependents Search-Elasticsearch-Async-8.12 Async API for Elasticsearch using Promises 25 Jan 2024 10:51:24 UTC
River stage two • 39 direct dependents • 54 total dependents Search-Elasticsearch-8.12 The official client for Elasticsearch 25 Jan 2024 10:49:58 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Plack-App-ServiceStatus-0.913 Check and report status of various services needed by your app 25 Jan 2024 10:00:34 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Telegram-Bot-0.025 A base class to make your very own Telegram bot 17 Jan 2024 17:11:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Database-Async-Engine-PostgreSQL-1.004 PostgreSQL support for Database::Async 08 Jan 2024 06:23:56 UTC
River stage two • 9 direct dependents • 17 total dependents Ryu-3.005 stream and data flow handling for async code 03 Jan 2024 20:22:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-Async-Github-0.013 support for the REST API with IO::Async 30 Dec 2023 00:51:35 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Database-ManagedHandle-0.003 Manage database handles safely for long running processes 26 Dec 2023 18:55:37 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent TheSchwartz-JobScheduler-0.002 Lightweight TheSchwartz job dispatcher with maintained database connections 25 Dec 2023 20:08:58 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Test-Database-Temp-0.003 Create temporary test databases and run tests in all available ones 21 Dec 2023 20:34:10 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Database-Temp-0.003 Create an ad-hoc database which drops itself automatically 19 Dec 2023 21:28:56 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Mojo-WebSocketProxy-0.16 WebSocket proxy for JSON-RPC 2.0 server 15 Dec 2023 07:50:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-XScreenSaver-DBus-1.0.5 tie xscreensaver into dbus 10 Dec 2023 16:13:03 UTC
River stage two • 34 direct dependents • 50 total dependents Code-TidyAll-0.84 Engine for tidyall, your all-in-one code tidier and validator 10 Dec 2023 02:31:40 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Image-DS9-v1.0.1 interface to the DS9 image display and analysis program 05 Dec 2023 05:25:05 UTC
321 results (0.085 seconds)